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05-31-12, 03:54 AM
I know I am so I changed my rating in the App store to 2stars from 4. And I suggest you ALL do the same. If TL won't listen to us here then let's hit them there too.
I'm sick of all these price rises and food shortages. If you wanted to test your game release a BETA version.

05-31-12, 04:10 AM
After reading complaint after complaint here on the forums about the recent increase in prices and decrease in food production, i realized TL is not paying attention to any of us, evident by the lack of communication. I too have decided to change my review on the appstore from a 4 star to a 1, i would have actually given 0 if it was possible. Every game developer is worried about their rating, so like dragotauro suggests, let's hit them there.

05-31-12, 04:14 AM
I support this idea wholeheartedly. Lets show TL if they stick with their current money-making plan, their plan is gonna backfired tremendously.

05-31-12, 04:25 AM
Very unhappy with them, but the app store is only one place to show our displeasure. The other is by not playing until the old prices are restored.

05-31-12, 10:18 AM
Uh I gave this thread a 1 star rating! There's a rate this thread button at the top and This thread :mad: I love TL games and NOTHING is wrong with em! If u have a complaint say it in the app store!

05-31-12, 10:20 AM
I rated 1 star too and I have seen a lot of people that are starting to d the same. Maybe that way they will understand that what they are doing is wrong.

05-31-12, 10:27 AM
Uh I gave this thread a 1 star rating! There's a rate this thread button at the top and This thread :mad: I love TL games and NOTHING is wrong with em! If u have a complaint say it in the app store!

While you're entitled to post positive comments and have your own opinions about the games others are also entitled to post complaints about the games and have different opinions than you. You don't have the right to say to others with different opinions from you that they should not post here.

05-31-12, 10:27 AM
Unfair TL!!! 1600 for a nest? Very greedy!

05-31-12, 10:49 AM
I have complained in the App store but I am also entitled to complain here. And it looks to me like the majority agree with me.

05-31-12, 10:55 AM
All I can say is Peace :p Cubsrock is a nice person just so others don't judge him/her to harshly for his/her comment.

I ban myself (reference to the banning game) for not knowing if cubsrock is a boy or girl. Sorry cubsrock.

05-31-12, 10:58 AM
All I can say is Peace :p Cubsrock is a nice person just so others don't judge him/her to harshly for his/her comment.

I ban myself (reference to the banning game) for not knowing if cubsrock is a boy or girl. Sorry cubsrock.

Thx! And it's fine and imma girl... That's loves sports and Bruno Mars

05-31-12, 11:39 AM
First of all.... I initially thought my 50some neighbors were all being jerks because in around 10 days time, I only received 8 gold in gifts. I send gold out everyday to my neighbors, I alternate people out so that I can ensure that I eventually get everyone. Anyways, 10 days passed and I still didn't have 25 gold to purchase my first nest (technically second since the first is automatically given to everyone). I decided, what the hell, I'll just buy gold so I can finally get the nest. I check the nest, it's still 25 gold. I purchase 250 gold, then go back to the market. Guess what? It's still 25 gold. I click buy.... what happens? Not enough gold!!! Ok so I'm like.... {} I close the message and check the nest. It is now 800 gold!! After this happening to me, I am now convinced that my neighbors AREN'T jerks and not only is TL screwing around with gold/food prices but also blocking gifts so I'm forced to buy gold. Maybe I'm wrong but I am, or actually I should now say... I WAS a huge TL fan. After what has happened to me and various others my respect for TL is diminishing. TL has lost my 5 star ratings in the app store and this thread has gained it.

05-31-12, 12:05 PM
They NEVER responsed on my complaint :(
remember last week I complained when I bought "1000 foods for 20 golds," it gave me only 500 food. I had screenshots...but I should have video record it so they see what really happend.

....I emailed them last week and never got a response :(:(:(

I'm sorry TL, I will have to rate u 1 out of 5.

I am not hoping for any response from them anymore.

05-31-12, 12:18 PM
OOooh I got an answer from TL!

[GM Edit: please note that support emails are intended to be private communications between players and TL, as per our TOS. Please do not post them in the forums, as per our forum rules]

05-31-12, 12:18 PM
They NEVER responsed on my complaint :(
remember last week I complained when I bought "1000 foods for 20 golds," it gave me only 500 food. I had screenshots...but I should have video record it so they see what really happend.

....I emailed them last week and never got a response :(:(:

Please note that responses from Support may take longer to get to, especially with the shortened week we have this week (Memorial Day in the US means limited Support and more emails). Our Support team is currently working hard to answer all support tickets before the weekend.

05-31-12, 12:24 PM
Hmmm interesting.

Ok well either way, one of the things they responded was that they continue to make adjustments to the game's economy and balance to ensure the prolonged quality of the game for both new and existing users.

What existing users? At the rate they are going, they will be losing about 85% of their players within the next week. (Note: I am not posting a support email this time).

