View Full Version : The Last Straw! WE NEED A GEM CONFIRMATION BUTTON!!!

07-23-12, 10:24 AM
so I'm in my bakery making food la la la almost done changing machines and ready to go on my merry way. to my dismay and horror I've unlocked my 23rd appliance slot and am ironically left with 23 gems. while I usually blame accidental purchases on my impatience or my iPod this time I was tapping another tab and i apparently spent 49 out of my 74 hard earned gems that I have been slaving away for for months and squierreling away for boxes. but nooo team lava had other ideas for my gems. anyway to get to the point we need a gem confirmation button! I know this is the umpteenth time it's come up and I know team lava has to make money but I don't buy gems because I know they'll be gone from accidental taps within a few days! I EARNED THOSE GEMS! I've downloaded ad played so many of their stupid and creepy apps to get gems, I've made so many batches I food, and tried so hard to avoid spending them. when I finally have enough to buy something big, I'm back down to 23! is there no justice in this world?!

07-23-12, 11:10 AM
May I add that mystery boxes should have an entirely different tab separate from purchasing expansions. It doesn't make sense to have those things together even if there was a confirmation button BUT there still needs to be one. Confirmation Buttons are in even in video games that are simply bought and paid for, no special currency purchased with real life money. It's not right TeamLava and you know this. Your loyal players and customers really do like your games otherwise they wouldn't play. Why ***** them? You gain nothing but animosity from this practice and as you've seen players are not willing to replace their losses with gem purchases. It's the equivalent of the "you break, you buy" policy but rigging the shelves to be flimsy and fall. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Listen to your customers because while you may have the technical ability and talent to create a fun albeit flawed game, don't assume another game company isn't scoping out your "flimsy" customer service. Two words, Blockbuster, Netflix. Nuff' said.

07-23-12, 11:19 AM
I'm with you on this. Wasted 20 hard earned gems this morning on unspoiling a few ridiculous cookies in Restaurant. The worst is when you tap the screen before the dialog box even comes up and it accepts it! These gem traps........ I'm never actually spending real money on this game until we get a confirm button. It's not worth it. They reject our ideas for a confirmation box, so I'm refusing to hand over any of my money!

07-23-12, 12:08 PM
I won't buy gems for this reason, either. I slaved away saving for a box, and lost 10 gems for coins bcs the tab is right next to the right arrow button to scroll forward. Apparently my thumb was too big for the right arrow button and it hit the purchase 10 gems for 20k coins....no confirmation button, so I lost all those hard earned gems in one fell swoop. Convenient that the tab is right next to the arrow button.....convenient for Team Lava, that is.

07-23-12, 12:09 PM
What platform do you guys play on? I've chosen to recover food that spoiled before but that was when I first started playing the game. When that happened I had multiples of the same dish cooking and when I chose to recover for 5 gems it only recovered the spoiled dish on one stove. Is this a new feature? Whenever I make a dish now that has a short cooking time and I don't get to it in time and the food spoils I'm given the option of throwing it away or recovering it for 5 gems. If you mistakenly choose to recover the food on one stove does ALL of the spoiled food on every stove get recovered too? That's a very deceptive feature. I play on an android phone btw.

07-23-12, 12:12 PM
I won't buy gems for this reason, either. I slaved away saving for a box, and lost 10 gems for coins bcs the tab is right next to the right arrow button to scroll forward. Apparently my thumb was too big for the right arrow button and it hit the purchase 10 gems for 20k coins....no confirmation button, so I lost all those hard earned gems in one fell swoop. Convenient that the tab is right next to the arrow button.....convenient for Team Lava, that is.

Compared to the size of the buttons on the screen everyone has big fingers, I think you'd need fingers the size of a newborn infant to safely click away. Maybe not even then lol AND YES, gem purchase buttons are always so "conviently" placed next to what you're really trying to buy. You need to tread like a cat on a tightrope with this game.

07-23-12, 12:20 PM
I really hate listening to these stories because it's so sad. My views on TeamLava changed on New Years Eve when they claimed I bought a door for 10 gems in Restaurant Story when I wasn't even under the wall decorations under DESIGN. It was a Sync Error that took my gems because if I had really bought a door, why did my restaurant refresh to the way it looked 2 minutes ago before the refresh? They never answered that question... anyway.

