View Full Version : Ideas For Bakery Story, and Feedback, Things you want to see change in BS!

07-03-12, 10:42 AM
OK here you can talk about what you want to change about bakery story.. Personally I get tired that I have to click every one of my neighbours to gift them... like could we have this one button that says "all neighbours" it would give us less time AND im so busy and have little time it helps me too! So what do you think?

Also you talk about anything on this thread.... just make sure is on topic. :)

07-03-12, 10:58 AM
I'm personally annoyed there's no easy mixer. I mean there's an easy oven, so why no easy mixer!

07-03-12, 01:02 PM
Yes!!!! An all neighbors button would be sooooo awesome. That would be my request as well. Also maybe some different gem item gifts to send neighbors would be nice. ( I'm sure a lot of players could care less for this though) but specific gifts only for neighbors that cost 1-5 gems to send them. Something to give those special neighbors you have. :) but heck I'd rather them fix everything else that's wrong first before adding something like that. :)

07-03-12, 01:06 PM
OK here you can talk about what you want to change about bakery story.. Personally I get tired that I have to click every one of my neighbours to gift them... like could we have this one button that says "all neighbours" it would give us less time AND im so busy and have little time it helps me too! So what do you think?

Also you talk about anything on this thread.... just make sure is on topic. :)
They, as in TL did change this- so all neighbors were marked. People complained and complained about it- so they changed it back. I'd personally like them marked.

07-03-12, 01:14 PM
It would be nice to pick the counter you want to put the food on similar to picking the racks in FS.

I would like to have wrought iron dividers or dividers that look like white picket fences or fancy privacy fences. polel lamps that look like outdoor gaslights to make a patio area look more authentic.

A Louisiana French Quarters theme would be nice

07-03-12, 01:15 PM
sorry for misspelled word (polel) LOL! meant pole lamps

07-03-12, 01:18 PM
That's right I did rememeber at I one point all would be marked. Forgot about that til now. Well they could always just have a button at the top that gives you an option to mark all.

07-04-12, 08:57 AM
I would like team lava to fix the customer flow when your bakeries are open (how it goes from a lot to gradually none) and I would also like the prices for the items (coins and gems) to go back to reasonable prices. I need more ovens to master food, but I will not pay 49 gems for a new slot >:(

07-04-12, 12:26 PM
I would really like a confirm button when wanting to trash your food. So many times when I'm picking up my tips I accidentally hit my counters to fast and my food gets trashed. :( makes me said when I delete food.

07-04-12, 02:26 PM
I agree with the above and would also like a change in gifts such as red velvet cake, pumpkin pie, etc. Just something different and also the ability to gift Gems like in some of the other Stories games...

07-04-12, 03:28 PM
I agree with you there! Let's just hope TL hears ours pleas! It gets boring after a while doesn't it?!

07-04-12, 03:30 PM
Yea I agree with you!!! Like on how my bakery is I don't like my food on top of my tables or it covers most Of a table and neighbours can't tip!!

07-04-12, 03:55 PM
It would be nice if i could sell floor tiles and wallpaper that i did not want.

07-04-12, 04:43 PM
To be able to listen to your ipod music while playing the game

07-05-12, 03:48 AM
I would like to see to see 1/2 price decorations or recipes and 1/2 time baking times. They could run it for a weekend. I play another game where they do this and it let's you get things you normally wouldn't buy. Also, why not get rid of boxes and make the items available for individual sale?

07-05-12, 03:55 AM
I would also like to see some reward for leveling up. After you pass the level where you get additional appliances why aren't we rewarded for continuing to play? There are plenty of games out there to play, but we choose this one. Why not recognize our loyalty?
Also, why is one of the goals to level up in another game ( i.e. Bubble Mania)? It's one thing to say load the game and get to a low level, but level 10? Really?

07-05-12, 07:09 AM
If I recall correctly, when TL changed to having all neighbors marked, it was not for gifting but requesting parts. That WAS annoying because if a machine needed 4 different parts, you might want to make requests four times and it was annoying to uncheck most of your list each time.

I don't recall ever having all neighbors checked for gifting. They could make EVERYONE happy by having a "check all" button so that the people who did want them all marked could do so, and those that don't want them marked don't have to. But just like a gem confirmation button, this is something we've been asking for for AGES and they never give it to us.

07-05-12, 09:32 AM
I agree with above!!! Give us something for leveling up! I'm level 90 now and really could careless about leveling when I get no reward. Give us appliances would be the best even if it's every 5 levels. Heck anything! Of all request I would really love this alot and I'm certain ever other player would as well. Please teamlava. Consider this please please :)

07-05-12, 11:38 AM
1. Confirm button
2. More coins for plates (not all 4 coins each!)
3. Few newer appliances, more recipes for existing appliances.
4. Shorter cooking times
5. No specialty parts that are good for one appliance and will never be needed again
6. Rewards for leveling up
7. Easier to bulk tip/copllect tips
8. Less expensive decorations, counters, etc
9. Fairness across the board.....iOs, android, kindle all should get the same advantages, goals, appliances, etc.
10. An option to smell our dishes once they have cooked (ok, maybe this is just MY fanatsy).

07-05-12, 11:41 AM
How about more content in the new updates?!