05-31-12, 12:24 PM
I am so annoyed. was saving for a second nest at 25 gold. finally ogt 25 gold and it was then 50 gold. i now have my 50 gold and - its 250! I am sick of it and dont know if i am going to bother with it anymore

05-31-12, 12:27 PM
I think it's fairly obvious even to a monkey that no one likes the price hikes...why are TL still "tweaking" how about you RESTORE the original prices and make everyone happy??

05-31-12, 12:28 PM
Wow a post from TL staff which kepp ignore about the problem.

05-31-12, 12:50 PM
We understand most of you are upset with the changes. Your voiced suggestions have been passed on to our dev team.

05-31-12, 12:53 PM
No, I am not unhappy with TL.

Everything that's happening with this game is pretty much par for the course. My expectations have been lowered so much that nothing TL does can make me angry. They do, however, occasionally surprise me in a good way.

05-31-12, 12:53 PM
We understand most of you are upset with the changes. Your voiced suggestions have been passed on to our dev team.

They have? YESSSSSS. Now lets hope they do something about it.

05-31-12, 12:57 PM
They have? YESSSSSS. Now lets hope they do something about it.

Don't hold your breath. This usually changes nothing.

05-31-12, 07:55 PM
They have? YESSSSSS. Now lets hope they do something about it.

Whenever that line is mentioned, it's actually code for "We're actually not gonna do anything. This sentence is to keep you happy and not leave our game".

05-31-12, 08:15 PM
$180,000 for the purple habitat???????????

05-31-12, 09:21 PM
PFirst of all.... I initially thought my 50some neighbors were all being jerks because in around 10 days time, I only received 8 gold in gifts. I send gold out everyday to my neighbors, I alternate people out so that I can ensure that I eventually get everyone. Anyways, 10 days passed and I still didn't have 25 gold to purchase my first nest (technically second since the first is automatically given to everyone). I decided, what the hell, I'll just buy gold so I can finally get the nest. I check the nest, it's still 25 gold. I purchase 250 gold, then go back to the market. Guess what? It's still 25 gold. I click buy.... what happens? Not enough gold!!! Ok so I'm like.... {} I close the message and check the nest. It is now 800 gold!! After this happening to me, I am now convinced that my neighbors AREN'T jerks and not only is TL screwing around with gold/food prices but also blocking gifts so I'm forced to buy gold. Maybe I'm wrong but I am, or actually I should now say... I WAS a huge TL fan. After what has happened to me and various others my respect for TL is diminishing. TL has lost my 5 star ratings in the app store and this thread has gained it.[/QUOTE]

05-31-12, 09:40 PM
Sorry for above, I was trying to reply with quote and I messed it up....embarrassing

I received gold from my neighbors ONE day...about 8 of them! I play DS ( and other games) on iPhone and now back on my iPad now that I have Internet. When I rec'd these gifts it was on my iPhone game, the second day of playing! I don't think my gift giving is working either. Every single time I get the pop up that 50 or 55..couldn't receive ..... I didn't even have that many neighbors, not even close. Bottom line is I have never rec'd gifts on my iPad and that once on my iPhone. (I send gold every day on both games

05-31-12, 10:33 PM
New life. Add me. Moonlightknight. I'll send you gold today.

05-31-12, 11:02 PM
Newlife you know you can only give 3golds per day right? Apparently if you tick all your Nbrs to receive gold it will choose 3 at random.

06-01-12, 04:38 AM
So the 'update' fixed absolutely nothing dealing with players frustration over high prices and low output. This changed the version number and got rid of all prior ratings. Under 200 have rated so make sure to go redo your rating about this. And btw played dragonvale it's cool :) any want to add me to game center to be dragonvale friend use dstrbddrgn as nickname :)

But anywho... Discontinuing DS until I read on one of these forums that prices went back down.

06-01-12, 04:57 AM
So the 'update' fixed absolutely nothing dealing with players frustration over high prices and low output. This changed the version number and got rid of all prior ratings. Under 200 have rated so make sure to go redo your rating about this. And btw played dragonvale it's cool :) any want to add me to game center to be dragonvale friend use dstrbddrgn as nickname :)

And of course the update was a hoax!! I'm going to rate again and hope more do too. How pathetic are TL?? :mad:

06-01-12, 11:42 AM
And of course the update was a hoax!! I'm going to rate again and hope more do too. How pathetic are TL?? :mad:

I too have downloaded that app. My son is already playing it like crazy, and he thinks it is quite good. I am heading that way next week if the current status quomdoes not change for the better.