I'm sorry about your gems and it's such a shame how they want good ratings and reviews when they're taking advantage of their customers. I've been with TeamLava from the start because of their difference from other companies. They were set apart, and now they're just in the crowd. And the fact that they won't keep their customers happy by give a refund is a SHAME! How dare they use our money to make more games (that we didn't ask for), silly content (that we didn't ask for), and terrible features (that we didn't ask for).
I was just like you emma2997, I had saved up for a lot of things in all my games just to see that they'd be taken away. I earned those gems/cc fair and square from sticking with this company and the least I can do is spend them on what I really want.

...I got carried away, didn't I?

07-23-12, 03:29 PM
bigbux3 IMO no you didn't get carried away. No one likes to be taken advantage of. We get enough of that in real life. While I do love the game in theory, the flaws and outright theft is inexcusable. Your passion is shared by many players both paying and non paying. At this moment due to the price hike made personally for me wrapped in a pretty pink glittering bow (sarcasm) I have a plethora of four letter words running through my noggin but of course I have to think of the children on this forum. I'll keep it classy, for now.

07-23-12, 03:30 PM
There was a time when I was saving up gems for the Cake & Tea Box because it was so pretty. I had saved up about 43-ish gems (I wanted to buy two boxes at the same time and seeing so many gems in my gembox made me feel satisfied ^^; lol) and I had accidentally double-clicked on an appliance.
... can you guess what happened??
I had unintentionally clicked the "finish all food" button and in the end I just gave up on buying the special boxes.

07-23-12, 06:23 PM
I do this all the time too and I always blamed it on my fat fingers! What I do now is when I've accumulated enough gems to guy anything, I spend it immediately...even if it's something totally lame because I know I will have the gem rug pulled right beneath me if I don't use it. At least, even if I spend it on something lame, I still get a small satisfaction that I chose to spend it instead of it being "accidentally" spent FOR me! I know...I'm so childish.

07-23-12, 06:31 PM
bigbux3 IMO no you didn't get carried away. No one likes to be taken advantage of. We get enough of that in real life. While I do love the game in theory, the flaws and outright theft is inexcusable. Your passion is shared by many players both paying and non paying. At this moment due to the price hike made personally for me wrapped in a pretty pink glittering bow (sarcasm) I have a plethora of four letter words running through my noggin but of course I have to think of the children on this forum. I'll keep it classy, for now.

They don't need to bring the real world into fun though. Games are supposed to get you out of the real-world-funk.

07-23-12, 07:04 PM
I will never, ever buy ANY gems until a confirmation button is installed.
Guess I won't ever be buying gems, eh?

07-23-12, 07:06 PM
Gotta go rate TL games now. Wonder what I will rate them?

07-23-12, 07:32 PM
I have been trying to master some recipes lately, but I am staying a few batches short of finishing them off, just so I don't get the gems til I want something. Of course, with my track record... if I really want it, I'll just buy gems anyway. Bad, huh. I now have another piano cos I couldn't help myself, I had to buy a box. Trace35 - STILL NO STOOL!!!

07-23-12, 07:54 PM
I lost 150 gems that I paid REAL MONEY for because of this

07-23-12, 09:36 PM
I have been trying to master some recipes lately, but I am staying a few batches short of finishing them off, just so I don't get the gems til I want something. Of course, with my track record... if I really want it, I'll just buy gems anyway. Bad, huh. I now have another piano cos I couldn't help myself, I had to buy a box. Trace35 - STILL NO STOOL!!!
So now you have TWO pianos and zero stools? Lol, it's getting worse!

07-23-12, 09:42 PM
Yep.... and 3 Miss Confectionery people to keep everyone company :)

07-23-12, 09:46 PM
I would hate to see your visa bill! Lol!

07-23-12, 10:09 PM
Yeah shame on me...

07-23-12, 10:53 PM
Agree. They need to add a Confirm button for gem items purchase

07-24-12, 02:52 PM
Accidentally sped up my food with gems and lost my gems . Very frustrating ! Especially when you work so hard for them

07-24-12, 02:53 PM
I spent 100 gems by accident because of no confirm button

07-24-12, 07:17 PM
I recently had the same thing happen with a $49 (I just threw up!) Oven slot that I didn't want or need! I went round & round with TL "support" to only wind up feeling USED & ABUSED! I'm still sick about it! Thanks for caring TL!

