View Full Version : My neighbor copied my restaurant's design :mad:

06-14-12, 12:03 PM
I guess it's a form of flattery but I'm truly mad. Today I went to a neighbor's place to leave tips. They're usually not that busy so I'd leave the tip on a set of six tables in the front and move on. But today the tables were full so I checked around and what do I see? Their restaurant looks nearly identical to mine, down to the white Carnation vase I placed next to my TV set. For a moment I thought it was a glitch (sometimes it happens that my restaurant overlaps someone else's,) so I got out and got back in to see if it gets fixed but no. Not only had they copied my overall design (different rooms and areas) but the placement of my furniture. Naturally I got mad and deleted them from my neighbor's list to prevent this from happening in the future. But I'm still mad and thought I'd come here and vent. I don't think there's anything I can do (and frankly I don't want to since it's not a big deal.) But I was wondering if this ever happened to anyone else and how you handled it.

06-14-12, 12:18 PM
We do not have copyright, thus is ok for anyone to coy.
U can try to copy my RS if it makes u feel better.

06-14-12, 12:22 PM
We do not have copyright, thus is ok for anyone to coy.
U can try to copy my RS if it makes u feel better.

I never said there was a copyright rule. I just thought it was common courtesy not to do such a thing, especially with an active neighbor.
And no thanks, copying your restaurant won't make me feel better. It will make me feel like a loser who has no ideas of her own.

06-14-12, 01:04 PM
You have plenty ideas of your own and that neighbor is plain nasty. I am an architect, and when someone copies my ideas, I get frustrated like you are now, so I know how it feels. Copying is the greatest form of flattery, so that means your design must be a good one.

Ignore that other poster, they don't know how it feels.

Glad someone understands. I already said it wasn't a big deal. It's just a game. But I put a lot of thought and energy into my design and to see a neighbor whom I visited everyday, gave tips and gifts to, steal it just hurt. Since you're an architect naturally you understand. Building and interior design (real or imaginary) draws from your creative resources and is hard work. You don't want someone else taking credit for it.

06-14-12, 01:07 PM
Glad someone understands. I already said it wasn't a big deal. It's just a game. But I put a lot of thought and energy into my design and to see a neighbor whom I visited everyday, gave tips and gifts to, steal it just hurt. Since you're an architect naturally you understand. Building and interior design (real or imaginary) draws from your creative resources and is hard work. You don't want someone else taking credit for it.

You should try emailing support@teamlava.com and see if they can do anything about this.

06-14-12, 01:22 PM
You should try emailing support@teamlava.com and see if they can do anything about this.Nah, it's not that important. Besides I don't know their Storm ID, just the name of their restaurant (Prime Time) and there could be several with that name.

06-14-12, 01:25 PM
Nah, it's not that important. Besides I don't know their Storm ID, just the name of their restaurant (Prime Time) and there could be several with that name.

They can look them up from there itself.

Besides, it's not like support does anything anyways

06-14-12, 01:31 PM

This has happened to me too. I know how you feel. Your talent at designing is a part of you, and for someone to take that and design and copy it is wrong. Its like they are saying they came up with the design... is a huge insult. Just because someone liked your design gives them no right to copy you.

Here's how I deal with it... Remember the designs you create in "Story" games are every limited. We are limited to little squares and the furniture and decorations that TL provides (i dont think their stuff is that great). I'm sure you have designed things in your mind or on paper that are even better :). Sounds like you have an interest in interior design. I hope you persue it, it's a great field. Spend your time creating real designs, don't worry about this silly game.

Oh, and I absolutely agree with you deleting her as a neighbor. I had 2 people copy my fashion story. One I deleted right away... She changed her store back to her old design, she must have understood I was offended. The other one I kept as a neighbor for a while... she still has the design she copied from me... JUST DELETE COPIERS.

Oh and last thing... emailing support will not change anything... It will just be a waste of your time. Atlantis... You know it's just a waste of time to email support about something like this. I understand your upset with TL... But don't waste this girl's time.

06-14-12, 01:41 PM
I think its rude.

06-14-12, 04:20 PM
Interesting question. Yes, I think I've noticed my design's influence on my neighbors in all 3 FS, BS & RS.

