View Full Version : Excuse me?! Decor prices have doubled??

07-23-12, 11:34 AM
So I have installed and am playing the silly other games (City, Dragon & War) simply to get the gem rewards. YESTERDAY the price of the hurdle decor was $4000 coins & now today, it is $8000?! And the potted plant was only $5000 & now it is $10,000? Can you all please explain this unfairness to me?

07-23-12, 12:11 PM
I don't know if it's just you or something new. Try restarting your device because all my prices are the same in Bakery Story. If that doesn't help, try emailing support or flag down a Community Manager for their response.

07-23-12, 12:23 PM
My game lists the hurdle divider as $4,000. My potted plant is also $5,000. I read on another thread, but have no idea if this is true or not, that the prices are not necessarily the same for everyone, even on the same device.

07-23-12, 12:40 PM
The prices for the new appliances has gone up from 25000 or 35000 to 50000...

07-23-12, 12:46 PM
Mine too.

Hello, my expansion I was saving for is now 8,000,000 coins! (which was 4,000,000). I didn't notice this until after I restarted my device, so it's up to date. Tons of other stuff is now doubled as well.

Fair or unfair, it's less fun, which will just mean I spend less time on this. The forty plus force restarts these days just adds to it.

07-23-12, 12:49 PM
Omg my last expansion was suppose to be 30 mil now it's 60 mil what the he ck

07-23-12, 12:51 PM
Are you all levels 96?

07-23-12, 12:52 PM
The prices for all recipes are also doubled, now they barely make a profit. Wtf are you doing TL?

07-23-12, 12:52 PM
Omg my last expansion was suppose to be 30 mil now it's 60 mil what the he ck

OMG I'm sick for you! That is awful!
What the what?!? Has a cash register always been 80,000??

07-23-12, 12:53 PM
I haven't seen a price change yet. Are you all in the U.S?

07-23-12, 12:53 PM
OMG I'm sick for you! That is awful!
What the what?!? Has a cash register always been 80,000??

No 40,000.

07-23-12, 12:54 PM
US, android, on level 63 here...

07-23-12, 01:00 PM
I haven't seen a price change yet. Are you all in the U.S?


07-23-12, 01:06 PM
Can a mod flag this over ? Prices for decor and expansions doubled overnight to some player including me? This has to be a bug with the new update

07-23-12, 01:09 PM
Can a mod flag this over ? Prices for decor and expansions doubled overnight to some player including me? This has to be a bug with the new update

You're Android?

07-23-12, 01:12 PM
I haven't seen a price change yet. Are you all in the U.S?

Answer: from this thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?30968-Different-Pricing-for-two-users&highlight=Price):
Not everyone will see the same prices for things in game.

I don't know if it's just you or something new. Try restarting your device because all my prices are the same in Bakery Story. If that doesn't help, try emailing support or flag down a Community Manager for their response.



It's not just the hurdles & potted plants. It's a lot of things.

The mermaid used to be 12,000 http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/annjohnbobbyrae/8bd02e92.jpg

It is now: http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/annjohnbobbyrae/57699c06.jpg

The flower vase was 15,000 i think. It is now :

This green vase was 70,000. Now:

I don't remember the menu board being this pricey

My next 17x20 expansion was to cost 5,000,000. Now:

Tables: (remember that blue table was 50k+? now:


the cash register :


I can't check the recipe prices of recipes or of stoves as yet. But from what others in the thread have said i'm sure they've doubled too.

07-23-12, 01:14 PM
I'm on an ipad 2. This is not device specific and I'm sure it was done by design.

Perhaps you all missed this gem of a thread and the answer provided there:

07-23-12, 01:18 PM
does everyone have this?

07-23-12, 01:19 PM
Most of my prices have also doubled, including the recipes. Not sure about the expansions, since I don't have the neighbor requirements met.

Unfortunately I don't this this is an error. I hope they change it back though.

kooky panda
07-23-12, 01:19 PM
I am on IOS and I have the increases. I will flag over, but It maybe by design.

07-23-12, 01:22 PM
I really feel it for new players :(
Check out sugar & valentine cookies :

And Red Velvet cake!


