View Full Version : Neighbours who don't tip back are jerks

11-12-10, 11:36 AM
So annoying to have so-called neighbours and they don't even tip back and haven't grasped the social aspect of the game. I just delete them now and pretty much realize anyone who doesn't have any community stars doesn't tip back so they're useless to me.

Another thing I don't care for would be people who don't send stew as a gift. Stew makes $750 and the next is the chicken at 400. The other 3 suck and make 200 (french toast), 200 (waffles) and I think bacon&eggs only gets you $100. I occasionally send a message to people of lower levels suggesting they send stew and just delete those who are higher level and don't do it because they should know better. If the lower levels don't start sending stew then bam, delete. At a 20 gift per 24 hour limit, I want the extra money stew brings in.

I've gone from a neighbour list of about 102 down to 64 because of both those two issues. Funny.

11-12-10, 01:37 PM
Neighbors who don't tip back are annoying, true, but there are some possible reasons for this behavior. Some people are not playing until the glitches are fixed. Additionally, the news feed is only so long, so some people might not even receive a notification that you tipped them, unless you are writing on their wall. Or, perhaps when they go to tip you, your tables are full, and they forget to come back.

Your second point - that is why you can ACCEPT or DECLINE a gift. I personally do not like getting stew. I decline half the stew I receive. It doesn't fit my menu preferences, and I am not in it for the virtual money. I accept all french toasts, waffles and eggs, cause it goes with my brunch atmosphere. Especially french toast...because I don't feel like sitting there tapping buttons every minute for 10 minutes to get 140 servings of french toast, but I want to serve it. I give all of the items, but I give stew most often, because of people like you, who seem so angry and offended by anything else. It is just a game afterall.

It would be nice if all the gifts were of equal value, or equivalent in cooking time or something.

11-12-10, 02:18 PM
So annoying to have so-called neighbours and they don't even tip back and haven't grasped the social aspect of the game. I just delete them now and pretty much realize anyone who doesn't have any community stars doesn't tip back so they're useless to me.

Another thing I don't care for would be people who don't send stew as a gift. Stew makes $750 and the next is the chicken at 400. The other 3 suck and make 200 (french toast), 200 (waffles) and I think bacon&eggs only gets you $100. I occasionally send a message to people of lower levels suggesting they send stew and just delete those who are higher level and don't do it because they should know better. If the lower levels don't start sending stew then bam, delete. At a 20 gift per 24 hour limit, I want the extra money stew brings in.

I've gone from a neighbour list of about 102 down to 64 because of both those two issues. Funny.

First of all, as the 2nd poster pointed out there are many reasons ppl don't tip back. But one reason was not mentioned. People may get sick and not be able to tip back for a week . This happened to me recently, but not one of my neighbors deleted me because I had a good record and some of them knew I was sick. Also I wouldn't count on their star rating. I have always maintained a 4 star...but recently it has started to slip, even if I tip and gift all my neighbors, within hours it starts to decline. This happened after the last update and as far as I know is not fixed yet. So it's up to you, of course, but I would give ppl the benefit of the doubt. Also, I don't like just getting stew. I like a mix of gifts and I have asked some of my neighbors to send things other than stew. If I know what they like, I send that to them also. So maybe not everyone knows to send stew....it's an assumption on your part that everyone is playing the game the way you do. Ppl are not mindreaders.

11-12-10, 02:32 PM
it s a gift so accept it, nb 's can also send you nothing , be satisfied with a gift, i saw on a wall, people who don t give stew i will delete, sorry, it s just game people

11-12-10, 05:36 PM
People who tip but don't make a comment on the wall. Some people can't keep up with the news feed
and might be missing people who have tipped them.
I usually try to check the feed on Restaurant, City & Farm but it goes by too fast so now I am getting to the point
where I wont respond back to you if you don't leave a comment on the wall.
Doesn't have to be a novel I'd settle for a T, smiley face just something.

11-12-10, 06:54 PM
Come on... In real life, do u throw back a gift just b'cos is not expansive enough ? Do u refuse a gift , then tell the person who give it to u, "I dun want it, it is too cheap. Send a more expensive one next time, else dun b my friend" ? 

11-12-10, 09:19 PM
Lol ...
Some ignorantly claim that's in game Gifting system is a gift... It is not, it's an exchange!
...a basic stimulus to spark social interaction with "" Strangers "" NOT friends! Unless you got to know someone personally and careless if they suit your preferences.... But if not, one will and should not be enslaved to a list of inconvenient names, especially if you dedicate your time to make sure that each and every one of the once on your list get your tips.