There's a fine line between we all have the same finite stuff to work with,( the odds are fair some overlapping will take place naturally), versus the next day your neighbor's store looks eerily familiar. Once I had a very early player randomly tip my FS shop. I went back to thank like, and the walls were identical to mine, and she even commented how she admired the walls. I just left to not lead her back, in fear of having an unwanted clone and then felt petty about that.

She inspired to me to change my beloved design, to something even more different that I honestly like better. It is flattering and just a game so I try to keep perspective.

I did notice it is happening again tho...:-)

06-14-12, 05:28 PM
It is rather odd that they would copy your layout to a T. If I were them I would just borrow sections or small scenes from another persons layout if I thought it was a good idea. For yourself, I would suggest taking it as a compliment.

06-14-12, 05:35 PM
Sometimes when I see an innovative or cool design I'll post on the persons wall complimenting them and asking if I can borrow or do a version of their idea. i never copy directly and make the layout or section a differnt color size or different items and tables or chairs so I'm not ripping anyone off. Amd if they say they didnt want a copier I wouldnt do it out of respectbecause I know how frustrating having an idea stolen. i never mind when neighbors tell me they are borrowing my ideas because its a game and we all need to help each other :)

06-14-12, 06:56 PM
Sometimes when I see an innovative or cool design I'll post on the persons wall complimenting them and asking if I can borrow or do a version of their idea. i never copy directly and make the layout or section a differnt color size or different items and tables or chairs so I'm not ripping anyone off. Amd if they say they didnt want a copier I wouldnt do it out of respect because I know how frustrating having an idea stolen. i never mind when neighbors tell me they are borrowing my ideas because its a game and we all need to help each other :)

This makes sense. Had this person asked me if they could borrow parts of my design I would've said yes, depending on which parts they wanted to borrow. I should point out that they didn't exactly copy everything since there were centerpieces I'd gotten from surprise boxes that they couldn't use, but quite a bit was lifted that made it obvious. What is worse is that this neighbor never posted on my wall never sent gifts or tips. They just felt entitled to enjoy my tips and gifts and borrow entire chunks of my design without even a hint of acknowledgement. :mad:

06-14-12, 07:08 PM
It is rather odd that they would copy your layout to a T. If I were them I would just borrow sections or small scenes from another persons layout if I thought it was a good idea. For yourself, I would suggest taking it as a compliment.

Your absolutely right butter panda I wouldn't be too thrilled of someone copied me but it means that they like their rs

06-14-12, 10:23 PM
I personally don't blame you for deleting them. I've only ever "borrowed" 1 design from one of my neighbors, and I let her know I was doing it. It was when the stairs look was first coming out - and since she had one, I kept going back to see how she did it. But even then, I used it in a different place, with different colors. She didn't mind at all that I was using her for inspiration ;)

06-15-12, 05:53 AM
yes i do agree asking for permission from your nbr about using a part of his or her design is fine. I am also fine with that but to copy wholesale without permission is indeed rude. A part only like colour scheme i dont mind. But EVERYTHING is indeed rude.

06-15-12, 03:50 PM
So far...I haven't seen any of my neighbors copying. So far...I've been unique in my restaurant. Very proud of mine. Check it out....(and I don't mind if you use some of my ideas :))

06-15-12, 04:06 PM
That's a nasty thing to do. It serves them right to be deleted.

06-16-12, 01:17 AM
Funny thing I noticed, they now keep leaving me tips (even though as a neighbor they hardly ever did.) I guess it is to entice me to tip them back so they can still keep in touch. Fat chance of that.

06-16-12, 03:37 AM
No.. Never happened to me, i had a nbr who copied my name but that's all

06-17-12, 12:46 PM
I think everyone should get a life! It happens!! Its not like your losing out in americas got talent...its a frigging game!! Quit whining..

06-17-12, 02:48 PM
Happen to me. I didn't really care. Glad to know I done something worth copying.

06-17-12, 02:49 PM
You should try emailing support@teamlava.com and see if they can do anything about this.

What could they do? That person could say they done it first.

06-17-12, 03:00 PM
What could they do? That person could say they done it first.

It would give support a good laugh I'm sure.

06-17-12, 03:04 PM
It would give support a good laugh I'm sure.

I reckon Support only laugh when they get to press what I imagine is a huge red button that says "BAN!". Then they stop when it brings up what I imagine is a form for banning..."reason...others...over-the-top-details":p

06-17-12, 04:28 PM
I wouldn't think they could ban a person for designing their place similiar to another persons place. Especially since there are limited things to design with. Just stands to reason places will be similiar.