07-24-12, 07:26 PM
Argh, just the other day I wasted 15 gems on a lousy constructible because the game was lagging and I was tapping a box waiting for it to show me what all I needed to build it and before I knew it, 15 gems gone :/

07-24-12, 07:34 PM
With no gem confirmation button, the lastest themes being boring or out of place for a bakery, and a barrage of expensive construble appliances (practically a new one every week! Couldnt they condense machines?!) I'm seriously considering quitting. Im halfway to level 97 but I might not even stay long enough to finish thelevel. Kinda discouraging. And i am along time player of over a year, if the game was this buggy and difficultin the beginning I never would have kept playing. Shoutout to TeamLava: maybe if you actually read our complaints and suggestions there would be more compliments players and revenue from gems. I will never buy gems until i see chnages in the company. Then again Im so fed up I doubt I'll stick around long enough to hope for changes that never come. . .

07-25-12, 08:26 PM
That is my gripe with the game too. I know it is JUST a game, but I nearly cried the other day when I accidentally clicked "SKIP" goal for 20 gems instead of hitting "BUY" for a cheap item (I think it was the torches one)! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I promised myself if I ever lost gems in a "gem trap" that would be the last time I payed for gems and I am going to stick with that promise. No more gem purchases now, I am DONE with that. I totally agree there needs to be a confirm button. Other than greed and just plain not caring about your customers, I don't see any reason for not having a confirm button. . . I run a business myself, it's just good customer service not to set up your customers like that, intentionally or unintentionally.

07-25-12, 10:03 PM
I was eating next to my iPad. Wouldn't you know it, a spck of food landed on it. I swiped it off, and I guess the design tab was open, because it "purchased" a box. I ended up with this stupid bookcase. I had no intention of buying a box. With just ONE tap! WE NEED A CONFIRMATION POPUP for gem purchases! I promise you, I will NEVER buy gems until you resolve this issue.

07-26-12, 10:25 AM
Last straw is uninstalling the game. This has been an issue for years now, not going to change.

07-26-12, 10:45 AM
They aren't going to install a confirmation button. Are u guys crazy??!!! That lovely little glitch probably covers their wages, and a monthly retreat.

07-26-12, 11:05 AM
They aren't going to install a confirmation button. Are u guys crazy??!!! That lovely little glitch probably covers their wages, and a monthly retreat.

So they get money from us the un honest way? Do you know how wrong that sounds? Lol.

07-26-12, 11:25 AM
un honest. That's an interesting way to put it. Now THAT does sound wrong.

07-26-12, 11:34 AM
to pinkcherryb
for 5 gems only the food on 1 oven will be recovered, so if you had 5 ovens that were spoilt it would take 25 gems to recover all the spoilt food.
i hope this helps, ps ive played on both iphone and now android and its the same on both phones.

07-26-12, 01:11 PM
to pinkcherryb
for 5 gems only the food on 1 oven will be recovered, so if you had 5 ovens that were spoilt it would take 25 gems to recover all the spoilt food.
i hope this helps, ps ive played on both iphone and now android and its the same on both phones.

Wow, that's theft. I haven't had that happen to me and now I'm going to play very slowly. I'm wondering when that changed, I started playing last December.

07-26-12, 05:41 PM
That is my gripe with the game too. I know it is JUST a game, but I nearly cried the other day when I accidentally clicked "SKIP" goal for 20 gems instead of hitting "BUY" for a cheap item (I think it was the torches one)! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I promised myself if I ever lost gems in a "gem trap" that would be the last time I payed for gems and I am going to stick with that promise. No more gem purchases now, I am DONE with that. I totally agree there needs to be a confirm button. Other than greed and just plain not caring about your customers, I don't see any reason for not having a confirm button. . . I run a business myself, it's just good customer service not to set up your customers like that, intentionally or unintentionally.