07-23-12, 01:22 PM
I am on IOS and I have the increases. I will flag over, but It maybe by design.

If it's by design, how do they expect new players to get anywhere in this game? How do they expect to make a new user a customer to their games?

07-23-12, 01:23 PM
Mine have changed, too I have now noticed. The dolphin statue used to be 60,000 or so, now it is 132,000. Same with shot put cart? was 9,000, now 18,000? My profits are way down from 4 weeks ago. Beginning to not be fun anymore. level 97. restarting, deleting, etc no help.

07-23-12, 01:23 PM
My prices haven't doubled at all. Everything is the same with me.

07-23-12, 01:26 PM
My prices haven't doubled at all. Everything is the same with me.

Lucky Yes I'm ios

07-23-12, 01:27 PM
My prices haven't doubled at all. Everything is the same with me.are you android or ios

07-23-12, 01:31 PM
are you android or ios
It isn't device specific.

nmishii is on an android and her prices have doubled. I am on ios and my prices have doubled.

As was stated by ButterPanda on another thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?30968-Different-Pricing-for-two-users&highlight=Price)
Not everyone will see the same prices for things in game.

07-23-12, 01:35 PM
It isn't device specific.

nmishii is on an android and her prices have doubled. I am on ios and my prices have doubled.

As was stated by ButterPanda on another thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?30968-Different-Pricing-for-two-users&highlight=Price)

Yeah but prices changing overnight not right

07-23-12, 01:35 PM
are you android or ios

I'm iOS. Was there a manual update or something?

07-23-12, 01:46 PM
So the prices have doubled for both platforms, but the daily bonus still has not been raised for android.

07-23-12, 02:02 PM
Seriously TL, this is a bug right?? Instead of $4,000,000 for my next expansion it's now $8,000,000!! Pretty much everything has doubled, tripled in price for me, same as the players above. What are you guys doing? I'm going to bite my tongue right now and assume this is a bug and wait for you to FIX it, ASAP please. Have you all lost your marbles or what?? It would be nice if you could also fix the lagging in the game, since the Olympic Games version has come out everything just seems real slow. Please and thanks....

07-23-12, 02:02 PM
So the prices have doubled for both platforms, but the daily bonus still has not been raised for android.

Maybe that has been put to the developers for discussion.:rolleyes:

07-23-12, 02:02 PM
Well it's obviously by design, TL have done this to encourage gem purchases/tempt people into buying gems to expand. I used to purchase gems every month I will NOT be purchasing anymore! :( this combined with constant refreshing which means I have to repeat the same action twenty times over is literally taking the fun out of the game. Why TL?? People would purchase gems anyway without all of these underhand tactics :( way to alienate some of your customer base!

07-23-12, 02:18 PM
This isn't the same as everyone not seeing the same prices for items in game, doubling prices overnight is just bat {} crazy! I'm at a loss for words if this is by design, hence the use of French right now. I'm iOS and in the U.S.

07-23-12, 02:27 PM
TL needs to start Bank Story because my bakery is going to need a small business loan soon.

07-23-12, 03:19 PM
Seriously guys??? All bs recipes have gone up in cost to prepare as well as counters etc! Granite counters were 10k now are 20k. Lucky coins ones were 7777 now are a lot more! With coin earnings low there's no way to ever get ahead. Thanks for completely ruining what was once a fun addictive game. I hope its only a glitch. (these just changed within a 24 gr span..)

07-23-12, 03:21 PM
You're kidding right? This afternoon, I bought a granite counter for 10k.
Are you playing regular bakery story or bakery story: world games?

07-23-12, 03:22 PM
TL needs to start Bank Story because my bakery is going to need a small business loan soon.

LMAO! Maybe they can update their Mobster game with some Banksters, we're getting robbed! I'm seriously considering not buying gems anymore, what's the point? If I can't expand then there's no room for new decorations. Go ahead TeamLava, make silly decorations that don't belong in a bakery. It'll make it wasy easier for me not to buy! I'm going to make a conspiracy theory claim, what if......just maybe this company isn't interested in producing for Bakery Story anymore? Maybe they want to irritate us and force us to stop playing all together so they don't have to design new updates and work on other types of games? If this comment gets moderated or 86'd all together then I'm right!