Other than that I really careless because I have no clue who they are and it's not a holiday to be gifting your strangers every day, so it's not a gift because your sitting there and waiting to receive something from them... But what if they don't tip or gift you..you will delete your friend!? OMG!?

Overall Stew is the best food item to gift because it supports your wallet, for your best interest.
Some prefer variety of food, some being able to decorate (variety of style... Which requires $$$)

Some people like toast because that is what they've obsessively eaten all their lives, they will **** to defend it's right to be on top gifting list, rofl!!!

11-12-10, 11:01 PM
I just go by all my neighbours once a day. When the tables are full, I just go to the next one and I do not return!! I'm not gonna spend hours to return and see if the neighbour finally picked it up so I can Tip!

11-12-10, 11:48 PM
I feel that if a neighbor is not satisfied with my gift, they do have the right not to accept it. They can even delete me from their list of neighbors for all I care. Ill just replace them and send the gift to someone who's more appreciative.

11-13-10, 01:03 AM
I feel that if a neighbor is not satisfied with my gift, they do have the right not to accept it. They can even delete me from their list of neighbors for all I care. Ill just replace them and send the gift to someone who's more appreciative.

And someone is in it to promoter themselves
I'm assuming you only new to this game

I want to see your appreciation flourish when you get an endless list, Taking in to account you tip everyone and your will never delete anyone in the name of the lord, because your so nice, isn't that right, and you will keep collecting neighbors with no limit and tip everyone and not expect anything back, well, because your so wonderfully pure!
Right CityGirl? I'm helping your promotion.

11-13-10, 01:39 AM
Is it PopCorn Time again?!
All of you are just promoting your believes!
Appreciation is when all of you will accept one another opinion and accept the facts that perhaps another person had a reason for certain actions before you getting to them yourself!
Right now your are all selfish!
Night night!

11-13-10, 07:52 AM
Is it PopCorn Time again?!
All of you are just promoting your believes!
Appreciation is when all of you will accept one another opinion and accept the facts that perhaps another person had a reason for certain actions before you getting to them yourself!
Right now your are all selfish!
Night night!

Well said!! 

11-13-10, 09:50 AM
So annoying to have so-called neighbours and they don't even tip back and haven't grasped the social aspect of the game. I just delete them now and pretty much realize anyone who doesn't have any community stars doesn't tip back so they're useless to me.

Another thing I don't care for would be people who don't send stew as a gift. Stew makes $750 and the next is the chicken at 400. The other 3 suck and make 200 (french toast), 200 (waffles) and I think bacon&eggs only gets you $100. I occasionally send a message to people of lower levels suggesting they send stew and just delete those who are higher level and don't do it because they should know better. If the lower levels don't start sending stew then bam, delete. At a 20 gift per 24 hour limit, I want the extra money stew brings in.

I've gone from a neighbour list of about 102 down to 64 because of both those two issues. Funny.

Gee, this rant makes u sound like a big fat jerk yourself. I tip neighbours daily and any who post a comment. T send stew...most of the time. That said, even tho I'm one of the non jerk neighbours per your description, if u were on my list, I'd delete you. Because u sound like an arrogant jerk. Don't like the gift, decline it. Tip only those that tip u first. There ur problems. Solved. Jerk. Sorry u are not as important to the world as u are to u. Self absorbed much

11-13-10, 11:58 AM
Please note that I am one of those "jerks" who don't tip your selfish restaurant back considering I have a life aaannd to the fact that I'm not in a healthy state and have been sleep-deprived for a week now and I have tried my best to tip all those I can before I usually pass out. If you have deleted me as your neighbor then thank you for that is one less neighbor I have to stress about.

11-13-10, 07:24 PM
And someone is in it to promoter themselves
I'm assuming you only new to this game

I want to see your appreciation flourish when you get an endless list, Taking in to account you tip everyone and your will never delete anyone in the name of the lord, because your so nice, isn't that right, and you will keep collecting neighbors with no limit and tip everyone and not expect anything back, well, because your so wonderfully pure!
Right CityGirl? I'm helping your promotion.

If CityGirl trying to promote herself, thn u must be trying to demote yourself.

