View Full Version : Other TeamLava Game Promotion Quests

07-26-12, 05:27 PM
These TL game promotion quests are very annoying. They supposedly only give you __ amount of days to complete the quests but then when that amount of time is up they give you more time! They NEVER go away. I never really want to play those games to complete the quests because I don't have time because I already play Restaurant Story and Bakery Story. TeamLava please stop with your game promotions on Restaurant and Bakery Story! If you agree post a comment below!

07-26-12, 05:28 PM
Actually, I don't care unless I'm not getting gems.

07-26-12, 05:44 PM
I think a couple of the goals actually went away because I reached a certain level in the games and then a new goal for that game never appeared. I do find it kind of annoying to have to play another game to get gems, BUT I like getting Gems so it is ok. Plus I found out I actually really like BubbleMania LOL.

07-26-12, 05:45 PM
No tl keep them coming... I luv them even if the game is boring

07-26-12, 06:34 PM
I dunno I found dragon story that way and I like it, and would've kept playing city metro if not for the stupid energy thing. And yeah I like getting gems too

07-27-12, 06:47 AM
They are ANNOYING. Gems are awesome, but personally, I am not dowloading 5 or 7 games or more for a few gems. It takes up way too much time and memory and I'd rather spend $20 then waste so much time.

So, I wish they would give the option to decline a goal so it wont keep popping up. Or maybe if you decline it today, you can do it the next day or something. Today, two more games they want us to download and I'm sorry it's getting to be a bit much. And it REALLY REALLY sucks knowing not everyone has the opportunity to do this. I personally work and have a social life and can't sit around all day waiting 4 minutes to do everything on every single game under the sun for a few gems that will only disappear on me anyway.

Yes, for the people who receive these goals who want them, let them. Have fun! For those of us who can't be bothered all the time, let us not have to deal with it constantly. I HAVE started other games based on these goals, and I am appreciative of the gems I have gotten. Thank you. But please give us the option to decline something and not have it constantly popping up and all over the place. It's over**** and a major turn off.