07-23-12, 03:22 PM
I didn't even realize my prices had increased. This is ridiculous! I've been a long-time player, and I'm starting to get tired of things like this.

07-23-12, 03:23 PM
Seems like all coin items from food to decor have doubled while food still brings in 4 coins. :( very disappointed.

07-23-12, 03:24 PM
World games. It was 10k for me this morning as well! The hula decor was 32 k. Now is 64 k.

07-23-12, 03:27 PM
Thats strange. i know today I bought something with the original price.
Is this for bakery story, bakery story world games or both?

07-23-12, 03:36 PM
I'm using Bakery Story World Games, but just checked in the regular version, and in both versions the prices are increased for me. I'm also trying to complete the goals for the other TL games as the OP stated. Maybe that has something to do with it, because once you gain the goal level, you are supposed to buy a decoration. Maybe prices will go back to normal once those are done, but if not, I will be extremely unhappy. :/

07-23-12, 03:46 PM
Thats strange. i know today I bought something with the original price.
Is this for bakery story, bakery story world games or both?

Hurry up and buy what you can! I think they are about to change the name as well...Inflation Story!

LOL Banksters,Pinkcherryb, can we form a Union Story?

07-23-12, 03:59 PM
TL we need this fixed ASAP ... It ain't funny if your are going to hike the prices of decor and expansions why not hike up the coins we get from selling food double them too

07-23-12, 03:59 PM
My iPod bakery hasn't changed, but my Android bakery has..... This is insane. I wouldn't care so much about the price hike for everything else if they made the profit margins BIGGER instead of SMALLER on the recipes!

07-23-12, 04:00 PM
*cracks up* Inflation Story!

YES! Let's start a union! Just call me Norma Rae!

Hey Hey! Ho Ho! TeamLava's greed has got to go!

07-23-12, 04:04 PM
*cracks up* Inflation Story!

YES! Let's start a union! Just call me Norma Rae!

Hey Hey! Ho Ho! TeamLava's greed has got to go!
Omg lol

07-23-12, 04:04 PM
Mine are the same but if they change you're going to see another miffed player posting what they think of it here.

07-23-12, 04:05 PM
Mine are the same but if they change you're going to see another miffed player posting what they think of it here.

Start now ... Unite with us

07-23-12, 04:08 PM
Expansions also Increased from 10 mil went to 20 mil.... 20 mil went to 40 mil ..... 30 mil went to 60 mil....

I was taking for ever to get to 10 mil halfway there now I have to get 20 mil hahah tl you need to fix this....

I'm not buying gems in any game until fixed

07-23-12, 04:09 PM
Start now ... Unite with us

Oh I'm miffed for those it has happened too but will be even more miffed if it happens to me as well. I think it was yet another unnecessary change. Just when they did a great job with the Olympic theme they had to go and spoil it for some by doubling the prices.

07-23-12, 04:10 PM
Forget it I'll never get to a higher level now...and I was just starting to get addicted

07-23-12, 04:11 PM
Let's get this thread to 50 pages to see if it gets tl attention

07-23-12, 04:12 PM
Forget it I'll never get to a higher level now...and I was just starting to get addicted

I'm level 96 and I still haven't fully expanded... Because money we earn is so slow but now they are making it slower by hiking the prices

07-23-12, 04:19 PM
Prices all doubled in my bakery but stayed the same in my husbands? Anyone know if this is just a glitch or what?

07-23-12, 04:26 PM
Sorry. I haven't seen any price change. Yet.

07-23-12, 04:29 PM
No change. Yet.

07-23-12, 04:30 PM
No change. Yet.

Don't rub it in ... Lol

kooky panda
07-23-12, 04:35 PM
I am on IOS and I have the increases. I will flag over, but It maybe by design.

Moving this to the Bakery feedback forum.

kooky panda
07-23-12, 04:37 PM
Guys I am going to merge this thread with the other threads on this topic.

07-23-12, 04:44 PM
I am on an iPhone 4, level 76 or so, bakery world game. I am glad I am not the only one, but this is BS!

