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05-31-12, 04:23 AM
I started playing Dragon Story almost two weeks ago. During that time, it has felt like the game has exploded with players. Now, the prices being charged for game product with in game coins or gold, the latter of which can easily equate to physical money, have exploded like an atom bomb!:(

Team Lava has decided to adopt the route of price gouging on habitats and nests and there are reports that food production has been halved (I might know today if I can bring myself to harvest the pears I planted yesterday), so we, the players, now have to figure what we want to do.

As some people have suggested on this forum, we can play the game and not purchase anything. That is indeed an option, but not a very attractive one. Locking ourselves out of constructing new habitats is quickly going to become boring. I cannot speak for others, but I want to increase my habitats, not so much my game level. Not purchasing overpriced purple, blue, or yellow habitats would severely limit what I want to do. I would add that abstaining from purchasing gold at this point is a no brainer...

That said, I am indeed going to follow that suggestion...but for a limited time to see if Team Lava truly values its customers. If, in at most a week, they have not returned the prices to where they were, I plan to ******* all Team Lava games, downgrade this game severely on the iTunes rating, and encourage my neighbors to do so as well.

I have been a loyal customer for well over a year, even when I should not have been for other poor business decisions on Team Lava's part, but to see the callous disregard for its players here...well, I cannot stomach that. In fact, when I opened the game this morning, hoping in vain for a quick fix, I almost became nauseous. I, of course, realize that me alone leaving will not prompt a change from Team Lava, but if enough of us were to adopt this course, well, change might not occur.

Dragon Story is a wonderful game, but a very bitter pill indeed at the new prices. Team Lava will you adopt the high road and retract these prices? I hope so, but only time will tell. The question for me is whether I will I still care enough to be here to see it. I still have to decide if I can bring myself to harvest those pears...

Team Lava, one ball is in your courts. Players, the other is in ours.

05-31-12, 04:36 AM

That was truly a wonderful summary of whats going on now. I love this game, it's great for destressing with it's colourful dragons and the soothing music. But with these new exorbitant prices that pretty much forces us to use REAL money? Might as well watch animal torture.

05-31-12, 04:42 AM
Wow! CampingTime, thank you for taking the time to write such an eloquent description of how a lot of us feel. Appreciate it!

05-31-12, 04:48 AM
I went to app store immediatly and rated 1 star (sadly zero is not an option).

05-31-12, 04:52 AM
I agree cOmpletely and got your back. This is outrageous and I am hoping it's truly a mistake or hack or some sort

05-31-12, 04:52 AM
Agreed team lava. Needs to listen to us players..without us their is no business

05-31-12, 04:58 AM
As some people have suggested on this forum, we can play the game and not purchase anything. That is indeed an option, but not a very attractive one. Locking ourselves out of constructing new habitats is quickly going to become boring. I cannot speak for others, but I want to increase my habitats, not so much my game level. Not purchasing overpriced purple, blue, or yellow habitats would severely limit what I want to do. I would add that abstaining from purchasing gold at this point is a no brainer...

Assuming people are not using gold to get more coins, not spending coins doesn't affect TL in anyway. Spend away. Just don't buy gold.

05-31-12, 05:41 AM
Here here
Well put. I already lowered my rating for them in the app store. Hope others will follow.

05-31-12, 05:48 AM
I too have given the game a one star rating. My reasons for doing so were also included. Shame on Team Lava!

06-03-12, 09:11 AM
I agree. NO GEMS/GOLD FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-12, 09:16 AM
The new prices are not a problem i think, just makes the game more challenging. I think the "new" dragons are a problem, particularly three of them.. Can you guess which ones?

06-03-12, 09:17 AM
i AGREE. NO GEMS/GOLD 4 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-12, 09:38 AM
Very well said Campingtime.

06-03-12, 09:47 AM
Why not just buy the cheaper habitats, fill them up to bring in more coin then when you have enough just sell one and get one of the others? I don't understand why everyone wants everything so cheap and easy :\ This is one of the few games I've found where you can do everything without spending a single gold if you so wanted and still be able to get everything. I'd rather deal with high habitat prices and slow breeding times then them introducing things like dragons you can only breed with gold or something. They introduce things like this to make the game more challenging so you'll play it longer. If you could get all the habitats, lvls and dragons within a couple weeks whats to keep you playing?

