View Full Version : Out of sync issues?

06-19-12, 10:33 PM
Is anyone having problems with what seems to be out of sync issues? I'll be on my island Planting, harvesting, collecting, etc... And all if a sudden the baby fruitful dragon appears with a "processing" message out of the blue, and *poof* everything I just spent time doing has been rolled back to what was a few minutes prior? Why is that? I've never had so many out of sync issues like I have today, I mean there has been some in the past but today seems that it has gotten worse! It's annoying and hope they fix it cause I know it ain't on my end, this only happens with TL games, and did I mention when you first log in or say you were visiting neighbors farms and come back things have gone in super slow motion on top of that?

06-19-12, 10:35 PM
And I don't know why there is happy face on the title above, cause I am not happy about this in no shape or form!

06-19-12, 10:41 PM
Every time u go into the game, wait. move around the screen until it becomes smooth to go round the map. Visit a few neigbours, then start on your own. If possible, close app and restart then wait again. Since it's always TL games, we have to do TL way. :) Restart n try again! LOL

06-19-12, 10:59 PM
Yeah that would make sense IF I wasn't on the game for 10 minutes straight planting and harvesting those 30 second berries WITHOUT leaving my island and then to find that all the tapping I've done has been rolled back because it was processing for no apparent reason when all I was doing was tending my farm. Makes no sense at all? I understand the lag when you first come to your farm and know to wait, but the roll back on the feedings and the plantings and harvestings, that annoys me, I have no problems with other games just TL and particularly dragon story.

06-19-12, 11:02 PM
I just had with sync issue with FS this morning. But in a funny good way. I was tappingthe ready clothes on the rack. starts with 28000+. click about 5 slot, sync pop up. after sync. the cloth were at 30000+ but i got my slots with ready clothes again. :)

06-19-12, 11:05 PM
Lucky, wish they gave me more food instead of taking it away and making me do it all over again.

06-19-12, 11:20 PM
I've got the worst case. I paid for gold but I got nothing. Better not to purchase for gold as there is no guarantee, all i got is the payment receipt from iTunes.