AHHH (I am quoting myself here because) As ironic as it is, 25 of my gems disappeared RIGHT AFTER I came and wrote here!!!! I don't know how it happened, but I lost them. I didn't accidentally buy something, I didn't accidentally complete foods or complete goals. Just one time I open the game I have my 34 gems, the next thing I know I only have 9. . . I am trying to find out what the heck happened with TeamLava & hoping they will give them back :(

07-28-12, 04:51 PM
I lost 8 gems yesterday in a gem trap. Like you I don't even know what I accidentally spent it on, all I know is that most of the gems are gone :(

07-31-12, 11:35 PM
i need gems confirmation button, cancel/delete invitation button ,and a select all button for sending gift to my neighbors.

08-01-12, 11:07 AM
Yes Team Lava we want a gems confirmation button. i lost 100 gems and i'm not happy.

08-01-12, 08:16 PM
Several times I've been so tired that I accidently click the Finish cooking this dish INSTANTLY for 5 gems button. I lost like 30 gems now because of that!!! -.- I'm on the Android version so it's harder to get gems without buying.

A confirm button would be nice ...

08-02-12, 12:08 AM
I recently lost 16 gems to recover spoiled food--it was the second gem trap I've fallen prey to (In BS, have fallen into two in RS as well). I, too, won't buy gems until there is a confirmation button.

08-02-12, 12:14 AM
And so I zoom into exact location of oven etc.

08-02-12, 08:34 AM
I was saving gems and money to expand my store. It took forever to save enough to advance to the next expansion. I clicked on a level of expansion that was 2 levels up from what I was actually eligible for because I had that much money saved up. It took my millions and only expanded to the first available level! I wouldn't be upset if it had expanded me to the level it took my money for but I lost somewhere in the neighborhood of $5 million and didn't get the expansion I paid for. I hope others learn from my mistake. If you aren't eligible for the upgrade yet, the games shouldn't allow them to happen! I refuse to buy gems, either because of the same issues as everyone else.

08-05-12, 03:03 PM
so I'm in my bakery making food la la la almost done changing machines and ready to go on my merry way. to my dismay and horror I've unlocked my 23rd appliance slot and am ironically left with 23 gems. while I usually blame accidental purchases on my impatience or my iPod this time I was tapping another tab and i apparently spent 49 out of my 74 hard earned gems that I have been slaving away for for months and squierreling away for boxes. but nooo team lava had other ideas for my gems. anyway to get to the point we need a gem confirmation button! I know this is the umpteenth time it's come up and I know team lava has to make money but I don't buy gems because I know they'll be gone from accidental taps within a few days! I EARNED THOSE GEMS! I've downloaded ad played so many of their stupid and creepy apps to get gems, I've made so many batches I food, and tried so hard to avoid spending them. when I finally have enough to buy something big, I'm back down to 23! is there no justice in this world?!

Emma the same happened to me over the weekend and it makes me want to stop playing. I was doing to same as you and storing my gems for future limited time offers or maybe a box or two here and there. I was up to like 89 gems and then I got screwed by the reset **** that the games have been doing. I stored a few appliances and when I was clicking the new appliance to place the game reset real quick, putting the stored stoves back in my bakery and so all there was was the unlock appliance which at that point I was apparently pressing. Bang there goes 49 gems!!!

I really dont understand TLs thought on this. I will never spend a dime with TL for this very fact. Ive lost gems (not 49) before with these traps, at least this one I got something, another time was instantly cook frech toast for 20 gems. Why would I buy gems only to lose them in some sceme from TL? Its very obvious that TL keep it this way because there are other confirmation buttons in the games, just not for the gem using/wasting. I have money to spend and spend money on other games that have honest business tactics. TL, I enjoy your games and would give you money but your poor business choices are costing you money.

08-06-12, 07:50 AM
I was in RS & had worked so hard to earn monies & gems to finally expand & give it a face lift with new tables & just other things. I looked at my 147 gem count left the game came back a bit later check on my cooking foods& saw 5 gems!!! I think I stopped breathing & started looking for my gems. I immediate email TL because I know for a FACT I did not have any tabs opened. Same happen to me in BS & TL said I bought a candy table. My BS space was tight & I was trying to expand so why would I by anything. TL refused to give me back my gems. But this time the loss of 142 gems just because then as I was playing their update thingy interrupted the game & I loss my gems. TL did acknowledge the glitch but refused to give back gems. Now RS World Games has taken 142 gems& i was not playing. After email to TL i looked @ my storage& was horrified there were 4 couches ( all the same) & 2 other display items. I sent a follow up email to TL & awaiting response. I am currently looking at other non TL games to play & will no longer play any TL until they do right& give back my gems & take back their forced items on me. Anyone ever hear of TL doing right by the player?