Assuming u r the "non-jerk" who started this thread, can I have ur restaurent name? So, I can make sure that u won't have a "jerk" who don't send 100% stew, n don't 100% tipped back. Lol

11-13-10, 07:47 PM
Why does a person have so many neighbors and then complain about it? In RS, I have about 30 or so. I keep it there because I can take care of 30 ppl every day or every other day. No one is holding a *** to your head to acquire neighbors like coins. I made the mistake in CS of getting about 80 neighbors. It's too much. But some of them are the same neighbors I have in RS. I try to do right by everyone. i think most of us do.

Ausil Cafe
11-14-10, 02:13 AM
I hear you... U r frustrated and for a reason. You probably took on board a number of neighbours that u can manage and you should expect them to return the favour! sorry you are feeling this way and I hope I'm not one of the neighbors you had to delete.

Other players here gave you an idea of why ppl are probably not tipping back... Having that in mind, I can only suggest that you wait until reset to just tip the people u know will tip you back... And once a week, just go through your list of neighbors and delete the ones you are not happy with... After all, this is just a game and it is supposed to be fun, it's supposed to help you relax... You will always bump into greedy players, but just forget about them and be happy with what you get. Thank your neighbors and show them your appreciation. Leave a message on their wall... Good karma will pay off, and you will have fun.

11-14-10, 08:19 AM
Yep, I love these unschedule down time for system maintenances...

On behalve of my fingers, I thank you --- they needed the well deserved rest.

However; ouch... This one wanted to show you how it felt ... 

11-14-10, 09:17 AM
"Another thing I don't care for would be people who don't send stew as a gift. Stew makes $750 and the next is the chicken at 400. The other 3 suck and make 200 (french toast), 200 (waffles) and I think bacon&eggs only gets you $100. I occasionally send a message to people of lower levels suggesting they send stew and just delete those who are higher level and don't do it because they should know better. If the lower levels don't start sending stew then bam, delete. At a 20 gift per 24 hour limit, I want the extra money stew brings in."

Any gift they send you makes you money. Please appreciate the gift and thank them for it.

11-14-10, 11:06 AM
Ever stop and think that there are other things going on in their lives....I for example, haven't been on much due to two kids doing sports, working full time, and my other part time job and losing a close family member. I try to tip or water back, but sometimes life gets busy. So before you start flaming people..take time to chill.

11-15-10, 03:22 PM
I agree with the stew thing, while yes you can decline a gift you can only have a selection of 20 to decline at a time. If that 20 is full and someone try's to gift stew but can't you just missed out on it. All stew brings in $15000 per day, all chicken $8000, and everything else $4000. This is the way I am playing the game, so I do delete those that don't gift accordingly. It isn't personal after all like your saying it is just a game right? You don't want us "jerks" for neighbors anyway, and if you are gifting those other things then you don't even want stew, which is all a stew gifter gifts since that's all they want, so we are doing you the favor by deleting you.

I do delete people at 0 stars because that means they aren't tipping anyone not just myself, and haven't been for a while. I accept all friend requests and request all that ask to be. More friends means bigger tips and more xp. I go through my list almost daily and tip all neighbors, unless they are full. I understand that this could be the reason they don't tip back so I don't take it personally. As long as they maintain a star that means they are tipping someone. I also understand that most dont have a job where they can play under their desk when its slow.:)

Those of you getting so defensive perhaps you should take your own advise and realize it is just a game.

11-15-10, 04:37 PM
I have 580 neighbors and I gift them stew everyday, around the same time. Some get their gift, some already maxed out. I only accept stew but tipped every neighbor who gifted me regardless of the gift. I appreciate all the gifts and tips I can get :) In regards with tipping, I try to return all the tips back except when I am sleeping and the newsfeed eliminated them. I encourage my neighbors/visitors to leave a short mssg so I can tip them in return. I do have many neighbors who do not gift or tip back but I still keep them. You knows one day they might send me a gift or tip me, as I said before I appreciate all the tips I can get :)

11-15-10, 05:44 PM
I gift stew, just because. I accept anything until my 20 max. It don't matter to me like it does to some. I'm a four star rating and go thru my neighbor list daily, as well as tip back those that leave messages. Really don't have time for following the feed. I gift around 530 am est because I want to b sure most of my neighbors get mine :)

If I ran across one of my neighbors demanding stew gift from others, I'd delete them. Even if they tipped and gifted me regularly. Just because for me, it seems really rude and arrogant. I dont invite these types into my real life. Don't want them in my game time. I'd tell them why nicely, but only if they asked. Tho they probably wouldn't notice So no great loss to either of us

My neighbor lists are full, so not accepting any new. But if u are my neighbor and one of these that demand a certain gift from others, then do us both a favor, delete me. You won't miss me, I won't miss you. That goes for those that demand bowls, house, or arches too.

