View Full Version : Dragon Story Goal

06-29-12, 06:41 AM
I got a new goal today to download Dragon Story. Is there a reward for this? I've seen some of you talk about getting 6 gems or something. But on my screen where it says to install Dragon Story, the REWARD: line has nothing next to it, so I'm assuming they just want you to download Dragon Story for nothing? I have no interest in playing DS, but I would download it if it meant gems. I'd even play it if it meant MORE gems.

06-29-12, 07:00 AM
After you download the game a new goal is unlocked which earns you gems. The new goal will be something simple like buy one chair.

06-29-12, 07:21 AM
Yes after you DL it the net goal is to be a table then you get gems. then you get to a certain lvl and they usually give you 3 more theme. I'm trying to get to lvl 6 in DS. But it's a bunch of waiting and making me upset lol. Everything takes coins or "gold" which is like gems... If you don't want to spend you're gold you have to wait 1-2 hours real time for anything. Grr

06-29-12, 07:22 AM
SRRY for the miss types. On my phone...

06-29-12, 12:24 PM
Please note that the Goals in which users purchase Tables and the Goals in which users download other games are not related. There are no rewards for downloading or playing our other games; these are simply offered as an invitation to play our other games. Thanks!