View Full Version : Bakery VS Restaurant Coinage

06-17-12, 10:29 PM
I'm a level 99 Bakery player and level 96 Restaurant player. I use an iPad 3GS and version 1.5.1 in both games. I've noticed for a while that my RS coins increase much faster than my BS coins.

This morning when I opened BS I earned 48,672 welcome back coins whilst in RS I earned 67,437 coins for being away the same amount of time.

Why do BS players earn so many less coins than RS players? That seems mighty unfair IMHO.

06-17-12, 11:03 PM
I earn more in BS...?

06-18-12, 06:27 AM
I earn more in BS than RS as well, but that is because I have more dishes at the higher selling price of 8/10/12 than I do in RS, wihich is mostly $4 items. Do you have more $4 items in your BS and more $5/$8 items in your RS?

Did you leave the BS game open at all overnight? I know that the amount of customers in BS will drop down to 1-4 if you leave your game open for any significant amount of time. That bug had also been in RS, but I think it may have been fixed there as I haven't noticed a drop like I still do in BS.

06-18-12, 10:28 PM
I do close down completely overnight.

I've got 36 counters of various food in BS - in RS I usually only have mushrooms although I now have chicken and ribs. It doesn't seem to matter what food my customers choose in BS I only earn ?4 per plate. I have a larger seating area in BS so I would expect the coinage to be higher.

06-19-12, 07:01 AM
I do close down completely overnight.

I've got 36 counters of various food in BS - in RS I usually only have mushrooms although I now have chicken and ribs. It doesn't seem to matter what food my customers choose in BS I only earn ?4 per plate. I have a larger seating area in BS so I would expect the coinage to be higher.

If the games are closed down, then they both get the same amount of customers as long as you have at least 30 seats available to them. There are only a few plates in both games that are higher than $4, so unless you have them out, then you should see about an equal overnight earnings. It is odd that you're not seeing that.

07-22-12, 01:40 AM
It happens to me as well. I'm level 96 in both games plenty of seats and when I close down for the night and come back. RS will have made 80-90 k while BS barely makes 20-30. Plenty of higher priced items available as well....

07-22-12, 08:24 AM
I've noticed in BOTH games, while open, game sort of "hiccups", customers disappear, and game deletes coinage gained over the last minute or so. This keeps happening, multiple times while checking inventory, or serving or cooking food.
