View Full Version : Strange roll back today? 6/1/12 (around 2:50 pm?)

07-01-12, 03:07 PM
Alright so today at around 2:50 pm I bought 105 gems to buy my last expansion. After expanding I bought floor tiles to complete my bakery theme.However while decorating the "processing" sign poped up and suddenly I was hit with some kind of a roll-back. My bakery is still fully expanded but I lost some floor tiles! Has this happened to sayone else or did anyone else notice a strange roll-back today? I'm going to send in a report to TL but just wondering if this happened to everyone or if it's simply with me.

07-01-12, 04:25 PM
Yes there are other threads about this in rs and bs. It is a sync problem with the server. TL are aware of the problem and say they are 'fixing it'.

07-01-12, 09:40 PM
yeh, i lost some zen sand in RS, mail to TL, standard answer, said will investigate but up to now, 4 weeks past, no feedback. it seems that TL thinks what is the big deal? but i spent real money to buy gems to get them, too bad i dont have spare time to fight with them, or this is the dark side of a big company.

07-02-12, 09:37 AM
Team lava dosen't care about this.

07-03-12, 04:52 AM
Update: team lava admitted it was an issue they were fixing
THEN, have recently backtracked and now are saying it's bad Internet connection on our side. Sigh.

07-03-12, 10:07 AM
The support team told me that they would not compensate players for gems lost due to sync error. Well, that was not the first time I felt disappointed at this game...I'm getting used to it.

07-03-12, 10:50 AM
wow, that COMPLETELY changed my mind. I was going to buy the 250 gem offer, but forget it since TL blames it on us whenever their server crashed.