07-23-12, 04:49 PM
Don't rub it in ... Lol

I'm not. Sorry. But I have no change. My prices are all the same. This is weird and now I'm scared.
I just took this picture.

07-23-12, 04:58 PM
I'm not. Sorry. But I have no change. My prices are all the same. This is weird and now I'm scared.
I just took this picture.

I know look at mine

07-23-12, 05:02 PM
So that's what that looks like. Eehhh. I've never experienced that before.

07-23-12, 05:16 PM
Thanks for posting the snapshot.
My prices are all the same and I'm glad and thankful.
I hope your problems will be resolved soon ~!

07-23-12, 05:26 PM
I'll join Union Story! Right now I'm in Bankrupt Story!

07-23-12, 05:31 PM
I need 4,000,000 for my next expansion.

After baking my {} off for ages,
I finally hit 3,000,000
and clicked Expansion just to pep myself up
that I'm nearer to my Goal.

And what do I see?!?!
8,000,000 now.

Thanks, TL.
You're amazing.

No $$$ to expand = No space for deco = No Gem purchase.

07-23-12, 05:32 PM
My "android" bakery prices have not changed but my "IOS" has?. Ive spent actual money on the IOS bakery.but no more. I will not pay another penny until this issue is resolved! Fair enough if everything went SLIGHTLY up, including profit. How is anyone meant to advance in the game? Cone ob TL sort this out.

07-23-12, 05:33 PM
I need 4,000,000 for my next expansion.

After baking my {} off for ages,
I finally hit 3,000,000
and clicked Expansion just to pep myself up
that I'm nearer to my Goal.

And what do I see?!?!
8,000,000 now.

Thanks, TL.
You're amazing.

No $$$ to expand = No space for deco = No Gem purchase.

You make a very good point. You're basically saying that you're now stuck in this game and can't advance. Just think if new players had experienced this. This is sad.

07-23-12, 05:33 PM
Is your bakery too big to fail?
Stay tuned for Bailout Story!

07-23-12, 05:34 PM
Is your bakery too big to fail?
Stay tuned for Bailout Story!

Oh wow. 3 new games in just a day!!!

07-23-12, 05:36 PM
I'll join Union Story! Right now I'm in Bankrupt Story!

How about "daylight robbery storey" !!!

07-23-12, 05:40 PM
Why hasn't TeamLava Staff responded to what's going on? They run the business, they know what happening.

07-23-12, 05:42 PM
My dragons have just offered to torch the place..............................

..Insurance Story!!

07-23-12, 05:43 PM
Is your bakery too big to fail?
Stay tuned for Bailout Story!

The exciting new mobile drama! Lol hope it doesn't end in Foreclosure story! I'm almost level 97 and
dont have enough coins to fill all my ovens with food. Fully expanded now I'm broke broke broke! Tonnes of food almost several of each item. Now I'm frozen in time with it. Lovely.

07-23-12, 05:45 PM
We are currently looking into these changes to determine if it is a bug or if recent changes were made to the item economy. Thanks for the all of the info. We'll post an update as soon as we have some news.

07-23-12, 05:47 PM
You make a very good point. You're basically saying that you're now stuck in this game and can't advance. Just think if new players had experienced this. This is sad.

Advancement is what keeps us going.

In fact, I'm going to STOP BAKING
(after my current recipes are done)
and only resume when the recipe prices are fixed!

In the meantime, I'm closing the Bakery.

07-23-12, 05:57 PM
If a store raises their prices to a point people are not ok paying, eventually those people do shop elsewhere.

If this is a new adjustment to the pricing then wouldn't it be fair to assume an equal increase in amount made by players (income) would increase as well? The way it stands now this game, at least to me, is no longer fun to play. Especially knowing that only some of the play

07-23-12, 05:58 PM
Players got the price hike?

07-23-12, 05:59 PM
We are currently looking into these changes to determine if it is a bug or if recent changes were made to the item economy. Thanks for the all of the info. We'll post an update as soon as we have some news.

Thanks will be waiting

07-23-12, 06:00 PM
In the meantime, I'm closing the Bakery.
I think you should complete the goals though.

07-23-12, 06:04 PM
I think you should complete the goals though.

