View Full Version : Extra Sheds?

07-19-12, 04:51 PM
This may be a silly question, but what do you do with all of the extra sheds you build for the XP points? Currently I have whole bunch of them in storage and don't see placing them all on my farm.

Do you all sell them or just keep in storage? :confused:

07-19-12, 05:16 PM
I bought the sheds because they were great xp points and I used them to level up. Now that you need parts I don't mind them. I have 26 in my storage and I don't use them.

07-19-12, 06:30 PM
I sold all mine.

07-19-12, 11:43 PM
I used to sell them, but now I tend to keep them.
Until the point I decide differently. :D

Why not start a competition: The best building made of sheds only!

So pinkster is out! :p

07-20-12, 07:19 AM
I'm aiming for 576 sheds, then i guess i will sell some.

07-20-12, 07:34 AM
lol great idea!

07-20-12, 09:19 AM
I see them when I forget to keep extra $$$ after I expand.

I just wish I could remember to sell them before I fall into the 10000 coins for 10 gems ****trap

07-20-12, 10:51 AM
I used to sell them, but now I tend to keep them.
Until the point I decide differently. :D

Why not start a competition: The best building made of sheds only!

So pinkster is out! :p

I'm SO out. I have zero.

07-20-12, 01:37 PM
I sell all mine.

07-20-12, 02:55 PM
:(:(Thanks all for your replies. Still stinks to have to buy them at $10K only to turn around and sell for $1K. Essentially spending $9K to earn 1100 XP.

07-20-12, 03:29 PM
:(:(Thanks all for your replies. Still stinks to have to buy them at $10K only to turn around and sell for $1K. Essentially spending $9K to earn 1100 XP.

True. But for many it's about deciding if coins or leveling up is higher priority for you. I've sold some of my sheds on my phone, but have kept every one on my Kindle. I want to keep track of how many I've done there.

07-20-12, 04:00 PM
With the help of sheds, and power planting, I got to level 75 in 2 1/2 mths. Now I can finally design the farm I want without adjusting every time I expand. So I am happy with the coins I spent although I wouldn't say no to extra expansions!

07-20-12, 07:47 PM
:(:(Thanks all for your replies. Still stinks to have to buy them at $10K only to turn around and sell for $1K. Essentially spending $9K to earn 1100 XP.

$18K counting the dog bowls you forfeit to get the materials.

07-21-12, 03:06 AM
:(:(Thanks all for your replies. Still stinks to have to buy them at $10K only to turn around and sell for $1K. Essentially spending $9K to earn 1100 XP.
I still think this is a pretty good ratio.
In higher levels you don't know what to do with all the money - that's the time when you need huge amounts of XP to level up.

07-21-12, 09:16 AM
I got enough coins and I got enough xp's.

What Im missing is NEIGHBORS. Ineed 4 more for the 23x23.

I am so sorry that a month or so ago I cleaned house and deleted a halfdozen or so inactive farms. :<
I am so not deleting those empty farms THIS time. Im going to need them for the 24x24.

So, yeah, go ahead add me.

07-21-12, 10:27 AM
I have been playing for 3 months, level 97, I bought winery, mansion, enchanted retreat & as many tool sheds as I can beg parts to build. For me it is worth the coins. Dog bowls can be sold for 400 coins, no XP. And you need to clear space to put the bowls so you can sell them, losing vvaluable crop space. Tool shed is 10,000 coins 1100 XP. That formula works for me. Every one plays their own way.
My original plan was to reach level 100 before decorating, now I buy stuff, put on farm for a day store, then back to just crops.

07-21-12, 11:12 AM
I put my house in storage, sell my dog bowls, and put my house back on my farm.

When I was power-planting (no buildings, just crops) I'd harvest my crops, sell my dog bowls, and plant more crops. Only took a minute or two and I'd have my $8000.

07-21-12, 07:50 PM
I put my house in storage, sell my dog bowls, and put my house back on my farm.

When I was power-planting (no buildings, just crops) I'd harvest my crops, sell my dog bowls, and plant more crops. Only took a minute or two and I'd have my $8000.

That's what i do. The put the house in storage thing.

