View Full Version : Game getting boring.

06-29-12, 09:27 AM
I used to play this game for a long time. Since it came out, until about April. I've gotten really bored of this game! I can't even decorate any more because I ran out of room! We need more expansions. I know it has these updates and everything, but I don't find it interesting.

Please let me know what you think, if you think the same, or different. But we all know we need more expansions.

07-03-12, 01:42 PM
I will be doing my last expansion this week and I know the clock is ticking on how much I have left. I too have all kinds of other ideas if had more space. I will be sad once there is nothing left to do. I have been emailing TL and after looking (and started playing) some of the other games such as Bakery Story it looks like they too run out of the same amount of grid space. So my guess is an expansion of PS requires an expansion of all games? Anyway, I too hope it comes soon.