View Full Version : your restaurant has gone out of synch

11-12-10, 06:27 AM
This downlolad patch stated that out of synch errors were fixed, actually they havent been. In fact this patch has created out of synch errors for me. Just now twice in one minute I have had this error. Thanks TL for fixing the issue?

11-12-10, 06:31 AM
me again, i just went back to log into RS again and it says I need an internet connection to play the game, tested on the other story games and got the same thing. I have an internet connection 99% of my ipad games are internet based and the others I went on connected fine, fix please.

11-12-10, 09:24 AM
I can't play the game after I updated . Please help

11-12-10, 09:30 AM
For the last three hours i can't get into Restaurant Story or Farm Story. It keeps saying I have no internet connection when there is a full signal and I can get into other apps on the iPhone.

11-12-10, 09:42 AM
The same problems here

11-12-10, 09:45 AM
Try the game again, it seems to be working now. It wasn't this morning, but the update wasn't the problem because I hadn't loaded it yet when I got the Oh Darn message.

11-12-10, 05:30 PM
I have the same problem does anyone know how can I get rid of it?
It takes my money!and can't buy anything new because of it.
Please help!

11-12-10, 06:22 PM
The constant out of sync error takes all the money.

11-12-10, 09:13 PM
For the last three hours i can't get into Restaurant Story or Farm Story. It keeps saying I have no internet connection when there is a full signal and I can get into other apps on the iPhone.. Same problem. Grrr

01-06-12, 04:13 AM
I have not been able to connect for 2 days. I've tried everything.

01-06-12, 04:50 AM
I have not been able to connect for 2 days. I've tried everything.

I'm not sure if you've tried restarting your device, or tried deleting the app and redownloading, your game is safe on TLs server. Sorry, if you've tried all this. Is it just RS your having these issues with? Which device are you playing on?

01-06-12, 08:27 PM
I was finally able to download from some android site. It was happening with RS only. I was able to access FS and BS. My food was spoiled but at least I was able to get on. I had tried everything with no luck at first. Now I'm up again. Hope it last. Thank you all for the support.

kooky panda
01-06-12, 09:23 PM
I was finally able to download from some android site. It was happening with RS only. I was able to access FS and BS. My food was spoiled but at least I was able to get on. I had tried everything with no luck at first. Now I'm up again. Hope it last. Thank you all for the support.

Oh good. I am glad you are up and running.:)

01-10-12, 09:48 AM
I have been having "Out Of Sync" problems for the last 3-4 days with RS and BS, at least several times a day.

kooky panda
01-10-12, 09:51 AM
I have been having "Out Of Sync" problems for the last 3-4 days with RS and BS, at least several times a day.
What device do you play on? It current version?
Versions of your BS and RS games?
Do you play on cellular or wifi?
What are you doing when you go out of sync?

01-10-12, 03:22 PM
I've been having out of sync issues that started a couple of days ago on all 3 games I play RS, farm and BS. I never had them before. I've been having to force close the app and it stays ok for a while. Most of the time I'm on cellular data. Usually at the same spot and haven't had the problems before. Just had one in bakery that stole coins from me and farm earlier this afternoon, RS this morning.

I'm just more than annoyed and sick of reporting things because I feel like a crybaby all the time. I can't close my apps anymore because if I do the I loose my coins in bakery story at least twice a week so I have to keep it open and running all night do the coins are there in the am. They never solved the no name problem and I finally had to spend 10 gems to "change my name" in order to fix it. Take a look at my places it's not like I didn't spend money on these games because I do. Ok my litte vent is over I feel a bit better. Now why the sudden out of syncs? iPad 2 5.0.1

01-13-12, 01:31 PM
I have a Nexus S 4G. It is the current version, my BS and RS games are all updated. I play on Wifi 98% of time, when it goes out of Sync I am doing random things? I don't know :D

It seems like after the big updates around Christmas time all these problems started, tons of Force Closes which I never had before, now this. And also my food is now disappearing within minutes, whole counters of food, and the money compensated is no where near what it should be (in RS).

01-16-12, 09:45 AM
I've been having out of sync issues that started a couple of days ago on all 3 games I play RS, farm and BS. I never had them before. I've been having to force close the app and it stays ok for a while. Most of the time I'm on cellular data. Usually at the same spot and haven't had the problems before. Just had one in bakery that stole coins from me and farm earlier this afternoon, RS this morning.

I'm just more than annoyed and sick of reporting things because I feel like a crybaby all the time. I can't close my apps anymore because if I do the I loose my coins in bakery story at least twice a week so I have to keep it open and running all night do the coins are there in the am. They never solved the no name problem and I finally had to spend 10 gems to "change my name" in order to fix it. Take a look at my places it's not like I didn't spend money on these games because I do. Ok my litte vent is over I feel a bit better. Now why the sudden out of syncs? iPad 2 5.0.1

I don't think you are ranting, the gems are too expensive for this stuff to be happening. Also I think 10 gems to change your restaurant/bakery name is some kind of 'bs' hehe.

01-16-12, 10:09 AM
Hi ksbmommy, I think it's important we do report issues/bugs with our games at least then TL are aware and hopefully can look for fix's for us. That's terrible you had to spend 10 gems to fix the no name problem yourself, I feel really sorry for you. Have your out of sync issues been resolved now? Are you still losing coins in BS and FS ? It is really frustrating and upsetting when we have issues in our games, I know exactly how you feel. Please don't give up hope, I'll try to help you and if I can't I'll find someone who can. I'm sorry I didn't spot your post earlier too.

01-27-13, 10:30 AM
My restaurant name add zavaraap lvl 8. I just started restaurant story game,but noone customers are coming and there is no people behind the cashier.please help me!

01-29-13, 12:22 PM
My restaurant name add zavaraap lvl 8. I just started restaurant story game,but noone customers are coming and there is no people behind the cashier.please help me!

This happens when you block access to the podium/cashier. Enter Design mode and move whatever object is in front of your podium (including the Autumn Mat).