View Full Version : Neighborly nuisance

07-09-12, 06:46 PM
I would rlly like to kno if there's a way to delete pending invites. Im generally happy with the games aside from having to stare at inactive players who've nvr accepted my invitation. Please, if this isn't alrdy resolved consider a solution. A reply would make me so happy :cool:

07-09-12, 07:02 PM
No you can't delete pending invites. The per eon you sent them to will either have to accept or decline it. I wish TL would give us a feature to delete them, because I still have people from a year ago pending in some of my games.

07-11-12, 10:42 PM
Though the answer is disheartening, much tks for the reply...come on TL, make it go! Heh