08-11-12, 08:12 AM
Yeah, we do really need that confirm button. I just fall for a gem trap, I didn't meant to buy a counter that cost 10 gem! I meant to buy the counter that was near the one that cost ten gem which is only 7,777 coins! *scratch heads* I need to work on the goal offer on monster stories to get the gem back, sigh.

08-11-12, 09:36 AM
Same thing just happened to me. I just wasted *50* gems on recovering spoiled food that I didn't care to recover.

I seriously am thinking of giving up these games. Until TL implements a confirmation button, they are nothing but robbers and thieves.

08-12-12, 02:31 PM
with you all the way!!! i lost 2 gems accidently buying a mystery box. :mad:

08-12-12, 02:39 PM
** 24 gems

08-14-12, 06:21 PM
I'm really upset too. I got the "your bakery is out of sync..." message, and while hitting ok to get the screen to clear, somehow the game opened a mystery box and spent 24 of my gems on a box I didn't want because wheb I got the out of sync message to clear it had the "congratulations you have received..." message up! I didn't even have that open, let alone was I attampting to spend any of my gems! This is SOOOOO ridiculous! I want my gems back! Help!

08-19-12, 08:59 PM
+100000000000 :)

08-20-12, 12:25 AM
I'm really upset too. I got the "your bakery is out of sync..." message, and while hitting ok to get the screen to clear, somehow the game opened a mystery box and spent 24 of my gems on a box I didn't want because wheb I got the out of sync message to clear it had the "congratulations you have received..." message up! I didn't even have that open, let alone was I attampting to spend any of my gems! This is SOOOOO ridiculous! I want my gems back! Help!

Something similar happened to me the other day. I haven't heard back from support yet.

08-20-12, 03:51 AM
Do I enjoy reaching levels on world war, fashion story, pet shop story, monster story, bubble mania and all the other stories? No, I hate spending hours doing that, but I do it for the 6 gem reward. But what's the point when they just take them off you? I was on RS and clicked on an item in the design tab that was more money then I had, then I got a pop up saying I now had 14,000 gold. Not bad for doing nothing, I thought, until I noticed they had taken 10 gems. 10 gems for 14,000 measly gold. I didn't click a single thing to confirm this, but they refuse to refund them. Not to mention the wasted gems on speeding up food. That's why I prefer the ovens which require no preparation as it means less clicking. We shouldn't have to live in fear of accidentally spending gems.

08-20-12, 04:01 AM
I know that I was caught out on RS, but I just wanted to share my story. That was the reason I moved to BS, though I assume it won't be long until all the gems mysteriously disappear

08-20-12, 10:37 AM
I have neuropathy from cancer treatment. sometimes my fingers do not work properly and I hit the wrong key or Fingers are really tender. sometimes I have no feeling and other times too much. I have been caught by the gem traps but sometimes random things happen and I was not doing anything remotely near those buttons. I dislike the popups that try to get you to spend gems too. if you are not careful and are trying to get past all the opening popups, you can click a button that opens under your finger. now a strange thing happened. I was typing finger and ingredient popped up! I really would like to see a confirm button or a way to hide gems away.

08-20-12, 07:29 PM
yes I lost 30gems!!! all I wanted to do was bake golden cookies, and viola it cooked everything instantly not just one dish!!!

08-24-12, 09:27 AM
Now I know what you're talking about. I just spent - I don't know - maybe 10 gems for something I don't even know at my RS. I already emailed to TL. From your posts I guess maybe I bought 10.000 coins for cooking bacon & eggs. :-) Well, I hope my customers will eat them with real pleasure. I am only happy hat it didn't happen at my BS.
But you are absolutely right: We need a confirmation Button! I also play smurf's village, which is also a free game, where you can buy the smurfberries. And there is actually a button which asks you if you really want to spent them.

08-24-12, 10:32 AM
Yeah, I don't get it either. How hard can it be to actually add that button? People won't be so angry and give 1 star rating and quit the game. This would benefit the company.