Oh? The World Games goals?
Those are the only Goals
I've decided NOT to attempt 😒

Not keen on the prizes,
and the decos I have to buy to achieve them.

07-23-12, 06:07 PM
Oh? The World Games goals?
Those are the only Goals
I've decided NOT to attempt 😒

Not keen on the prizes,
and the decos I have to buy to achieve them.

Understood. But what if this is just a glitch (fixed after the goals) and you come back and you want the prizes. There's no way of getting them now.
But it's your decision. And I hope TeamLava can see this as well.

07-23-12, 06:15 PM
Understood. But what if this is just a glitch (fixed after the goals) and you come back and you want the prizes. There's no way of getting them now.
But it's your decision. And I hope TeamLava can see this as well.

LOL �� Believe me,
if I really wanted the prizes
like my Helpful Loretta and Jean Pierre,
I'd have jumped right in!

�� But the decos I have to buy
and the prizes clash terribly with my Bakery's theme ��

I've added you if you wanna peek.
Delete me later if you want :)

07-23-12, 06:19 PM
Some of those goals cost gems to finish as well just to get another fountain. See Bankrupt Story for details :p

07-23-12, 06:19 PM
LOL �� Believe me,
if I really wanted the prizes
like my Helpful Loretta and Jean Pierre,
I'd have jumped right in!

�� But the decos I have to buy
and the prizes clash terribly with my Bakery's theme ��

I've added you if you wanna peek.
Delete me later if you want :)

Sure. But I'm keeping you as a neighbor if you'll accept my requests. Lol.

07-23-12, 06:25 PM
LOL �� Believe me,
if I really wanted the prizes
like my Helpful Loretta and Jean Pierre,
I'd have jumped right in!

�� But the decos I have to buy
and the prizes clash terribly with my Bakery's theme ��

I've added you if you wanna peek.
Delete me later if you want :)

Lynn! I love your Bakery. It's the full on French Decor styled, elegant sweet shop heaven!

07-23-12, 06:25 PM
omg ... mine is FIXED!!!!!!!!!!

Thx, TL, and you are welcome to any of my new game idea for free...lol ;-)

07-23-12, 06:31 PM
One more: Thank you Story.


07-23-12, 06:31 PM
omg ... mine is FIXED!!!!!!!!!!

Thx, TL, and you are welcome to any of my new game idea for free...lol ;-)

Mine seems fixed too!!! Ya!! Cake and tea at my bakery for my union story friends :)

07-23-12, 06:33 PM
One more: Thank you Story.


I second that. :)

07-23-12, 06:37 PM
So this was a bug, but now its fixed? Can I stop being worried now?

07-23-12, 06:37 PM
Mine is "fixed" too. Thank you TL.

07-23-12, 06:38 PM
Me too but I think I wasted too much money baking @ the higher prices...

07-23-12, 06:38 PM

Back to 4,000,000.
Thank God...............

Lynn! I love your Bakery. It's the full on French Decor styled, elegant sweet shop heaven!

Awww thank you 😉
I like your too for its very cohesive Olympic concept ❤

Hello, new neighbour!

07-23-12, 06:43 PM

Back to 4,000,000.
Thank God...............

Awww thank you 😉
I like your too for its very cohesive Olympic concept ❤

Hello, new neighbour!

So you're completing the goals now, correct?

07-23-12, 06:51 PM
so you're completing the goals now, correct?

nope :d

07-23-12, 06:53 PM
You shouldn't have to complete goals to have your pricing returned to normal. I had decided not to do the goals, they are the worst goals on any TL game (in my opinion) that I've ever come across. This is absolute nonsense, I'm ready to serve what's on my stoves and I don't want to bake anything else for those ridiculous prices! So the only option left to me is to leave my stoves empty and close up my bakery!! I don't want to but what's the point anymore. This is so out of order TL...what the {} is going on here? You go from bad to worse on a regular basis these days! How am I supposed to have anything positive to say about you when you never give me the chance! I feel so reassured that this thread has been moved over to the bugs and feedback forum because you know how we always get such great results from that!! Please, give me a break, it may as well be posted on the moon for all the good it will do us... The randomness just keeps on coming, take a bow TL, you never disappoint on that one.

