View Full Version : This game is not fun anymore :'(

06-28-12, 09:22 PM
When I first started playing this game it was fun and cool. Growing up I always wanted to own my own bakery and finding this game just made me feel like a kid again. I used to love baking food and buy new chairs and decor without worrying about money. It was great. But now I feel that this game is starting to feel to much like real life. I mean most of us come to our virtual bakeries to unwind from the daily stresses of life, but now I feel like playing this game just adds more to it!

Us players have to constantly worry about losing their hard earned gems and money to gem traps. And with the low profit rates and sky rocket high prices for the new decor and equipment I feel like I can never expand my bakery or make any decent money! ( not to mention the expansions are pretty pricey too!) and what's up with raising the prices of some gem costing items? (you know I'm talking about those appliance slots).

Now, I'm not saying for them to make the game easier for us to complete, but make it reasonable!

Team lava, are you really that money hungry? We give you our money for gems (and I can say for certain that most of their profit comes from our gem purchases) and yet you still don't offer anything to us accept more and more reasons to stop playing your games! We speak about our problems with the game on this forum (confirmation button, coin bug, decrease in sells, losing gems, raised prices) and none of these problems get fixed. And if they do get fixed it's like 6 months later. Team lava can we go back to the old days when playing this game wasn't all about making money and it was actually fun? We as players need to take a stand until our voices are heard, because these creators are not listening. I am seriously thinking about quitting if some of these problem don't get fixed soon.

06-29-12, 06:44 AM
I agree. I miss the free gift with gem purchases. And these stupid goals to play their other games. Has anyone tried dragon story??? Worse game ever! Everything takes coins or gold and once you press the expand button you have to wait cause its in progess??? Urg. These games are getting rather annoying then fun.

06-29-12, 07:58 AM
I do agree that the prices have gotten hi. I hate that some items that u need r 149 gems and to have to do it 4x is crazy, but it will just take much longer to finish things. I guess that is there goal. Plus the gems r how they make money for a free game.

06-29-12, 08:07 AM
I'm unhappy about the recent changes Teamlava has made also. It seems like Teamlava is giving us less of what we do want, and more of what we don't. :(

06-29-12, 02:43 PM
Thank you for the honest feedback. I am sorry how frustrated you feel about these issues. I will pass these concerns and suggestions on to our developers.

06-29-12, 03:26 PM
Thank you for the honest feedback. I am sorry how frustrated you feel about these issues. I will pass these concerns and suggestions on to our developers.

biggest mistake TL made was increasing the the app slots to 49 gems. it was the 1 really productive thing you could do with gems
and do it in about 3 or 4 weeks of cooking. It kept the game moving forward.

A fair amount of players like myself do not care about decor and play for other reasons.
49 gems almost forces you to go decor and drag the game out to a snails pace which is very boring.

If TL insists on 49 gems then at least keep the levels going for slots every 4 or 5 levels until 100.
Heck you need 400,000 XP to go from 96 to 97 and what do you get? NOTHING lol

06-29-12, 09:49 PM
I agree with the coments.
We all love the game but TL need to listen to us. We not ask for free items or gems. All we want is tl fix the current problems. I lost 100 gems in a gem trap. I buy gems with MY money and i'm really not happy. We know TL don't want to do the Gem confirmation button, because if you want they made it right now.
We are her for fun not to strees more our lives.
I know is just a game but thats the point. make it fun and listen to us please.
Thank you

06-29-12, 10:16 PM
expansion of space is really pricey & if u are not patient enough, gem trap again, 40 gems for just a little bit, then 40 again and goes on

06-29-12, 11:12 PM
I absolutely agree and the free gifts to android players was another disadvantage

06-30-12, 04:43 PM
Yeah I noticed that the prices of coin items have gone up by thousands of coins and it is almost impossible to decorate your bakery nicely