06-17-12, 09:19 PM
Lol! As if they're care!

06-17-12, 09:28 PM
Omg copying is a way of life- you've got to take it as a form of flattery- just know your designs the " new trend", and be happy.

06-17-12, 09:30 PM
Oh and can u please post a piccy of it in the " show off your restaurant " thread, I like to keep up with trends.. Thanks. ��

06-17-12, 10:27 PM
I would be flattered if someone copied my boutique although it would be a little difficult to do exact replica unless they had the same limited time offers, and box items.

06-17-12, 11:49 PM
I copied the optical steps illusion for my RS, but a lot of ppl have those. One of my neighbors semi-copied a design I have in my FS, but it brought a smile to my face! :-D Hang in there OP, you are unique, and copying happens all the time in the real world. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

06-18-12, 10:14 AM
I had a non nbr tip my Restaurant so I went to tip back and saw her beach design which I liked. I posted and asked if she'd be offended if I did something similar though not the exact same. I used the light blue and dark blue water tiles and different sand tiles, smaller version etc and I also waited till she posted back giving me the go ahead. She was happy to say ok. She wasnt even a nbr of mine but I still felt like it was polite to ask if I used her idea and if she had said no id have not done it out of respect. Apart from that the rest of my place is completely different from hers.

06-18-12, 08:56 PM
Some people just aren't very creative, but they know what they like. I think it is a very nice compliment.

06-19-12, 07:07 AM
Honestly, I guess Im too old, but Id have a hard time mustering up the energy to get upset about that. There's too much RL stuff going on....

06-19-12, 09:45 AM
Honestly, I guess Im too old, but Id have a hard time mustering up the energy to get upset about that. There's too much RL stuff going on....

Myself personally I wouldn't care either. I'm always changing mine around anyways.

06-19-12, 10:41 AM
That happened to me, not in these games, but in rl, with my powerpoints at work. There were two ppl stealing my presentations: one going for brutal copy (she was used to change only the title and the author name) and another one with more brain, using only the graphics. At the start i have been really mad at them, but after some time i learned the big lessons in my mind: it's ME who is the creative. I can create more and always new; they cant.
About the person who stole brutally, when ppl reported it to me i answered like this: "Oh well. we have only to pity to ppl with no creativity; i can always create a new presentation, a new graphics, a new template. Like i did one, i can do ten; she cant.". so after some time it was stated in the whole company i was the creative mind, and she was the idiot (also because she wasnt smart enough to change the meta-data in the presentation, that showed i was the first to create the file)
About the other person, i didnt care and started to see the graphic copy as a tribute to my design s****s; after some time she went brave and directly asked me to teach her some tricks. She never was teached about how to use power point, that's why she was copying the graphics; after some learning she went for her own designs (and i copied one of hers myself) :)
just be proud of your design/creative s****s, and dont care about copies. :)

06-19-12, 05:33 PM
The same thing happened to me, right down to the floor design. I just shrugged it off, because it's a game. If someone copied my work in real life, claimed it as their own creation, and is generating income from it -- instant law suit! It's a pretty sad move on their part though. Designing your own look for your store is one of the bwst parts os the Story gamws. I added a small new pattern inside my existing patterned floors, and I'm curious if he/she will add that too. Haha!

06-21-12, 07:14 PM
I admit I have am a few designs that are amazing and have thought of replicating but with my own twist. Asking the person first is considerate and making sure to add your own flare makes it more fun. EXACT replication is wrong... also I don't think that it is always lack of creativity but some times an enhancement (only if done with their own twist to it.) If it's exactly the same then it is a copycat and that's just dog gone wrong.

06-21-12, 09:11 PM
I admit I have am a few designs that are amazing and have thought of replicating but with my own twist. Asking the person first is considerate and making sure to add your own flare makes it more fun. EXACT replication is wrong... also I don't think that it is always lack of creativity but some times an enhancement (only if done with their own twist to it.) If it's exactly the same then it is a copycat and that's just dog gone wrong.

I agree. I asked before I used a persons idea of a beach scene they had done but I put my own spin on it and it looks nothing like hers. I just used her idea of creating one.

06-21-12, 09:21 PM
I thought bout doing that as a joke but the cost of it eould have me in debt. And I wasn't worried bout the person I was gona prank getting mad Because we are friends.

