View Full Version : expand

06-20-12, 04:30 AM
You know iv done these expan things like colect 50 neghibors and go to level 63 when im done its just now happening any expand im so angry about this :S can you explain this

06-20-12, 04:55 AM
You need to meet level, neighbor and coin requirements to expand with coins. They don't show them all at the same time. Once you hit the level and nbr requirements it'll tell you how much the expansion costs.

06-20-12, 06:02 AM
I didnt get it -,-

06-20-12, 06:05 AM
To expand you need a

-certain number of neighbors
-reach a certain level
-- and have enough coins( shows amount after you meet the neighbors requirements)

Or you can expand with gems which you dont need to meet the neighbor requirement or coins

06-20-12, 07:45 AM
I did all of these but it didnt happen

06-20-12, 07:49 AM
then email support@teamlava.com they are the only one who can tell you what happened,,,,, did you get an out of sync messages after you expanded?.