07-21-12, 08:21 PM
We too. I even ave my 'xp' shed hidden behind my barn, so no one can see it in construction form, and another permanent shed bby the house. I thought of power planting my way to the '90s' but what's the point? There are no more extensions or benefits that I can see....... Or are there?

07-21-12, 08:24 PM
I'm a hoarder. LOL. I keep everything I buy. Sometimes, I get frustrated when I have to scroll through the pages. I don't know how other people do it when they create art work.

07-21-12, 08:25 PM
I put my house in storage, sell my dog bowls, and put my house back on my farm.

When I was power-planting (no buildings, just crops) I'd harvest my crops, sell my dog bowls, and plant more crops. Only took a minute or two and I'd have my $8000.
That's how you play, nice but I don't have house on my farm most of the time, just crops. I want to reach level 100 October, housesgetbin the way. I still prefer building sheds, takes 1 square until built, 1100 XP vs 400 coin bowlshed wins hands down. If it does not generate xpno good to me. So far I have made 30,000,000 coins, 400 is not worth my time.:cool:

07-22-12, 09:42 AM
That's how you play, nice but I don't have house on my farm most of the time, just crops. I want to reach level 100 October, housesgetbin the way. I still prefer building sheds, takes 1 square until built, 1100 XP vs 400 coin bowlshed wins hands down. If it does not generate xpno good to me. So far I have made 30,000,000 coins, 400 is not worth my time.:cool:

Wow, 30,000,000 coins. Been playing for a few months and only have a fraction of that amount. I like to think I plant a lot but do have a little over half my space for crops. Rest is trees, animals, and a few bldgs. Am I better off putting aniimals/trees in storage and replace with crops. Currently at lvl 46 and bldg sheds eveyday. Taking forever to level up though and need to get to 50 for next expansion. Any suggestions?

07-22-12, 09:52 AM
Wow, 30,000,000 coins. Been playing for a few months and only have a fraction of that amount. I like to think I plant a lot but do have a little over half my space for crops. Rest is trees, animals, and a few bldgs. Am I better off putting aniimals/trees in storage and replace with crops. Currently at lvl 46 and bldg sheds eveyday. Taking forever to level up though and need to get to 50 for next expansion. Any suggestions? That is entirely up to you. Some decorate beautiful farms & progress at their pace. I want to get to the top, then decorate. I will master trees, flowers & animals after I reach the top.
Play the game so you enjoy it, fast or slow, just have fun.:cool:

07-22-12, 11:08 AM
I kept ALL my animals, buildings, and trees in storage until I got to level 75. Just power-planted crops until then.

If you have enough coins, plant corn, then plow it under without harvesting and repeat.

Or plant field after field of strawberries - that's what I did when I was at level 74 and couldn't wait to get to 75.

Also, focus on the crops that give you the most xp per hour. Generally, the shorter the crop time, the more xp per hour.

07-22-12, 11:10 AM
Yup, that's one of the nice parts of these games is that there are multiple ways to play to suit different types... I've been building sheds from the start( a little over 6 months) with the goal of leveling up as fast as possible and mastering all crops. Almost at level 97 and have all fruits, veggies mastered, about half way done with grains, flowers and trees.

One thing I like about shed building is with just 20 of my neighbors gifting and sending requested shed parts its equivalent to them giving me 110 XP each per day and vise versa.(doesn't include the 10XP and 200 coins for the 10 plants watered) Without shed parts the most "help" I can give my neighbors is 400 coins for a bowl.

07-22-12, 12:41 PM
I thought of power planting my way to the '90s' but what's the point? There are no more extensions or benefits that I can see....... Or are there?

Well not really, except for the admiration of other players of course :D

07-22-12, 01:00 PM
Thanks all for your suggestions! Very helpful info.

07-22-12, 02:17 PM
We too. I even ave my 'xp' shed hidden behind my barn, so no one can see it in construction form, and another permanent shed bby the house. I thought of power planting my way to the '90s' but what's the point? There are no more extensions or benefits that I can see....... Or are there?
For me it is to get to the top, level 100, one of the few. I do for myself not for admiration from others.

07-22-12, 04:51 PM
Fair enough! 

