View Full Version : Water Drop Reset

06-29-12, 10:13 AM
I am sure someone knows answer to this question: How many days it takes for the water drop to reset? I have noticed that when neighbors don't pick their plants and flowers that at some point of time it resets, but haven't figured out (yeah, haven't counted) how long it takes.

06-29-12, 11:37 AM
I think it's around 4 days.

06-29-12, 12:22 PM
Seemed longer than 4.... maybe one day I'll count it. I'm sure Yanochka knows, she knows everything, so we can wait for her vacation to be over. :-)

06-29-12, 12:23 PM
Seemed longer than 4.... maybe one day I'll count it. I'm sure Yanochka knows, she knows everything, so we can wait for her vacation to be over. :-)

Sounds good

06-29-12, 04:20 PM
I think it's more like 7 days, if memorybserves me correct

06-30-12, 06:16 PM
I see no evidence that they ever reset. Had accidentally planted promroses which stayed watered for months.

06-30-12, 06:20 PM
No it does, my rose resets, it takes forever, so maybe the months.

07-01-12, 06:59 AM
Water resets after you harvest/collect your crops (vegetables, flowers or trees). If your vegetables are not collected, they dry up after the same elapsed time of waiting for full bloom ie if it's 12 hours veg, you are given another 12 hours to harvest / collect them before they dry up and you replant. For flowers and trees, the water drops remains indefinitely and the flowers and trees stay in full bloom for harvest / collection indefinitely
ie water drops don't ever reset until you harvest them.

07-01-12, 11:53 AM
If you leave flowers or trees and don't collect them for several days, the water drops disappear and people can water again.
It has nothing to do with collecting and replanting and not with dead plants. But thank you.

07-01-12, 12:00 PM
I have white poinsettias that TL removed within a couple of months after Christmas. They still have water drops on them. I really wish the water would disappear on those. And I've had gem flowers with water on them for months.

I think the water is cleared from inactive farms, ones that that haven't been logged into for a while.

07-01-12, 01:13 PM
I have white poinsettias that TL removed within a couple of months after Christmas. They still have water drops on them. I really wish the water would disappear on those. And I've had gem flowers with water on them for months.

I think the water is cleared from inactive farms, ones that that haven't been logged into for a while.
I think this is correct. My daughters abandoned farm gets watered and they disappear. Not sure how long they're there for though.

07-03-12, 10:09 PM
That would be annoying to plant some lovely gem flowers and to always have them obscured by water drops.

07-04-12, 02:34 AM
Nmishii is right again :)
I couldn't say how long it takes exactly, but last time the kids went on vacation with their grandma and took my old Iphone to play with and listen to music, they had no connexion at all for 8 days so my second farm didn't get logged in for 8 days. I had planted flowers but when they came back home, the drops had not disappeated yet, so it must take over 8 days.

07-04-12, 09:28 AM
Nmishii is right again :)
I couldn't say how long it takes exactly, but last time the kids went on vacation with their grandma and took my old Iphone to play with and listen to music, they had no connexion at all for 8 days so my second farm didn't get logged in for 8 days. I had planted flowers but when they came back home, the drops had not disappeated yet, so it must take over 8 days.

I know it is definitely more than 8 days, I was thinking closer to several weeks - 3? or maybe a month? Maybe the developers could chime in too.

07-04-12, 08:32 PM
My dozen assorted coloured roses has the water droplets for over 8 months and water NEVER resets; hence no one has got a chance to water them since the initial watering months ago. Similarly my neighbour's gem flowers has been around with the water droplets for close to the year and they also said the water droplets don't disappear either for a second neighbour to re-water.

07-04-12, 08:44 PM
No no. They only reset if you don't log in for that time.

07-07-12, 10:23 AM
Granted, I'm new to this game, but I played RS, BS and Fashion for a long time until I got completely logged out of my account and couldn't get back in, thanks to getting a new Android phone.