I gift them because I want my neighbors to sell. Some ppl send the other stuff just to switch things up. It's all good with me.

If it really bugs u, start a add me only if u gift such and such thread

Clear your current list and add those of like mind. That way no one is pissing u off, and u aren't being perhaps unintentionally rude.

11-15-10, 09:28 PM
I'm not sure you should call them jerks. Unless they are the ones flooding your message board with their ID (I have a few of those) they have no obligation to gift or tip you. I mostly add people to expand my restaurant. Otherwise, I wouldn't add anyone. If they want to gift me that's their prerogative, but don't expect me to always gift back. Calling them jerks is childish and you need to grow up.

11-30-10, 07:49 AM
It's just a game people! How can you get so annoyed because someone didn't send you the gift you wanted? You take the fun all out of a game like this. Some people may not tip back because they have an actual life outside this little game and prefer not to spend all day going to send a tip to every single one of their neighbors.

11-30-10, 09:21 AM
I've got about 500 neighbours and don't mind dropping a few in the same mindset as the OP who take things too seriously. I do usually send stew though. I'm sure most of my neighbours have plenty of other neighbours to send them stew and won't mind too much.

For the record I work the same way as one of the posters above. I tip everyone who gifts me and leave pictures on their wall until I have 20 lots of stew. I still tip people who send other gifts. After that throughout the day I tip back based on the news feed before clearing my tables. I send gifts in batches of about 100 throughout the day. I occasionally go through and delete people with zero red stars.

11-30-10, 12:04 PM
I don't sweat it if my neighbors don't tip back consistently. I just make my best effort to tip everyone each day. People from all walks of life play RS, and I am sure they have their valid reasons for not tipping, I don't take it personally.


11-30-10, 12:05 PM
OK I am going to sound a bit dumb here but I thought it was better to get French Toast.

The toast gives you 200 servings and the Stew only 150 servings. I must be missing something with the money though. I thought the servings were the more important issue. Since I was getting it as a gift anyway wouldn't it be more important to serve more "people"

Someone some advice please. :)

11-30-10, 12:30 PM
Stew = 5 * 150 = 750
French Toast = 1*200=200


11-30-10, 02:37 PM
So Cali
Do you mean that there are 750 servings of the Stew actually. So am I playing a game that I am really not understanding :( DUH!

Each portion of the 150 portions of stew are actually worth five portions?

11-30-10, 03:06 PM
So Cali
Do you mean that there are 750 servings of the Stew actually. So am I playing a game that I am really not understanding :( DUH!

Each portion of the 150 portions of stew are actually worth five portions?

Different items are worth different amounts. When your customers order stew, they pay 5 coins. Chicken is worth 8 coins per serving, etc.

So...150 servings at 5 coins each equals 750 coins for each stew gift.

12-01-10, 08:25 AM
So basically servings are different than value. Toast still has more servings than stew but they are cheaper per serving. Did I get that now? Double Duh.

12-09-10, 07:39 AM
u think ppl no need eat, slp and have a life? be grateful for the tips and gifts... i dun tip my neighbour everyday but i make sure i gift them everyday (unless i go holiday)... some of my neighbours also dun tip me n gift me everyday but hey, it's a game... u think ppl no need to work? wat if i have to work OT? u expect me to tip u? siao... wat if i kenna sack then no money pay bill then hp line kenna cut then how???

think of others lah... i think u too free le.. maybe u like to really look for a life...

12-10-10, 12:37 AM
It's just a game people! How can you get so annoyed because someone didn't send you the gift you wanted? You take the fun all out of a game like this. Some people may not tip back because they have an actual life outside this little game and prefer not to spend all day going to send a tip to every single one of their neighbors.

Yeah I totally agree! People have a life outside a cartoon game. And after all - people get sick, they go on holiday? How would you feel if you went on holiday and when you got back ALL your neighbours had deleted you? I know I would feel pretty bad, especially if i had done the same to my neighbours.
And aswell - gifts. If I get a gift I accept it. In fact I'd rather get more of a variety of foods for my restaurant than just stew,stew and more stew. But I accept it anyway because its a gift that your neighbour has taken the time out of their life to gift you.
Enough said.