07-22-12, 06:17 PM
Sell them!!

07-25-12, 08:03 AM
I kept ALL my animals, buildings, and trees in storage until I got to level 75. Just power-planted crops until then.

If you have enough coins, plant corn, then plow it under without harvesting and repeat.

Or plant field after field of strawberries - that's what I did when I was at level 74 and couldn't wait to get to 75.

Also, focus on the crops that give you the most xp per hour. Generally, the shorter the crop time, the more xp per hour.

Question: How do you plow under a planted crop? I tried by tapping the Plow icon and then tapping crop, but nothi g happened. Do I have to sell the land with the crop first and then plow?

07-25-12, 09:50 AM
I sell mine. :)

You know, before they added "parts," to complete certain decor, tool sheds used to cost 90K and give you 1100 XP.
Grain Silos used to cost 30K
and Covered Wells used to cost 30 gems.

Unfortunately I bought 2 covered wells before they changed it to 10,000 coins. :(

07-25-12, 10:24 AM
I've been able to tap on the plow icon and start plowing. I use an Android phone.

I've also sold the withered crop and then plowed.

Both work for me.

07-25-12, 01:59 PM
I sell all the tool sheds I collect, usually when I have around +- 20 of them.

07-31-12, 04:10 AM
Question: How do you plow under a planted crop? I tried by tapping the Plow icon and then tapping crop, but nothi g happened. Do I have to sell the land with the crop first and then plow?

You have to sell/delete that plot, then plow. Gets expensive,flowers do not give XP until they are harvested.

If you plant strawberries, you can earn 1152 XP for a 24x24 farm. You can plant 4 crops per hr. 4608. and 138,240 coins. :cool:

08-02-12, 06:24 AM
I sell mine each time one is build.

08-02-12, 06:35 AM
$18K counting the dog bowls you forfeit to get the materials.

When I was building them to get to level 70 faster, to buy the Vineyard, I still only accepted Dog Bowls as gifts and used the requesting system for the parts for the tool sheds. I then sold the tool sheds. So I didn't lose the $8k from daily Dog Bowls. :)

08-02-12, 11:28 PM
If you plant strawberries, you can earn 1152 XP for a 24x24 farm. You can plant 4 crops per hr. 4608. and 138,240 coins. :cool:

ANd one bunch of tapping.

08-03-12, 04:30 AM
When I was building them to get to level 70 faster, to buy the Vineyard, I still only accepted Dog Bowls as gifts and used the requesting system for the parts for the tool sheds. I then sold the tool sheds. So I didn't lose the $8k from daily Dog Bowls. :)


08-03-12, 04:38 AM
ANd one bunch of tapping.

The doctor diagnosed me & proclaimed I had "Strawberry Finger." Said it was the worst case he'd seen.

08-03-12, 04:44 AM
The doctor diagnosed me & proclaimed I had "Strawberry Finger." Said it was the worst case he'd seen.

Lol, me too. My finger is permanently stained with strawberry juice.

08-03-12, 04:50 AM
ANd one bunch of tapping.

Yep, but 97 levels in 3 months ain't too bad. I have mansion, vineyard, retreat. Bought mainly for xp.

08-03-12, 01:19 PM
In my opinion, which I am NOT saying is the right answer, I think it's a wasted effort to make Tool Sheds for XP. I prefer to use up my gold power mastering for gems (plant, delete, hoe, repeat, repeat, repeat until I go insane that day) especially since we get more crops and trees than we can keep up with mastering (an issue with Fashion Story too)... Similar to getting strawberry fingers but it's more like general crop fingers. :P.

I'm SO out. I have zero.

You could be creative... Quickly make 1 Tool Shed, put it out, and title your entry "Tool Shed." :p.

:(:(Thanks all for your replies. Still stinks to have to buy them at $10K only to turn around and sell for $1K. Essentially spending $9K to earn 1100 XP.

Takes more effort but 275 Corn will get you the same amount of XP at 9625 coins if you plant and delete... You don't get to keep a shiny decoration but do it enough and you'll get two shiny Gems faster than the usual 5 days it'll take to master it normally. (I only do my power mastering with 1D or longer crops.) You can then rinse and repeat for more gems with other crops. Let me repeat, not saying this plan of attack is for everyone.