07-23-12, 06:55 PM
You shouldn't have to complete goals to have your pricing returned to normal. I had decided not to do the goals, they are the worst goals on any TL game (in my opinion) that I've ever come across. This is absolute nonsense, I'm ready to serve what's on my stoves and I don't want to bake anything else for those ridiculous prices! So the only option left to me is to leave my stoves empty and close up my bakery!! I don't want to but what's the point anymore. This is so out of order TL...what the {} is going on here? You go from bad to worse on a regular basis these days! How am I supposed to have anything positive to say about you when you never give me the chance! I feel so reassured that this thread has been moved over to the bugs and feedback forum because you know how we always get such great results from that!! Please, give me a break, it may as well be posted on the moon for all the good it will do us... The randomness just keeps on coming, take a bow TL, you never disappoint on that one.

I love it when you tell it like it is... kinda like Judge Judy. But tone it down, I don't want you to get a "vacation."

07-23-12, 07:04 PM
I love it when you tell it like it is... kinda like Judge Judy. But tone it down, I don't want you to get a "vacation."

Lol...I started that post, then ate dinner and came back and just posted without checking if things had been corrected...oops, my bad! I was really annoyed though, I guess because I wouldn't put it past TL to do this by design, sorry TL but that's how I feel these days. When you've been disappointed so many times you kinda come to expect it. I will say I'm very glad it was just a bug and thanks for restoring order to bakery story. Happy baking everyone:)

07-23-12, 07:21 PM
Thanks tl for fixing it

07-23-12, 07:22 PM
Why didn't it effect me?!!!!

07-23-12, 07:23 PM
Why didn't it effect me?!!!!

You are special lol

07-23-12, 07:24 PM
You are special lol

Thanks. I think...

07-23-12, 07:26 PM
Mine all doubled as well. I dont think they want people playing the game

07-23-12, 07:28 PM
Mine all doubled as well. I dont think they want people playing the game

They fixed it go check

07-23-12, 07:33 PM
Thank you. I had to restart my device to see the changes

07-23-12, 07:37 PM
The issue with the prices has been fixed. Please let us know if experience any other issues. Thanks for patiently waiting!

07-23-12, 07:45 PM
The issue with the prices has been fixed. Please let us know if experience any other issues. Thanks for patiently waiting!

07-23-12, 08:02 PM
Well as someone pointed out in another thread, it appears I've been asleep for a day. My prices could have gone up and then back down, but I don't know, because I never checked! I'm glad the problem was fixed though.

07-23-12, 08:03 PM
Oh and bigbux, sorry to disappoint you but I won't be doing the goals either! The prizes arent my 'cup of tea' lol!

07-24-12, 04:21 AM
unfortunately, mine is not fixed yet. TL please look into it. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!

07-24-12, 07:12 AM
unfortunately, mine is not fixed yet. TL please look into it. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!


Can someone help me fix the bug to restore the prices on my Bakery Story?!?!

07-24-12, 07:16 AM

Can someone help me fix the bug to restore the prices on my Bakery Story?!?!
Email support@teamlava.com. Or pv dw

07-24-12, 07:20 AM
Email support@teamlava.com. Or pv dw

Emailed them, but they're taking so long to reply =( What is pv dw?

07-24-12, 07:27 AM
Emailed them, but they're taking so long to reply =( What is pv dw?

Post 109 he is tl staff .... Click on his name and pick private message

07-24-12, 07:38 AM
Post 109 he is tl staff .... Click on his name and pick private message

Thanks for the info! I pm-ed him. Hopefully there's a solution fast =X

07-24-12, 10:53 AM
I just started playing within the last couple of days and I had no idea that my prices were doubled. I have restarted my device (iPod 8 gigs, 4th generation) and I've seen no change in prices. To confirm that my prices are doubled: My Brownies cost 60, Hurdle Dividers cost 8,000, and Pot O' Gold counters cost 15,554.

This (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?29144-Glitch-costs-me-100-s-of-thousands-of-coins-in-profit) rollback glitch makes it worse. I'm pretty sure I have been ripped off over half of what I've spent - over 200,000 coins judging from the badge I got yesterday - and the random loss of items probably makes it a lot more coins than I think. And from past experiences with game companies, I won't get any compensation for what I lost. Which is fine by me, really, if one of these problems gets fixed. But they're not.

