View Full Version : I didn't get today's update?

07-26-12, 01:03 PM
I'm on Android and always get updates on Thursdays. I've logged in and checked, still no new content. I don't even have an alert saying that new content is available like I usually do as the game loads. Is something up?

07-26-12, 01:04 PM
Then you should get the update on Tuesday. Sorry. There are a lot of things that are random with TeamLava.

07-26-12, 01:14 PM
I got the alerts of new content but haven't gotten anything new yet��

07-26-12, 01:14 PM
Then you should get the update on Tuesday. Sorry. There are a lot of things that are random with TeamLava.

I really hope this isn't going to become a regular thing. I've been spoiled with receiving updates on Thursday, and now they're changing it on me..

07-26-12, 01:16 PM
I really hope this isn't going to become a regular thing. I've been spoiled with receiving updates on Thursday, and now they're changing it on me..

I remember when that happened to me too. It went: Restaurant Story, then the next week, Restaurant Story, then the next week City Story, then the next week Nightclub Story, then City Story, then Restaurant... you get my point.

kooky panda
07-26-12, 01:18 PM
I got the alerts of new content but haven't gotten anything new yet��
If you got the pop -up (not the limited offer, but the update pop up) delete and redownload the game from the app store to see if you items show up.

07-26-12, 01:19 PM
R u playing on the normal version or the world games version? I had to go into the wg version to get them.

07-26-12, 01:20 PM
I deleted and downloaded the game again. It worked for me.

07-26-12, 01:21 PM
I didn't get any pop-up, but after reinstalling the game the new content showed up.

07-26-12, 01:30 PM
Ok seriously wat is goin on?! I have no updates on any games but am gettin the pop ups!! And fashion story nothing.... Is there new world games you have to download from the app store for fashion?????? I can't see them!!

07-26-12, 01:36 PM
I uninstalled and reinstalled. Got the update, but no pop-up! I'm on Android so there isn't a World Games version for us.

07-26-12, 02:44 PM
Ok seriously wat is goin on?! I have no updates on any games but am gettin the pop ups!! And fashion story nothing.... Is there new world games you have to download from the app store for fashion?????? I can't see them!!

Reinstall the game for bakery story world games.
For fashion, yes, u have to download another app to have the updates. Scroll down. Its there.

07-27-12, 07:38 AM
I haven't gotten any updates in city in about two weeks (I think) the last new thing that my city could get was the desert sand.

07-27-12, 07:40 AM
Whoops, sorry :( I'm on the wrong page...

07-28-12, 05:18 AM
Help please!!! I haven't got any updates or new items for more than a month on my Bakery story. What should I do?

07-28-12, 07:27 AM
Received no update nor update notice. I'll try a re-install and hope it works.

07-28-12, 07:40 AM
I deleted and reinstalled the game, but not update. I'm an Android user, but that shouldn't make a difference for an update ... or I wouldn't think. What's up??

07-28-12, 07:41 AM
Sorry ... I meant no update.

07-28-12, 07:44 AM
Help please!!! I haven't got any updates or new items for more than a month on my Bakery story. What should I do?

What device do you play on? If you're iOS, do you have the Bakery World Games version? If Android, try uninstalling and reinstalling from Google Play.

I deleted and reinstalled the game, but not update. I'm an Android user, but that shouldn't make a difference for an update ... or I wouldn't think. What's up??

Is it just this past weeks update you haven't received yet? If so, you may be one of the unlucky ones that has to wait until Tuesday for the update.

07-28-12, 08:05 AM
I've received the other updates and updates for me, were on Thursdays. Do you mean that I may have to wait another week? That would still leave me behind on an update. Something's not feeling right.

07-28-12, 08:08 AM
I've received the other updates and updates for me, were on Thursdays. Do you mean that I may have to wait another week? That would still leave me behind on an update. Something's not feeling right.

Updates roll-out on Thursday's and Tueday's. If you don't get the update on Thursday you'll most likely be a Tuesday update. I used to get all my updates on Thurday's as well, then all of a sudden one game one week would be moved to Tuesday and then again for that same game I'd get the Thursday update as well and a different game would be the following Tuesday update. I've been lucky this past month that all my updates have been on Thursday's again, but that doesn't mean they'll stay that way.

07-28-12, 08:26 AM
Well, there's no other choice but to wait and see if an update comes on this Tuesday (7/31) or Thursday (8/2), but ... that still will make me an update behind, since this weeks update didn't arrive this last Tuesday or Thursday. Just to make sure, I uninstalled and then re-installed the game a second time, but it didn't change anything. I guess it's a matter of some players getting updates and some not??

One of my daughters uses and Apple IPad2 and she's not received updates since the seashell table, so she's behind 2 updates now. She's afraid to re-install, because her IPad2 tells her she will lose all data. My other daughter also uses Android, as I do, but I don't know if she, too, has not received this weeks update. Kind of like playing the lottery ... you might get an update (win) and you may not?

07-28-12, 08:34 AM
Well, there's no other choice but to wait and see if an update comes on this Tuesday (7/31) or Thursday (8/2), but ... that still will make me an update behind, since this weeks update didn't arrive this last Tuesday or Thursday. Just to make sure, I uninstalled and then re-installed the game a second time, but it didn't change anything. I guess it's a matter of some players getting updates and some not??

One of my daughters uses and Apple IPad2 and she's not received updates since the seashell table, so she's behind 2 updates now. She's afraid to re-install, because her IPad2 tells her she will lose all data. My other daughter also uses Android, as I do, but I don't know if she, too, has not received this weeks update. Kind of like playing the lottery ... you might get an update (win) and you may not?

For your daughter with the iPad 2, she can delete regular Bakery Story and install Bakery Story World Games, that is the one she needs. It is ok if the data is deleted, as it's just deleting it from her iPad but not from TL's servers, which is where all the information is located. She should get 2 pop-ups about data deletion, one of them being from Game Center. The one from Game Center she should hit the KEEP button, this way her achievements won't be lost.

You're only 5 days behind by getting a Tuesday update. When you get your stuff on a Tuesday, it is the previous Thursday's update, not the update for the Thursday that is coming up in 2 days.

07-28-12, 08:53 AM
Thank you, queentina, that worked for my daughter with the IPad2.