View Full Version : How do I water plants etc??

06-02-12, 10:03 AM
I have just started playing today and watering signs have just come up over my trees. How do I water them? I play Bakery Story and am familiar with the tipping system there. However when I try on this game, presumably tipping is done with watering. I am not getting the results I think I should! What am I doing wrong please ?!:rolleyes::confused:

06-02-12, 10:55 AM
You collect the water from your crops/trees when you harvast them.

Since you just started playing, you should check out this thread. I found it very useful when I first started as this game is a bit different from the others.


06-02-12, 12:24 PM
Thanks! That was just the help I needed. Hope to visit you soon

06-02-12, 12:51 PM
Thanks! That was just the help I needed. Hope to visit you soon

No problem, glad to be of help. Check with your neighbors before gifting once you've started, as many want either Dog Bowls or Tool Shed supplies. For instance with me, I want Dog Bowls gifted as I need the $400 from selling them, but I'm requesting tool shed supplies via the box to up my XP until I hit level 70. I REALLY want that Vineyard and it doesn't open until Level 70.

Another thing, you get no mastery from animals, so you may be better off just using your whole field for now for a few trees and the rest as crops, especially Strawberries and Raspberries right now. Strawberries for the additional XP and Raspeberries because it helps up your coin amount since it costs you nothing to plant them.

06-02-12, 02:01 PM
Right. Will change animals to crops. Thanks

06-15-12, 07:39 PM
Jist click