07-05-12, 01:19 PM
- Agree with many. Confirm button to prevent accidental manage appliance/counter actions.
- New "Mastered" Cookbook Tab for Mastered recipes. Once a recipe is mastered, that recipe is then removed from the Cake/Pie/Cookies/Bread, tabs and moved to the new Mastered Tab.
- Some bonus or goal for Mastering recipes. Have the goal set as the total number in the entire game including all appliances. That would be more incentive to get all the appliances and master recipes.
- Agreed with many on the elimination of odd gift parts with limited appliance usage, and trying to have more recipes on less appliances than more appliances with limited recipes.

07-05-12, 07:47 PM
1. Confirm button
2. More coins for plates (not all 4 coins each!)
3. Few newer appliances, more recipes for existing appliances.
4. Shorter cooking times
5. No specialty parts that are good for one appliance and will never be needed again
6. Rewards for leveling up
7. Easier to bulk tip/copllect tips
8. Less expensive decorations, counters, etc
9. Fairness across the board.....iOs, android, kindle all should get the same advantages, goals, appliances, etc.
10. An option to smell our dishes once they have cooked (ok, maybe this is just MY fanatsy).

Agree 100% with all that but if I smelled cake baking I would want cake and that wouldn't be a good thing....... Lol

07-05-12, 08:06 PM
1. Confirm button
2. More coins for plates (not all 4 coins each!)
3. Few newer appliances, more recipes for existing appliances.
4. Shorter cooking times
5. No specialty parts that are good for one appliance and will never be needed again
6. Rewards for leveling up
7. Easier to bulk tip/copllect tips
8. Less expensive decorations, counters, etc
9. Fairness across the board.....iOs, android, kindle all should get the same advantages, goals, appliances, etc.

I would also like to see all of these.

07-05-12, 08:19 PM
I would like to hold down a floor tile in the store and a window pops up asking to fill the floor with the entire tile. If you don't have enough tiles, I would like to see a coin/gem price for the needed tiles to fill your floor.

07-05-12, 08:59 PM
To be able to listen to your ipod music while playing the game

I would like to hold down a floor tile in the store and a window pops up asking to fill the floor with the entire tile. If you don't have enough tiles, I would like to see a coin/gem price for the needed tiles to fill your floor.
^^ if it's there I was just trying things out :$ anyway Another thing I WOULD LOVE TO SEE CHANGE is that we could make a folder or tab and we can choose the most popular recipes that we normally use! Like sometimes for me is "tiring" to push all those arrows to get to the end which is where most of the dishes I bake are from there...

07-05-12, 09:00 PM
Here is my top 10 wish list:
1. Fix the Gem Traps!
2. Fix the Gem Traps!
3. Fix the Gem Traps!
4. Fix the Gem Traps!
5. Fix the Gem Traps!
6. Fix the Gem Traps!
7. Fix the Gem Traps!
8. Fix the Gem Traps!
9. Fix the Gem Traps!
10. Fix the Gem Traps!

07-05-12, 09:01 PM
To be able to listen to your ipod music while playing the game
Omg I am with you there ALL THE WAY! I hate it how everytime I go on BS my music stops!! And I LOVE my music...

07-05-12, 09:22 PM
Omg I am with you there ALL THE WAY! I hate it how everytime I go on BS my music stops!! And I LOVE my music...

We were able to before. I've done it once and now it stopped working.

07-06-12, 02:27 AM
Customizable Avatar

Patrons of different ethinic backgrounds, not a big deal but it still would be nice

I know you guys hate appliances but I want a Confection Maker! Cake Pops, Puffed Rice Treats, Candy Bars and Marshmallows!

Free to change bakery name or 5 gems to change name but send a notice to all nbrs that name has changed

I personally don't believe wallpaper and tiles should cost gems, next to boxes with the size of your bakery it's one of the most expensive aspects of the game :/

A refrigerator and display cases that store food, if cheesecake can sit out on your counter for months and not spoil and ice cream not melt then you should be able to store them to make room for other goods. I'm festive so I know I'll be clearing counters of summer treats in the fall to make way for apple and pumpkin pie. Can we get some sweet potato pie or pumpkin spice cake please? lol

And speaking of that, I'd like the ability to clear a desired amount of plates on a counter ex. there are 134,678 plates of watermelon cake on your counter, you don't want that many but you don't want to clear them all so you choose the amount you'd like to clear.

A tip jar, maybe these can also be decorative like the cash registers. One type could be a plain jar with the word "tips" on it sitting on a counter or a pink piggybank on a counter (i <3 piggies!)

The ability to place items on counters made for decorations, the bag of bagels and bunny in easter basket is really nice but why does it have to be on the floor?

Bakery display windows, baked goods and confections like cupcakes, macarons, cake pops and marshmallows on a tower pedestal or for our bread baker neighbors bakery windows with a variety of artisan breads! For coins though! Players who don't or can't buy gems should get something nice every now and again. Pretty please?

An Open/Closed sign, Menu Board for the wall, Changing seasons background for Android, I won't argue about goals for Android at this point all I want is the changing backgrounds. Pretty please again?

Waiters and Waitresses, and Bakery Staff for kitchen areas. This would be a perfect way to introduce more ethnic toons to the game. TL could even repeat the same type of toon but in different skin tones and hair colors, I'm pretty sure most players would appreciate this. I've seen the call for more diversity in the BS and RS plenty of times on the forum.

OH! and can the gumball machine please rotate?! Gah!

07-08-12, 02:48 PM
No Gem Traps! Make stuff cheaper! Cool designs!