12-11-10, 06:28 PM
Gifts are gifts! I had no idea that chicken was worth so much, I was slightly annoyed that I would send them French toast with 200 plates and they would send me chicken with 50. Thanks for the education. I usually send back what is sent to me cause I figure that most people send what they want in return.

12-11-10, 06:49 PM
I gift in bulk, pretty early so they all go thru. I think it's just a courtesy of the game. I also send the premium gift in each game (it costs nothing after all) but accept anything my neighbors send. It is just a game.

I tip all nbrs that gift me for sure, and return tips to anyone who posted on my wall. I try to go thru my neighbor list but life does get busy. I don't even bother with the news feeds. I figure if someone wants a tip back, they'll leave a message. It would take too long if I had to be constantly checking that useless feature.

Everyone plays at a different pace.

12-11-10, 07:22 PM
Thank you for clearing up the gift issue. I usually just send French toast because of the serving size so now I will adjust my gifts. I just went with the gift that would last the longest because I have a job and a life so I can't play it 24/7.

I have 157 neighbors that I try to gift everyday but tipping each one is hard. Every few hours I check my wall AND news feed so I can tip back each one. When I have a lot more time I go alphabetically and since there are so many I don't take the time to write on their wall.

Also the time of day makes a difference. I may have free time at midnight but the person receiving my gift may be asleep because it's 2am and then if they dont play until 10am am I supposed to be offended? No they are just busy!

I appreciate each and every gift I receive.

02-26-11, 02:03 PM
Yeah I totally agree! People have a life outside a cartoon game. And after all - people get sick, they go on holiday? How would you feel if you went on holiday and when you got back ALL your neighbours had deleted you? I know I would feel pretty bad, especially if i had done the same to my neighbours.
And aswell - gifts. If I get a gift I accept it. In fact I'd rather get more of a variety of foods for my restaurant than just stew,stew and more stew. But I accept it anyway because its a gift that your neighbour has taken the time out of their life to gift you.
Enough said.

Just to clarify how the star rating works. Your star rating will not drop if you go on holidays. It will stay exactly the same. Star ratings only drop if you collect tips without tipping others. So those on zero stars are certainly one way neighbors. I can't help but take the moral high ground and delete them. What others do is their choice!

02-26-11, 11:03 PM
Just to clarify how the star rating works. Your star rating will not drop if you go on holidays. It will stay exactly the same. Star ratings only drop if you collect tips without tipping others. So those on zero stars are certainly one way neighbors. I can't help but take the moral high ground and delete them. What others do is their choice!

Well, actually taking the moral high ground would be to keep neighbors whether they tip or not just because you're a nice person. Not saying that's what you should do, but I just don't see what's moral about deleting neighbors that don't do enough for you.

02-26-11, 11:54 PM
Well, actually taking the moral high ground would be to keep neighbors whether they tip or not just because you're a nice person. Not saying that's what you should do, but I just don't see what's moral about deleting neighbors that don't do enough for you.

Come on, don't tell me you will be going back to the same restaurant even the service is lousy. That is not call nice, that's call stupid.........................

02-27-11, 11:13 AM
Woah woah.. who's the jerk here now? I hope you're not taking these games way too seriously.

02-27-11, 09:32 PM
Come on, don't tell me you will be going back to the same restaurant even the service is lousy. That is not call nice, that's call stupid.........................

Perhaps you're confusing this game with reality.

02-28-11, 12:09 AM
Well actually for those who dont know- one tip is equivalent to 1 exp. Check it out.
So if u are a good neighbor you will help those who are helping others. Dont be hypocrite to say this is just a game blah blah blah. You are tipping bcos u love to help. Who will help people who doesnt care other people? I dont!

I have over 500 nbrs but every week i check my list and see who's star are above 1 ( take note- i keep those with 1 stars). I see to it that even if my neighbors dont tip me, at least i know they are tipping others- meaning helping others- and it shows thru their stars. Why would i keep someone who's just a taker but not a giver?when they asked for invite they will say- i tipped and gift everyday,with matching smileys. I expect them to do the same as i do. Even if it means an hour of tipping all of them. Expecting in return is not being je rk- it's being realistic. Come on people check yourself- spending time tapping everyday and checking ur tables as well if someone tipped u. Wouldnt it be disappointing to see that all the time you are tipping, your tables are empty?