07-24-12, 02:51 PM
Kp on another thread said everyones prices have been fixed. Try deleting and reinstalling the game, you won't loose any progress. Let us know if this works!

07-24-12, 06:04 PM
According to TL, "Please note that changes to features or prices may occur as you continue to play the game. We continue to make adjustments to the game's economy and balance to ensure the prolonged quality of the game for both new and existing users".

Apparently bug has been fixed, so any variation in prices at this time are due to game balances i.e. if your bakery story still shows high prices (LIKE MINE STILL DOES), then TOO BAD..
GRRR, this is how they solve, or rather DONT' SOLVE things??!

07-24-12, 07:06 PM
I had the lower prices originally. Then they went up for a day then they were back down. My daughter has had the higher prices the whole time. Sadly, because of this she can't do the Olympic goals.

07-24-12, 09:01 PM
Kp on another thread said everyones prices have been fixed. Try deleting and reinstalling the game, you won't loose any progress. Let us know if this works!

Nope, it doesn't. I have tried (reinstalled and reset) multiple times, before and after the maintenance.

If it helps, I've had the glitch since I started.

07-25-12, 05:29 AM
My daughters prices are still high too.

07-25-12, 05:31 AM
Nope, it doesn't. I have tried (reinstalled and reset) multiple times, before and after the maintenance.

If it helps, I've had the glitch since I started.

My daughter's prices have always been high too and reinstalling and restarting have not helped.

07-25-12, 05:33 AM
Nope, it doesn't. I have tried (reinstalled and reset) multiple times, before and after the maintenance.

If it helps, I've had the glitch since I started.
I don't think is a glitch I think it's intentional

07-25-12, 06:54 AM
Nope, it doesn't. I have tried (reinstalled and reset) multiple times, before and after the maintenance.

If it helps, I've had the glitch since I started.

Join the club, I've had the glitch since I started the game too. Doesn't seem like there's a solution to this.

07-26-12, 09:46 AM
I play on an iPhone 4s and my prices are double what my son's are on his iPod. It makes this game not so fun:/ Is this going to be fixed? If not, I may just delete this one. I love restaurant and dragon story, but this is very frustrating

07-27-12, 01:39 PM
My version of the reply:

This person's version of the reply:

They are clearly aware of the issue since we both told them about it AND they copy/pasted the exact same reply over the exact same issue.

Apparently, they're "unable to revert the prices to their original amount at this time," meaning that they don't even care that some players have an unfair advantage over other players.

Yeah. I think the same thing. They just don't want to change the prices back to the original. Well if you found it so easy to rack up the prices, what's so hard about lowering the prices.
But please, do not post support tickets into the forums, as they are private and confidential like a Private Message.
Plus, I wouldn't want you to be on a "vacation" from the forums.

07-27-12, 01:52 PM
getting extra appliances for me costs 49 gems to unlock instead of 24. never did unlock them in the first place after the maximum. my potted plants and other decors seem to have stayed the same. dumb price changes...

07-27-12, 04:35 PM
I have double prices as well, so I am feeling very ripped off by team lava. I installed this game to get the gems for dragon story, and I like the game enough to keep playing, but then I realised that all my prices are double what everyone else's were.

So unless the doubled prices are fixed I will be deleting the game :(

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and it has not fixed the problem.

07-27-12, 08:43 PM
I have now got an email back from team lava that they won't fix the doubled prices :( I am now seriously considering deleting all my team lava games

07-28-12, 04:57 AM
😞 Add me to the list filing for Bankrupt Story. My prices went up couple days ago and it hasn't gone back since. Sad thing is I just discovered the game the day BEFORE (everything was ok.) I even recommended it to my friend, she liked the game and lucky for her, her prices are the right one. It's not a matter of device as we are both using iPhones.

I purchased some potted plants to get a badge and had to spend 40k on the puny things. Mastering 60c brownies isn't as fun, let me tell you.

Team Lava, if you want to help me, please do, I've emailed you too 😞 I was enjoying your game before.