06-21-12, 09:23 PM
I thought bout doing that as a joke but the cost of it eould have me in debt. And I wasn't worried bout the person I was gona prank getting mad Because we are friends.

lol that would have been funny though.

06-21-12, 09:31 PM
lol that would have been funny though.

I know now I really wana do it. She would laugh ha.

06-29-12, 10:35 PM
I wish more people would copy my layout. So at least I know that there r good looikng places out there. The person dosen't have to use the exact same table or whatever.

07-04-12, 06:41 AM
I play both RS and BS, and it's happened to me quite a few times in my BS. A couple of times I've wondered why a certain neighbor dropped me, and when I find them again through the news feed or past comments on my wall, lo and behold, their bakery all of the sudden bares a startling resemblance to mine. I have a unique feature I've added to my bakery, and now they have it, too?

Eh...no biggie, I don't mind. It's just a game.

07-04-12, 08:13 AM
Well..it happened to me. One of my neighbors copied some parts of my bakery and came to my wall leaving a message like "ur bakery almost looks like mine", I was a little mad but I didn't want to argue with her, because it's just a game. I thought maybe she just want others to think I copied hers...

07-04-12, 11:47 PM
Well..it happened to me. One of my neighbors copied some parts of my bakery and came to my wall leaving a message like "ur bakery almost looks like mine", I was a little mad but I didn't want to argue with her, because it's just a game. I thought maybe she just want others to think I copied hers...Wow, that seems like such a {} move. At least my neighbor kept quiet about it. I hope you at least deleted her from your neighbor list.

07-05-12, 04:04 AM
Maybe they should let us charge designer fees, lol

07-05-12, 11:01 PM
Maybe they should let us charge designer fees, lol

Lol good idea

07-05-12, 11:05 PM
Fecs would be making millions by now... If only we could find him. Maybe we should put it all in and by some sparkle for TL. Lmao

07-11-12, 04:08 AM
I'm dealing with this atm. I don't think it's fair to brush off the feelings of those of us who are hurt by blatant copiers. On one hand I understand, especially if the copier is young. That's my case. We all mimic when we're yoing, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still bug me a little.

Yes yes it's just a game, but I take pride in everything I do, from my actual artwork to the way I arrange my pixels :p

07-17-12, 05:28 PM
I'd say to just ignore it. Besides, at least their not your neighbor anymore. That's what they really deserve for stealing. Although, it's not a big deal, it's just not right to steal someone's design without permission. He/shes's just nothing to you. One of my neighbors says " We don't need negative people in our lives."

07-17-12, 06:16 PM
I wonder what's the problem... if they steal your design, you got nothing to lose. Why bother? It only shows one thing, your design is good, people like it, people copy it, you should be proud of it. If I have a design that nobody would bothers, it means my design is {}

07-17-12, 07:19 PM
Honestly, I guess Im too old, but Id have a hard time mustering up the energy to get upset about that. There's too much RL stuff going on....

RL? Is that a new game?

Where can we sign up? (Looks in mirror, 'nuff said)

07-17-12, 07:29 PM
I believe RL stands for Real Life ^^;

07-17-12, 07:59 PM
They just like you're resturant design and just couldn't help copying it. If u don't want them to have your design I suggest just asking them nicely to change their design and tell them how u feel about them copying your design

07-18-12, 01:23 AM
They just like you're resturant design and just couldn't help copying it. If u don't want them to have your design I suggest just asking them nicely to change their design and tell them how u feel about them copying your design

Should just send them a Lawyer letter instead.

07-18-12, 06:23 PM
Seriously? I am so glad my neighbors aren't like this. As with real friends in real life, we share ideas. My friend built a pool, and encouraged me to build one. When I thanked her, she said she got the same response from her friend when she liked it. And I have done the same now with a couple of my friends. I've told them what materials we used and even helped think of places to put it. We've gotten lots of ideas from each other, and realize this is after all a game. I would definately take it as flattery. Who knows, maybe next time, your neighbor would come up with something you'll like.

07-19-12, 12:38 AM
RL? Is that a new game?

Where can we sign up? (Looks in mirror, 'nuff said)

That really made me chuckle. Thanks. One of my FS nbrs stores on my other ID looks like mine and it makes me blink each time I visit but I have forced myself to shrug it off. Life is too short after all.