We too. I even ave my 'xp' shed hidden behind my barn, so no one can see it in construction form, and another permanent shed bby the house. I thought of power planting my way to the '90s' but what's the point? There are no more extensions or benefits that I can see....... Or are there?

That's my thoughts. Upon reaching level 75 (which if you're patient and prefer to save your gold to buy decorations or power master for gems like I do, you'll get to 75 regardless), there's nothing past it. Nothing special about being high level except to announce loud and clear how addicted you are. ;>. I guess I'm lumped in since I've been playing long enough that I'm 95 and almost 97 in Bakery Story (no power mastering there, not required and since you can't, and I used to make 1 only of special appliances but have increased to 4 only cause I finished mastering all oven and drink recipes besides new releases).

I'm a hoarder. LOL. I keep everything I buy. Sometimes, I get frustrated when I have to scroll through the pages. I don't know how other people do it when they create art work.

If I ever get around to it... when I interviewed yanochka, she talked about it being very annoying to scroll through her inventory while decorating and wishes the storage had a slightly better system. :p.

I kept ALL my animals, buildings, and trees in storage until I got to level 75. Just power-planted crops until then.

If you have enough coins, plant corn, then plow it under without harvesting and repeat.

Or plant field after field of strawberries - that's what I did when I was at level 74 and couldn't wait to get to 75.

Also, focus on the crops that give you the most xp per hour. Generally, the shorter the crop time, the more xp per hour.

She was about to call lv 60 (expansion) satisfaction until I became her neighbor. I told her, it can be done and watched her grow (though seems I missed out on her strawberry crazy). *Sniff.* They grow up so fast. :p.

Question: How do you plow under a planted crop? I tried by tapping the Plow icon and then tapping crop, but nothi g happened. Do I have to sell the land with the crop first and then plow?

She didn't explain it clearly. You have to go to decoration mode and delete the planted land. She meant that as "planting over" i.e. not waiting to harvest before deleting the land and replowing. (I also double checked with her.) But you can plow over withered crops. Keep in mind, replowing will require a double tap instead of the usual single. You WILL need patience. Do NOT attempt (for long) if you don't have buckets of patience (and preferably something that doesn't need your hands to slightly entertain you at the same time) otherwise the game will get the better of you instead. :>.

Speaking of patience, why is it just as my Bakery recipes are ready, TL servers goes offline for maintenance before I can set up recipes to cook... Second time today. I hope I haven't jinxed myself for a third...

08-10-12, 12:21 PM
how do you build w/ XP points??

08-10-12, 12:27 PM
how do you build w/ XP points??

You are most probably starting the game, right? If so, take a look at the following thread which will help you understand the XP, the watering and your other question you posted regarding little stars - not sure if you mean water or the points you get for watering. Just take a loot at the thread and have fun playing the game: http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?16823-Get-Out-On-the-Farm-(FAQ-for-Beginners)

08-10-12, 12:33 PM
how can u have so many sheds if it cost approx $15 to build each ??

08-10-12, 12:39 PM
What are you talking about $15 dollar each? You plant, harvest, make coins, you buy sheds for coins - well you actually buy them and have to have enough neighbors to supply you parts. Pls, read the thread first.

08-10-12, 03:24 PM
how can u have so many sheds if it cost approx $15 to build each ??

The sheds cost 10,000 coins. I have 35,000,000 coins from plowing, planting & harvesting
10,000 coins for 1100XP is no big deal.

08-10-12, 03:25 PM
how do you build w/ XP points??

You build a shed & you get 1100xp for buying & building.

08-10-12, 03:26 PM
The sheds cost 10,000 coins. I have 35,000,000 coins from plowing, planting & harvesting
10,000 coins for 1100XP is no big deal.

