View Full Version : Deleting Poor Neighbours!

06-11-12, 06:07 AM
Should I delete neighbours that arent active. I seem to waste time going to tip neighbours who are constantly full. How do I delete them?

06-11-12, 06:58 AM
Yeah I would. If they're not baking anything or have spoiled food especially.

06-11-12, 07:16 AM
I have. I watch for a while and if I never receive from them or hear from them on my Wall, I delete them. You can delete them by going to Neighborhood. There's an "Edit" button close to the top of the list. Click it and carefully scroll down to the neighbor you wish to delete and click the "Remove" button. Then, either click the "X" at the upper right or carefully scroll back up and click the "Done" button. CAUTION ... be very careful!!! It's way too easy to accidentally remove a neighbor you don't want to remove! I've done it myself. WAY too easy to delete more than you wish to.

06-11-12, 08:56 AM
Me too, I finally decided to revise my inactive neighbors. For zero rating neighbors, I will keep watching for couple weeks befor deleting.

06-11-12, 09:11 AM
For a few weeks i am very busy at work.
These days it is working around 12 hours a day,if i do not tip then and anyone delete me i will not be happy....
So if it is a neighbor who tip sometimes,dont be too quick to delete him/her.
Normally i am at rating 3 or 4.

06-11-12, 12:50 PM
I will keep a close eye on non tipping neighbours. I notice some take tips but never tip back. Maybe i'm taking it too serious lol

06-11-12, 12:53 PM
I will keep a close eye on non tipping neighbours. I notice some take tips but never tip back. Maybe i'm taking it too serious lol

Depends how you want to play.
It's all personal choice.

06-11-12, 03:41 PM
Should I delete neighbours that arent active. I seem to waste time going to tip neighbours who are constantly full. How do I delete them?

If they SEEM constantly full it could just be that you live in different time zones or that person works alot and so the period where their bakery is clear is when you are not online and vice versa. Not everyone who plays is able to visit their bakery often through the day to clear tables. If there's spoiled food tho and you can see from the wall posts that bakery hasnt been cleared for more than a week..then probably delete. It's your choice anyway really, it's just a game afterall.

06-11-12, 09:36 PM
Ask them if any things up. I delete some after a while but I always ask and if they don't respond after a long while I delete them. If they decide to start actively playing again, I'll add them back though.

06-11-12, 09:38 PM
Should I delete neighbours that arent active. I seem to waste time going to tip neighbours who are constantly full. How do I delete them?

U go to social, Go to neighbors, click on the edit button then tap the remove button next to the person u want

06-12-12, 04:29 AM
If they SEEM constantly full it could just be that you live in different time zones or that person works alot and so the period where their bakery is clear is when you are not online and vice versa. Not everyone who plays is able to visit their bakery often through the day to clear tables.

Yeah, the different time zones thing gets people sometimes I think. I had one of my neighbors write, "always full" on my wall even though I pick up my tips 3-4 times a day. Sometimes people don't think that maybe it's daytime for them, but their neighbor could be on the other side of the world and has been asleep for hours!

That being said, I don't pay too much attention to tips being picked up. I look at if food is spoiled, star rating has been 0 for a long time, nothing has been cooked, no recent recipes are on counters, etc. These are the best ways for me to tell if someone is still active. I usually won't delete unless I'm really sure someone hasn't played for an extended period of time.

06-12-12, 05:10 AM
I usually only delete when I have more than I can manage. Usually for those that dun tip or gift for a long time, I would do a random deletion till i get a manageable number. Nothing at all against those that I deleted.

06-12-12, 08:57 PM
It's really up to you but there is nothing for you to feel guilty about, nor seek permission from anyonefor. Not everyone plays these games the same, and not everyone has the same time for it. If you know their playing style and are aware that they can't visit or gift everyday and are ok with it, then it's up to you on whether you want to keep up with that. But for those who are obviously inactive, those I delete. There are tons of other people for them to pick from if they choose to come back.

06-12-12, 08:57 PM
*anyone for.

06-12-12, 08:58 PM
Yeah, the different time zones thing gets people sometimes I think. I had one of my neighbors write, "always full" on my wall even though I pick up my tips 3-4 times a day. Sometimes people don't think that maybe it's daytime for them, but their neighbor could be on the other side of the world and has been asleep for hours!

That being said, I don't pay too much attention to tips being picked up. I look at if food is spoiled, star rating has been 0 for a long time, nothing has been cooked, no recent recipes are on counters, etc. These are the best ways for me to tell if someone is still active. I usually won't delete unless I'm really sure someone hasn't played for an extended period of time.

I do pretty much the same as candy mentioned above.
Before I decided to remove a name from my neighbor, I usually will visit once every 2 days, leave a note on the wall to see if player responses.
Rating is my least concern to keep the neighbor or not.
Some of neighbors do not tip me at all, but they will send what I need to complete quest or to build new appliances.
Some of my 0 rating neighbors send me gift daily without visiting me.
If they are still cooking and picking up tips, I will keep them.