02-28-11, 12:28 AM
Are you more concerned about these neighbors morals? or the fact that they're affecting the rate of how much you're making? :/

02-28-11, 04:01 PM
Actually, I beg 2 differ. Suppose ur neighbor was SUPER busy with work or vacation and whatnot. While they were away, u tipped and gifted. Then when they FINALLY r finished with whatever, they go 2 ur bakery 2 tip back but they find u were FULL and when they gift back U r FULL! so give me one reason y they r and neighbors. It's not unfairness but human nature. Besides, the point of tipping and gifting is NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURN!!!

PS it's just a game! U wanna get serious, then start a REAL bakery but 4 now, stick with what u got and BE HAPPY!!!

02-28-11, 04:04 PM
Sry I meant "bad neighbors" not "and neighbors"!

02-28-11, 10:37 PM
Well, I have almost 500 neighbors in both RS and BS and I gift them all almost every day. I also tip anyone who tips me, anyone who leaves a message on my wall and enough others to keep my star rating at 4. And it takes me minutes, not hours. I don't bother to check who sends gifts to me and I don't check my neighbor's star rating. That's too much like work to me. I'd rather spend my time making food, redecorating and visiting neighbors. Not saying it's the best way to play, just that it's another way to play and more fun for me.

Well actually for those who dont know- one tip is equivalent to 1 exp. Check it out.
So if u are a good neighbor you will help those who are helping others. Dont be hypocrite to say this is just a game blah blah blah. You are tipping bcos u love to help. Who will help people who doesnt care other people? I dont!

I have over 500 nbrs but every week i check my list and see who's star are above 1 ( take note- i keep those with 1 stars). I see to it that even if my neighbors dont tip me, at least i know they are tipping others- meaning helping others- and it shows thru their stars. Why would i keep someone who's just a taker but not a giver?when they asked for invite they will say- i tipped and gift everyday,with matching smileys. I expect them to do the same as i do. Even if it means an hour of tipping all of them. Expecting in return is not being je rk- it's being realistic. Come on people check yourself- spending time tapping everyday and checking ur tables as well if someone tipped u. Wouldnt it be disappointing to see that all the time you are tipping, your tables are empty?

03-01-11, 11:31 PM
She is the number1 selfish witch that is gift and tip hungry yet she does not level up fast.

Threatens to delete neighbors.

Its only a game after all.

Shame shame shame

03-02-11, 01:29 AM
I agree I also advise people I only send stew dont ask for anything else or say bye bye...i am in deleting process as well

So annoying to have so-called neighbours and they don't even tip back and haven't grasped the social aspect of the game. I just delete them now and pretty much realize anyone who doesn't have any community stars doesn't tip back so they're useless to me.

Another thing I don't care for would be people who don't send stew as a gift. Stew makes $750 and the next is the chicken at 400. The other 3 suck and make 200 (french toast), 200 (waffles) and I think bacon&eggs only gets you $100. I occasionally send a message to people of lower levels suggesting they send stew and just delete those who are higher level and don't do it because they should know better. If the lower levels don't start sending stew then bam, delete. At a 20 gift per 24 hour limit, I want the extra money stew brings in.

I've gone from a neighbour list of about 102 down to 64 because of both those two issues. Funny.

03-02-11, 04:30 AM
I accept all gifts but I must admit constantly getting stew is a bit annoying but it's a money maker, I also accept 1 and 2star neighbours depending on what level they are on you have to remember we were all 1 and 2 star players at some point everyone needs a chance to raise their heart level I usually give them a while to get into the game and if they don't I delete them, I recently deleted about 25 to 30 neighbours in one day cos they never tip or gift and I sit usually daily and gift all my neighbours, and every other day I tip/clean ALL my neighbours on Restaurant, Bakery, City, Empire and Farm which takes a bit of time
However we must remember this is ONLY a game

03-02-11, 07:20 AM
Why everyone keep reminding each other this is 'only a game'. Of course this is a game, all players play it b'cos it's fun and relaxing.

Personally, I find tipping bk people is the major fun part of this game. I have a number of loyal 'customers' who come tip me almost everyday, and we don't even bother to become nbr. We don't bother about gift or no gift, 3 or 6 tip, no problem. We just enjoy the back and front relationship, exchanging post on each other wall.

