View Full Version : Not sure if someone posted this...

06-05-12, 02:27 PM
I noticed that I have not been able to past the 5 million mark with my coins for the past two months thanks to the new updated version and less people coming into my cafe. I was searching through the app store and to my surprise when I clicked on the purchased tab I found the valentine version and was able to re-download it. So now everything is back to normal.

Just wanted to post my findings in case anyone else was having trouble making money or expericing the coin bug.

06-05-12, 03:42 PM
I'm running the latest version, 1.5.1, and did not encounter any issues displaying Coin balances over 5 million. Please note that the Valentine version is no longer supported and does not contain the latest bug fixes.

06-05-12, 03:48 PM
No, I mean that with the update they cut back on how many people come into the bakery which means less money coming in unless you exit the game (you know how customers gradually goes to a lot and then to two). With the valentine version I don't have to worry about exiting the game and coming back to keep the flow of customers coming in so I'll be able to make more money.

06-05-12, 04:24 PM
I've been having that problem too. It only started in the last couple of weeks. I thought it may have been something with my iPad because I had not seen others post about this issue. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I wish it would get fixed.

06-05-12, 04:30 PM
No, I mean that with the update they cut back on how many people come into the bakery which means less money coming in unless you exit the game (you know how customers gradually goes to a lot and then to two). With the valentine version I don't have to worry about exiting the game and coming back to keep the flow of customers coming in so I'll be able to make more money.

There is another thread about this problem:

This is a known issue. Here is the current thread