06-03-12, 09:59 AM
Why not just buy the cheaper habitats, fill them up to bring in more coin then when you have enough just sell one and get one of the others? I don't understand why everyone wants everything so cheap and easy :\ This is one of the few games I've found where you can do everything without spending a single gold if you so wanted and still be able to get everything. I'd rather deal with high habitat prices and slow breeding times then them introducing things like dragons you can only breed with gold or something. They introduce things like this to make the game more challenging so you'll play it longer. If you could get all the habitats, lvls and dragons within a couple weeks whats to keep you playing?

I think you missed the point of the concern; it is the principle of the matter. Team Lava has reduced food production by half, increased the price of habitats and nests, and have said what? I have not heard anything.

I am not so sure the reason was to make the game more challenging, because, you know what, they could limit the amount of habitats we can expand per week. I could get behind that very easily, and it would accomplish what you suggest--make the game more challenging. That said, the game was already challenging when you throw in expanding and then clearing before you could even put a habitat on the spot--and then there were the long wait times for all of that, the breeding of the dragons, and then the egg.

06-03-12, 10:24 AM
I think you missed the point of the concern; it is the principle of the matter. Team Lava has reduced food production by half, increased the price of habitats and nests, and have said what? I have not heard anything.

I am not so sure the reason was to make the game more challenging, because, you know what, they could limit the amount of habitats we can expand per week. I could get behind that very easily, and it would accomplish what you suggest--make the game more challenging. That said, the game was already challenging when you throw in expanding and then clearing before you could even put a habitat on the spot--and then there were the long wait times for all of that, the breeding of the dragons, and then the egg.

Reduced food production, increased habitat prices, all of those are to make you play longer. The change of prices in the nests and other gold items is ridiculous though and they should of stayed at what they were originally.

They already limit the number of habitats by level. People would just complain if they reached a level where they could get a new one but they had already reached their limit that week so they'd have to wait another to get one more and for good reason. And again long breeding times, egg times, etc are so you play the game longer. Though I do agree they should have announced changing the prices before hand and they should make prices equal for everyone.

06-03-12, 10:38 AM
I totaly agree. I'm NOT going to buy gold or gems in any game until Team Lava solve de Dragon Story issues.

06-03-12, 01:07 PM
Reduced food production, increased habitat prices, all of those are to make you play longer. The change of prices in the nests and other gold items is ridiculous though and they should of stayed at what they were originally.

They already limit the number of habitats by level. People would just complain if they reached a level where they could get a new one but they had already reached their limit that week so they'd have to wait another to get one more and for good reason. And again long breeding times, egg times, etc are so you play the game longer. Though I do agree they should have announced changing the prices before hand and they should make prices equal for everyone.

Well, if, and I do not personally believe this, they are trying to make us play longer, it has completely failed for me. I have almost completely lost my interest in Dragon Story.

I only stop by here and the game in what appears to be an "in vain" effort that they have reversed these decisions.

06-03-12, 02:29 PM
I'm new here but having problems with price of gold & not being able to gift anyone but once a week, if I'm lucky. I believe it says we can gift 3 times a day, but not me. Something's not right. I agree with CampingTime. Lower ratings & not buying & they dry up. Greed is an awful flaw. We're not dummies! You can do better work that this. At least you've got the money to fix our problems.

06-04-12, 02:08 AM
Love your post 1 going to change my rating now. Do you think TL even cares what their rating is though?

06-04-12, 04:27 AM
Love your post 1 going to change my rating now. Do you think TL even cares what their rating is though?

I am afraid I do not believe that at all, as I have seen too many questionable decisions from them. Though I am still hopeful for a change, as I worked diligently to get my farm to 27, in reality, I have already moved on to a certain other game, which my entire family likes better.

06-04-12, 05:17 AM
Agreed... I stopped buying gold last week as a result of TL antics. I will lower my rating as well, I like that idea....

06-04-12, 06:20 AM
I'm with you!!! I never spend real money on these games. I get things the old fashion way, but waiting and working. But now it just seems like the waits are to long... And the prices to high...

06-04-12, 07:54 AM
As a player who spends actual money purchasing gold, I'd recommend a touch of patience be applied to this situation. As with all Team Lava games, the first few months after the release of a game are filled with many adjustments to multiple facets of the game. I don't agree with them all but I understand that eventually the pricing issues will even out. Obviously Team Lava is listening to players' complaints, the repeated changes to food & item prices are proof of that. Constructive criticism is the key to ensuring that Team Lava hears players' needs & suggestions. Players should relax, breathe & remember that these are simply games & not worth getting so riled over.

06-04-12, 08:49 AM
Has anyone emailed Team Lava directly about these issues? I am thinking of doing so myself if no one else has.