LOL. I get to 10,000,000 coins then I buy a Vineyard. My next 10,000,000 will be towards the Mansion. I don't think I'll ever make it to 35,000,000 as I'm sure another 10,000,000 coin item I'd want will come out and nab it away. hahaha

08-10-12, 04:26 PM
LOL. I get to 10,000,000 coins then I buy a Vineyard. My next 10,000,000 will be towards the Mansion. I don't think I'll ever make it to 35,000,000 as I'm sure another 10,000,000 coin item I'd want will come out and nab it away. hahaha

I have enough coins to buy myself the Vineyard but I don't want to spend my coins. I already have the Mansion. It was such a good feeling when I bought it. I guess I level up the normal way. Took me two years to get to level 97.

08-14-12, 09:52 AM
Wow' on 7/21/12 I was level 97 & level 99 on 8/13/12. Just 8,000,00 xp to level 100. That might take a little time.

I have been playing for 3 months, level 97, I bought winery, mansion, enchanted retreat & as many tool sheds as I can beg parts to build. For me it is worth the coins. Dog bowls can be sold for 400 coins, no XP. And you need to clear space to put the bowls so you can sell them, losing vvaluable crop space. Tool shed is 10,000 coins 1100 XP. That formula works for me. Every one plays their own way.
My original plan was to reach level 100 before decorating, now I buy stuff, put on farm for a day store, then back to just crops.

08-16-12, 09:53 AM
wow ... hundreds of sheds in inventory ?? are we playing the same game, i've been paying 10K and then begging for materials ... guess i have alot to learn ... any tutors out there ??

08-19-12, 04:55 PM
wow ... hundreds of sheds in inventory ?? are we playing the same game, i've been paying 10K and then begging for materials ... guess i have alot to learn ... any tutors out there ??

Do you way help with building sheds or leveling up fast or both?

08-20-12, 05:11 AM
It depends what you prefer - I didn't really build sheds, got my way by planting every inch of my land and harvesting immediately when plants ready. Every now and then I decide to build one, but honestly by doing the work, you can get there too. Well of course, I have hardly any decorations up, so it's truly just a farm.

08-20-12, 08:12 AM
It depends what you prefer - I didn't really build sheds, got my way by planting every inch of my land and harvesting immediately when plants ready. Every now and then I decide to build one, but honestly by doing the work, you can get there too. Well of course, I have hardly any decorations up, so it's truly just a farm.

I do both... Plant the majority of the farm in crops(21x24 to be exact) and then have 3x23 of trees and 3 sheds being built... The Sheds just give me the ability to ask for 20 extra shed parts each day in addition to the 20 I get gifted from neighbors. By getting 40 shed parts most days I average 2 sheds per day to give me an extra 2200 XP per day. You are right that you could ignore sheds and plant/harvest an extra 2 fields of strawberries a day and end up with 2304XP for doing it. I just like working with other farmers to gift/receive the parts to help get the extra 2200 XP per day.(in addition to growing crops/strawberries on large portions of my farm). :)

08-23-12, 05:11 AM
I'm aiming for 576 sheds, then i guess i will sell some.

LOL I'm aiming at the same thing

Yanochka can do great things with tool sheds!

08-23-12, 07:11 AM
Yanochka can do great things with tool sheds!

Gosh, not just tool sheds, she can utilize BBQ in way I never could even imagine!!! She just never stops amaze me.

08-29-12, 03:56 AM
I read about sheds but no one seems to plant corn. When I don't receive enough materials for tool sheds, I plant corn and sell it immediatly. I don't wait 22h.
I get 5 XP/plant: 4 for planting and 1 for plowing.
2 880 XP for a 24x24 farm in 5 min. It costs 25 920 coins. About the same ratio than a shed.

It's a lot of tapping, but easier than rasberries.

08-29-12, 11:45 AM
I read about sheds but no one seems to plant corn. When I don't receive enough materials for tool sheds, I plant corn and sell it immediatly. I don't wait 22h.
I get 5 XP/plant: 4 for planting and 1 for plowing.
2 880 XP for a 24x24 farm in 5 min. It costs 25 920 coins. About the same ratio than a shed.

It's a lot of tapping, but easier than rasberries.

I can't stand the double tap required to plow up growing crops... On my tiny phone it takes much longer for me to plow. I would rather grow 2 fields of strawberries, then to plow up corn(plus there is a net coin gain with strawberries). When I am bored with nothing else to do, I'll grow strawberries. :)