Yes, those people who don't tip back is somewhat.... How shd I put it?... Boring? Tipping them is like talking to a stone/rock, no reaction.

And yes, I also delete those nbr who don't tip bk or... put that in another way, I delete those nbr who seem to be doing nothing but cooking and collecting gift/tip from me. Give me 3 good reasons why I need someone like that is my nbr list?

03-02-11, 07:48 AM
Thnk u for putting it straight.
I recently frankly told one neighbor about not tipping back with those who tipped her (including me). With her restaurant full of white tables next to each other, without a single chair (imagine that!), i was surprised to see her ZERO star.And full of tips too! I waited for a week to check if her star rank will improve and visited her (including my tips) daily but i guess she's just really a su cker! After telling her of being selfish i immediately deleted her from my list. Sorry to those who's opinion differs from mine. But i dont really need that kind of neighbor 

Why everyone keep reminding each other this is 'only a game'. Of course this is a game, all players play it b'cos it's fun and relaxing.

Personally, I find tipping bk people is the major fun part of this game. I have a number of loyal 'customers' who come tip me almost everyday, and we don't even bother to become nbr. We don't bother about gift or no gift, 3 or 6 tip, no problem. We just enjoy the back and front relationship, exchanging post on each other wall.

Yes, those people who don't tip back is somewhat.... How shd I put it?... Boring? Tipping them is like talking to a stone/rock, no reaction.

And yes, I also delete those nbr who don't tip bk or... put that in another way, I delete those nbr who seem to be doing nothing but cooking and collecting gift/tip from me. Give me 3 good reasons why I need someone like that is my nbr list?

03-02-11, 11:11 PM
Perhaps you're confusing this game with reality.

Lol... ya ya ya, is just a game. But do you know, thru game playing you can see how's a person really is. Well, let me guess, you must be those kind that wear a smiling mask on the real world, when come to the game world, you just reveal your true ugly selfish side. Right?

I not scare to say that I dislike people who don't return favour, and still expect other to be nice to them, whether in real life or game life. If you want to continue wearing mask even in the game world, be my guest, do so.

Let me take another guess, you are those people who don't tip back too, right?

03-02-11, 11:24 PM
Lol... ya ya ya, is just a game. But do you know, thru game playing you can see how's a person really is. Well, let me guess, you must be those kind that wear a smiling mask on the real world, when come to the game world, you just reveal your true ugly selfish side. Right?

I not scare to say that I dislike people who don't return favour, and still expect other to be nice to them, whether in real life or game life. If you want to continue wearing mask even in the game world, be my guest, do so.

Let me take another guess, you are those people who don't tip back too, right?

You don't know a thing about me and you know what they say about assumptions. And not that I need to explain to you but I have over 500 neighbors in both RS and BS and I gift them all everyday and have a 4 star rating for tipping. Why is it that so many people on this board can't have a reasonable discussion! If someone doesn't agree with you, you just attack. I guess I'll just chalk it up to your immaturity! I truly hope you're not as mean as you sound!

03-02-11, 11:28 PM
Why everyone keep reminding each other this is 'only a game'.

Maybe Because their posts sound like they are discussing the answer to world peace.

08-17-11, 06:39 PM
So annoying to have so-called neighbours and they don't even tip back and haven't grasped the social aspect of the game. I just delete them now and pretty much realize anyone who doesn't have any community stars doesn't tip back so they're useless to me.

Another thing I don't care for would be people who don't send stew as a gift. Stew makes $750 and the next is the chicken at 400. The other 3 suck and make 200 (french toast), 200 (waffles) and I think bacon&eggs only gets you $100. I occasionally send a message to people of lower levels suggesting they send stew and just delete those who are higher level and don't do it because they should know better. If the lower levels don't start sending stew then bam, delete. At a 20 gift per 24 hour limit, I want the extra money stew brings in.

I've gone from a neighbour list of about 102 down to 64 because of both those two issues. Funny.

Are you my twin lol? I used to be that way before I the buildable appliance update. The dynamic is a little different, but the general lackadaisical attitude and difficulty with following instructions is the same for sure. I think in general, the bulk of the human population is that way. Nothing you can do about it. Unless you're Winston Churchill, in which case you'd whip these people into developing some discipline, character, and a distaste for mediocrity.

08-17-11, 06:40 PM
This thread is too old. Will be closed.