View Full Version : Considering buying gems

07-21-12, 12:05 PM
I am considering buying gems, but I'm a little nervous about entering my credit card information in my phone. Is this safe? Can you use a Visa gift card to buy gems?

07-21-12, 12:44 PM
You can buy an iTunes gift card at most stores (Target, drugstores, etc.) and enter the code so you dont need to enter your credit card information. it's safe and i have done this many times.

07-26-12, 09:33 PM
Yes, so many gems are lost in traps, I can't imagine what it would feel like if I had actually paid real money for them! I will never buy gems until a confirmation button is installed.
However as the decision is yours, if you do decide to buy them, try to spend them straight away, plan ahead and purchase gems for items you have in mind already.