View Full Version : Very appropriate words flagged as "inappropriate"

06-03-12, 09:12 AM

whenever I try to post one of the words:
"B?ume" (= German for "trees")
"nass" (= German for "wet")
the message gets rejected as containing inappropriate words. This is very inappropriate given that both words are very appropriate in the context of this game ;)

Please consider:

People post in many different languages, so such a filter is bound to have a lot of false positives when apparently tailored to just English.
Given that it's trivial to avoid the filter by adding spaces, it's also bound to not catch anyone just slightly determined to get around it -- yet it looks ugly if you have to add spaces just to be able to write "Ich habe deine B?ume nass gemacht" (I wet your trees)

Because of those two issues, please, please, please consider not using such a filter at all - it's broken by design. It only annoys those who write "appropriate" stuff and doesn't help against anyone really wanting to use abusive language - plus in different languages and cultures the acceptance thresholds differ vastly: It *can* not work.

Thanks for fixing.

06-03-12, 09:13 AM
Aaaargh the ? in "B?ume" is supposed to be an "a" with two dots on top, but somehow this got mangled by the forum^^

06-03-12, 10:39 AM
I'm sorry, but this is not appropriate for the forum. You can contact support@teamlava.com about it.

Closing thread.