06-12-12, 11:00 PM
I don't go by tipping at all. Some people enjoy tipping or consider it ultra important and tip every day. Some people tip sporadically -- they can go for days, weeks and tip every day then go for months without tipping. Some tip once a week or just enough to keep their star rating at whatever they deem acceptable. Some people don't care for tipping at all and therefore don't even pick up the tips from their own tables to discourage anyone else from leaving more.

I go by spoiled food and recent update items.

If there's food cooking, they're still playing.
If they have decorations, new appliances or food on counters that come out with this week's update, they're still playing.

I will never delete someone because they don't tip me. But that could be because I go through cycles of tipping every day and then not at all for weeks at a time - depending on my work schedule and whatever else I have going on. But if one of my neighbors wants to delete me because I don't tip everyday, I really don't mind that either.

06-13-12, 12:38 AM
I tip those who sent me gift daily, then, I go by "NEWS" and those who left me note on the wall.
I used to have 100+ neighbors, basically impossible to tip everyone every day.

06-13-12, 01:43 AM
I always tip back anyone who tips me, but don't go tipping all my neighbors daily because I don't really care about the tipping. I do care about keeping my neighbors and if tipping back does that, I'm happy to do it. I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago, posted this on my own wall but didn't notify all my neighbors personally as I didn't think that was necessary. When I came back, one neighbor had deleted me... I was a bit offended, since I had always tipped this person back and I gift daily. So my point is, when you decide to delete a neighbor - though I'm sure you, from the forum, all do this - be sure to check their wall, because sometimes there's a reason why someone isn't baking for a while.

06-13-12, 05:18 PM
I've been deleted when I went to my grandmother's where I did not have access to the internet and while my knee-jerk reaction was to get a bit miffed, when I thought about it I realised that wasn't needed.
It's not personal and no one is trying to hurt you.

I don't think anyone should ever feel bad about deleting neighbours, it's a game and it's supposed to be fun.

06-13-12, 09:19 PM
No, don't delete your neighbors. When you want to expand you need a certain number of neighbors to do so. The larger you go the more neighbors you need. Since you get paid to visit them, it's not really a waste of time.

06-13-12, 10:26 PM
I'm one of those who can care less about tips. But I cook and gift daily and I'd say I am a very loyal nber. :)

That being said I like nbers similar to me and luckily I am blessed with some very loyal nbers whom I can depend on for anything!

06-13-12, 11:18 PM
No, don't delete your neighbors. When you want to expand you need a certain number of neighbors to do so. The larger you go the more neighbors you need. Since you get paid to visit them, it's not really a waste of time.
oh yes, this is one of the requirement for expansion that I totally forget.
how many neighbors do you need for expansion?

06-14-12, 01:06 AM
oh yes, this is one of the requirement for expansion that I totally forget.
how many neighbors do you need for expansion?

50 neigbors is the maximum you will need for all the expansions.

06-14-12, 06:08 AM
No, don't delete your neighbors. When you want to expand you need a certain number of neighbors to do so. The larger you go the more neighbors you need. Since you get paid to visit them, it's not really a waste of time.

It's fairly easy to find new neighbours, why keep people that have clearly stopped playing and won't clear their tables, give you gifts, send parts and such when you send requests?
I don't see the point of that when you can replace them with people that, like you, are still playing the game?

Visiting neighbours that have stopped is generally not as fun either they don't ever change their design or add new items, wich I think is part of the fun with neighbours, getting to see other peoples bakery designs.

06-14-12, 08:04 AM
I delete people who don't give tipps or have a rating of 0 Stars. I also delete or don't accept people with too many tables.
I definitely delete people with MANY tables AND 0 Stars. I hate greedy people.

06-14-12, 01:36 PM
I don't tip because I simply can't spend that much time going to 50+ people's bakeries, have their bakeries load on my phone with all the animation and whatnot, tip, and leave a message on their wall. I don't think it's a bad thing not to tip, especially since I gift people every day. That's why I don't delete people who don't tip, because as long as they gift and respond to my requests, then I'd say they are worth having as neighbors.

I've been deleted by plenty of people, but I don't care. Those who have been my neighbors since I started BS don't tip me, but we still gift one another, which is more helpful to me in the long run than tipping. I also get the feeling that people who don't realize how time-consuming tipping is don't have many neighbors. I was into it when I had around 15 neighbors, but not anymore, lol.

So, I'd say that if your neighbors have stopped gifting you and have clearly stopped playing for good, then go ahead and delete them.

06-14-12, 02:02 PM
I have a very busy schedule, I gift everyday, but I don't get a chance to tip and leave messages on the walls everyday. sometimes I don't get to tip for 2 to 3 days. I have had neighbors leave messages on my wall about not tipping. I am sorry they feel that way. as much as I like playing, I have a family and job that has to come first. I actually thought I was beind a good neighbor gifting everyday. " Go Figure"

06-14-12, 10:07 PM
Each tip is only $20. It will not contribute much to my daily income. It will be nice to receive tip but not necessary for me.
Receive gift is also nice-to-have but not necessary. No matter how many neighbors I have, max. receiving gift is still 20 per day.
I send gift every day to all my neighbors though they may not receive it due to the maximum limit.
I do not feel bad if my neighbor decided to delete me for not tipping. They for sure can find someone else who can tip them every day.