View Full Version : My pool counter just disappeared

07-23-12, 02:02 AM
Hello! I've bought a pool counter for the Goal and after that i checked the goal and there was a check mark, so i stored the counter (i don't like it) and then i bought the four chairs. Nothing happened. I checked the list and the goal told me to buy a pool counter! I thought it's because i stored it but when i wanted to place it again i noticed that i don't have one.. So, i lost 10 gems for a pool counter which disappeared and the goal is also still there :( Now i have 21 gems left so i could buy another counter but i don't want to lose my other gems also, what should i do?:(

07-23-12, 04:40 AM
Email teamlava... They should give you your counter back or you ten gems so you can buy Another one

kooky panda
07-23-12, 04:58 AM

Also try restarting your device to see if the pool counter shows up.