View Full Version : Help w/ breeding eagle,fairy,seabreeze

07-20-12, 12:24 AM
Hello, I need help breeding the eagle, fairy and seabreeze
I usually get fruitful and firestorm :(
Is there any tips or hints that can help me get them? Or any rare


07-20-12, 01:28 AM

Youh Can Get Seabreeze With Epic Air And Level 7 Mist Air on Left Mist On Right

07-20-12, 01:30 AM

Fairy I Got With Epic Forest & Genie Level 4 Forest On Left Genie On Right Works On First Try Also With Seabreeze Got Two Fairies First Try

07-20-12, 02:15 AM
I got seabreeze first try with Epic Wizard x Epic Scorpion. Eagle I have 5 all by Epic Fire x Epic air. (19 tries total. also got 1 scorpion, the rest were firestorm.) Fairy I got by doing various mixes of air x forest. 22 tries and so far I have 4 fairies and 18 fruitful..lol Still no Parakeet though

07-21-12, 01:44 AM
I Got those three with island x firestorm. But you must try a few times (or many times , depend on your luck )

07-21-12, 04:18 AM
I got seabreeze by breeding level 10 air and level 10 water after 3 tries

07-21-12, 06:40 AM
I got 5 fairies from forest x air, both epics. I got one eagle from fire x air (sorry, don't remember the levels) and another from eagle x fire, both epics. Keep trying! It takes a lot of luck.

07-21-12, 01:45 PM
I got 5 fairies from forest x air, both epics. I got one eagle from fire x air (sorry, don't remember the levels) and another from eagle x fire, both epics. Keep trying! It takes a lot of luck.

Ok...make that 6 fairies. Just got another with trickster x serpent. Its funny because before i could never ever get a fairy, even after 20 tries, but now i get them so easily, without even trying to. I also noticed that sometimes when I tap the breed button just a little while off the real time it ends (like up to 5 min) i got rares. I dont know if its a coincidence or not, but it wouldn't hurt to try that. :)