I know in BS, RS, etc, when people tip you/like your items, you simply tap to collect those, and that's really nice. Upon starting to play Farm this morning, I kept looking for a way to collect/clear the watering people had done on my farm, but I couldn't find a way. While I'm glad to finally stop scratching my head in confusion, I wonder why TL doesn't give us a simple way to collect or clear these water droplets. Seems silly and stupid to me that your neighbors and visitors can't find anywhere on your farm to water just because you have a veggie or tree that doesn't flower and ripen for, say, two days.

I also find it strange that TL thinks there's a naughty word in my Storm8 ID. I can't post it on my, or other people's, walls.

07-07-12, 10:44 AM
That would be another option, to be able to clear the water. But don't seen that happening.

I'm usually trying to plant short term and long term crop, so I can replant and let other neighbors and visitors water. We have been asking for more short term crops, especially for that reason, but are getting a lot of long term crops and trees instead. So if you will try to master them, you will get full until you will be able to replant.

07-07-12, 05:38 PM
I have a small 4X8 plot that I keep planted with pineapples while I'm awake so that neighbors will always have something to water - even though I mastered pineapples long ago.

07-09-12, 01:00 PM
Water only reset after everything on farm has been watered. Once a farm is 100 percent watered, water will disappear after next weekly update. Longest it's taken is a week. If not resetting there is something that needs water on the farm. Hope that helps

07-09-12, 01:03 PM
Water only reset after everything on farm has been watered. Once a farm is 100 percent watered, water will disappear after next weekly update. Longest it's taken is a week. If not resetting there is something that needs water on the farm. Hope that helps

How do you know this?

07-09-12, 01:24 PM
it's definitely less than a month and definitely more than a day. but I haven't observed closely enough to narrow it down further than that. lotscoffee's idea actually makes sense from what I've seen in the past. maybe if DGK doesn't come back and replant her flowers, we can verify on those?

07-09-12, 01:49 PM
it's definitely less than a month and definitely more than a day. but I haven't observed closely enough to narrow it down further than that. lotscoffee's idea actually makes sense from what I've seen in the past. maybe if DGK doesn't come back and replant her flowers, we can verify on those?

Yup, lotscoffee does make sense.

07-10-12, 01:58 AM
it's definitely less than a month and definitely more than a day. but I haven't observed closely enough to narrow it down further than that. lotscoffee's idea actually makes sense from what I've seen in the past. maybe if DGK doesn't come back and replant her flowers, we can verify on those?

Well, hers reset a couple of days ago, ha, but I don't rememer exactly when.

07-13-12, 03:41 AM
If this is true - water reset is available on the gem flowers or roses ie water disappear after the next weekly update provided the farm is 100% watered, then it's has never happened to any of my farms for the past year even though the farms are full about 6-10 elapsed hours from TL's Daily water reset time.

07-17-12, 10:43 AM
I have white poinsettias that TL removed within a couple of months after Christmas. They still have water drops on them. I really wish the water would disappear on those. And I've had gem flowers with water on them for months.

I think the water is cleared from inactive farms, ones that that haven't been logged into for a while.

You are correct, because on my farm I have flowers that I planted months ago, and they are still watered. On another one of my farms that I barely play, I had a farm "full" of water and then it just cleared out, and now it can be watered. I think it only happens to inactive farms.

07-17-12, 11:34 AM
You are correct, because on my farm I have flowers that I planted months ago, and they are still watered. On another one of my farms that I barely play, I had a farm "full" of water and then it just cleared out, and now it can be watered. I think it only happens to inactive farms.

Cool - so you can check how long it takes? Just joking, I was curious because I noticed it too but wasn't sure what the trick was.

07-18-12, 08:03 AM
LOL. That's must be it! Mystery solved.! Only inactive farms have the water reset on the watered flowers.

07-18-12, 06:00 PM
In other words, on farms that are being ignored by their farmer, TL resets the water droplets periodically in order to fool the rest of us into believing the abandoned farm is still active...

08-13-12, 10:45 AM
Ha, OK, one of the farm reset July 23 and again August 10th - now that is unusually shorter time than I have seem before.