View Full Version : BS forced to close

07-16-12, 07:11 PM
Hi, I am an Android user and found that starts from these 2 days, when I open the BS app, it crashes every time and forced me to close the app, I have tried many times and sometimes i can play with it after retry for several time, but today I can't even load the app, is there something wrong with the Android version? or if there is any updates I have to do for this problem? Thanks in advance for help. and would like to know if I uninstall the game and re-install it again, will my record still be there? or I have to start all over again? :confused:

07-16-12, 07:15 PM
Hi, I am an Android user and found that starts from these 2 days, when I open the BS app, it crashes every time and forced me to close the app, I have tried many times and sometimes i can play with it after retry for several time, but today I can't even load the app, is there something wrong with the Android version? or if there is any updates I have to do for this problem? Thanks in advance for help. and would like to know if I uninstall the game and re-install it again, will my record still be there? or I have to start all over again? :confused:
If you uninstall the game all your progress will be saved on the teamlava server

07-16-12, 07:29 PM
If you uninstall the game all your progress will be saved on the teamlava server

Many thanks for your reply ~~~ then maybe I will try to re-install the game and see if can solve the problem!!!!

07-17-12, 01:04 AM
Good luck. I'm having the same problem and doubt a reinstall will solve it. Worth a try I guess.

07-17-12, 09:42 AM
Didn't help me! There's a surprise!!! TL fix this already!

07-17-12, 09:59 AM
Some people have said moving bakery story to your SD card, if you have one, fixes it. But I don't have an SD card for my phone, so I haven't tried it.

07-17-12, 10:24 AM
I've tried moving to my sd card and it hasn't worked for me. On droid there are many applications i use that i can't actually move to my sd card, so though i moved alot to my sd card, the memory on my phone is still {}. I did some research and there is a way around this but I am not very tech savvy and am afraid I will move something I shouldn't. LOL!

I am really beginning to understand now why people say that droids are harder to use ie you must change them around alot to get them to do what you need. I'm very happy to be moving to an ipad next month and see if it makes a difference.

kooky panda
07-17-12, 10:49 AM
I've tried moving to my sd card and it hasn't worked for me. On droid there are many applications i use that i can't actually move to my sd card, so though i moved alot to my sd card, the memory on my phone is still {}. I did some research and there is a way around this but I am not very tech savvy and am afraid I will move something I shouldn't. LOL!

I am really beginning to understand now why people say that droids are harder to use ie you must change them around alot to get them to do what you need. I'm very happy to be moving to an ipad next month and see if it makes a difference.

Have you checked for a more current version for your device?

07-17-12, 07:29 PM
What version of Android are you currently running? If you're running any other apps in the background, please close them. Also, let the pop-ups fully load before you attempt to close them. Sometimes closing them before they are able to load may cause the app to force-close.

07-17-12, 07:42 PM
This is happening to me also & I am on Thrive, 3.2, auto updates. Just figured it's the updates, not?

07-17-12, 09:04 PM
I have uninstall and reinstall it already but somehow problem still exist yesterday but today I found that it only forced to close 1 - 2 times, maybe TL already bug fixed or??? am i be so lucky that it didn't force me to close today ? XD

07-17-12, 10:16 PM
This just started happening to me in the last hour. I'm playing the most updated version. TL, seems there is a growing problem. All my food is going to expire :(

07-17-12, 10:17 PM
And I'm playing on an iPad.

07-17-12, 11:11 PM
I'm having same issue with Bakery and Pet Shop but Resturant, DS, and City are running just fine. Just started tonite those 2 games will not open at all. I am on IPad2 .

07-19-12, 09:16 AM
Same with me. since a few minutes ago BS force closes everytime.

07-19-12, 09:20 AM
I'm having this problem too, we posted a topic at the same time. Got an alert but still cant get past olympic announcement. Will my food spoil? Anyone?

07-19-12, 09:21 AM
I just asked for help in the forum for this same problem...I didn't read this thread first though. This started happening an hour ago. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, checking for updates etc. My food is about to go bad. I'm so frustrated!! I play on a kindle.

07-19-12, 09:23 AM
Same here, cannot enter the game, it force closes all the time. I am on Android. :(

07-19-12, 09:24 AM

07-19-12, 09:27 AM
Now I can't get in at all. I have uninstalled, turned Toshiba thrive tablet
off back on, reinstalled. Each time I try I gat force close
, bef
ore I get tHo the fihrst popup. By the way version is 3.2 gingerbread.

07-19-12, 09:34 AM
I'm having the same problem!!! Everytime I open the app it says "bakery story has force closed"!!!! Very upset! Pls fix. I've tried the reboot and uninstalling and reinstalling

07-19-12, 09:44 AM
Glad to know it's not just me. I posted before I saw this thread too. Team Lava, please fix this! I'm on a Kindle Fire and my game hasn't worked since last night!

07-19-12, 09:45 AM
Happened with my iPod also.. all I did was delete the app and re-download it and it works perfectly now.

07-19-12, 09:49 AM
Now I can't get in at all. I have uninstalled, turned Toshiba thrive tablet
off back on, reinstalled. Each time I try I gat force close
, bef
ore I get tHo the fihrst popup. By the way version is 3.2 gingerbread.
That's when mine force closes too. As soon as the "check out new items" pop up goes away, I get a force close message. That's a lot of money wasted if all my food goes bad!!

07-19-12, 09:54 AM
edit above
can't get into bakery at all

have uninstalled, shut tablet off reinstalled. get force close popup before I get to first popup in game.

Now I am getting the msg to force close bakery when trying to send email to support.

Is this android? other devices having this issue?

07-19-12, 09:55 AM

07-19-12, 09:55 AM
My Kindle Fire is force closing as well - so frustrating as I can see my food ready to put out behind the error message. One thing I did notice is that my coin total is wacky - showing 9,999,999 - which would be great but it is way more than I have in my game. My gem count and star XP total is still accurate.

07-19-12, 09:59 AM
sent support msg about this issue, hope they get t fixed soon.

07-19-12, 10:07 AM
I wonder if this problem has anything to do with the update? Either way, can we get some kind of comfirmation that TL is working to fix this problem?

07-19-12, 10:08 AM
Glad to know it's not just me. I posted before I saw this thread too. Team Lava, please fix this! I'm on a Kindle Fire and my game hasn't worked since last night!

I also use the kindle fire. Mine stopped working a few hours ago..I.e. about 11:30 eastern time (NY)

kooky panda
07-19-12, 10:17 AM

current bug thread on this issue.

07-19-12, 11:17 AM
im having the same problem, i have already uninstalled and reinstalled, restart my phone and still wont load!!

07-19-12, 11:30 AM
The problem for me stopped...

07-19-12, 11:42 AM
just tried opening again, finally working!!