06-01-12, 12:08 PM
no... not really. not over this stuff anyway. I have other things I'm upset about them with, but the coin price increases and food production issues in dragon story are really no big deal to me.
it's free. it's still free.

what does bother me is not so much how much gold everything costs, but that it doesn't cost the same amount of gold for everyone. I hate the random gold pricing scheme. with a passion.

but in the topic of this thread, here's the top two things, in order, that make me unhappy with TL:

1) The forum rules - especially all the {} -- let me censor myself -- censorship. although the bad word censorship not a big deal, but all the stuff we're not supposed to discuss. :rolleyes:

2) Tap-to-manage in Farm Story. 'nuff said. :mad:

06-01-12, 12:09 PM
Sounds good since I feel like I am going nowhere fast in this game  i did send a complaint to TL about gifting costs and times doubt it does any good though 

06-01-12, 12:50 PM
Of course i am unhappy.. They obviously don't know how they want to plan their games.. There is no balance.. E.g nest in Dragon Story .. First 25 gold, Know 1000 Gold.. -.- big difference!!

06-01-12, 01:12 PM
You know, the more I consider it, what bothers me the most is the lack of concern that Team Lava shows its consumers, some of whom have played their games for a long time, spending real cash on gems or gold or whatever name they want to call it. What would it have cost them to explain their rationale for grossly inflating their prices or why they have different pricing schemes for the same items (or why not all Farm Story players received the same offers in the past)?

When companies remain quiet like this, for whatever reason, consumers can only suspect the worst. The irony is that a little disclosure on Team Lava's part would greatly engender some good will.

06-01-12, 02:50 PM
Plus the new dragons are horrible. The same sprite with different colors? Really?

06-01-12, 03:13 PM
Hate the new update =.= Prices gone up like crazy. Large farm now $30,000?!
I wanted to buy a new nest, I only have one. Price then: 25 Gold. Price now: 250 Gold.
*sighs* Even the dragon food is expensive. Can't really be bothered with this game anymore.
Not until they fix the prices.

06-01-12, 03:26 PM
I am losing (expired) my download items. Somehow, when my items are ready and I go to collect them, they get stuck. However, I am able to continue with the game play.

Is anyone experiencing this?

06-01-12, 05:06 PM
When I first started playing the game around May 22nd the nest was 25 gold. I have a screen shot of it. Now it it 500 gold which is insane since it costs 20 dollars for 530 gold. I have seen some mention that the nest is 800 gold, 250 gold, and one other amount I can't recall. I know prices change in this game but can they be changing around this much? I think the game is great but the prices are just too high and I will be sure to give a low rating in the app store because of this reason only. If they lower the rates I will change to a five star rating. Thanks for the feedback in this thread. :)

06-01-12, 09:56 PM
Very disappointed and unhappy with the changes. I already spendoney on gold now and then but no more. Can't play because it takes a week or two to epic one dragon! And the makers have their hands in all these other games they seem not to care about this one. And make changes after releasing three new dragons??? COME ON!! Everyone should lower their rating in te app store to a 1 immediately

06-01-12, 10:54 PM
Yes the forum rules are quite strict...I never know if I've crossed a line!

Anyway I agree the worst thing TL have done is keep quiet. The only answer we have had is they are still "tweaking" well to be honest I think the time to tweak has gone and restoring is in order!!
This game had potential to go far but due to lack of management at TL and poor business control they've lost a lot of credibility.

06-01-12, 11:32 PM
If TeamLava launches a game they should leave the prices and food quantities as they are.
Prices are different for different levels 😡 - what a rip off! Keep the prices the same for all and go back to how it was TeamLava! The rating is going down. That's for sure

06-02-12, 02:13 AM
I completely agree!

06-02-12, 02:38 AM
What the hell is going on in dragon story? Prize raise but food decrease! Oh god bless us please!

06-02-12, 03:25 AM
I totally agree!

I have always loved most of the TL games, but now they've gone too far. It's ridiculous spending almost 60 € for a Diamond Dragon - no offense to those who bought one or more for gold, but I would never spend so much of my hard-earned money f?r some pixels!

And then it's also the variing prices that annoys me so much. :(
Luckily I have 2 nests - I think I bought the second one very early in the game when it was at a reasonable price.

When I wanted to buy another last week, the price was 1.600 (!!!) gold. Come on, TL, this is more than 40 Euros and really, really ridiculous!!!
Now the price has gone back to 500 gold, which I still think is far too much, and I'm not going to buy it.

I wished, TL would give us the possibility to get another breeding den (preferably for coins respectively a reasonable gold amount), but I guess there's not much hope. :(

I have left a 1-star-rating on the AppStore today. I hope TL will change their mind some day when people stop buying gold or even playing the game.

06-02-12, 03:28 AM
BTW: I rated this thread 5stars!!

06-03-12, 05:09 AM
It wouldn't be so bad if we actually received the gold we were gifted , I have alot of friends I think about 80 well that small compared to rs bs . Anyway always says 76 or 74 did not receive , I see long list of people who sent hum no gold..really.. Come on team lava enough give us a break.. Not enough food to grow,gold gold gold . In store love the dragons but i think you are being verry greedy , are you guys lawyers, or politician?

06-03-12, 07:57 AM
I am very unhappy with TL. I mean it's like they forget about us. New dragons are great but new prices of things & the crop yield reduction is a real pain in the behind -.-!

06-03-12, 08:01 AM
I am very unhappy with TL. I mean it's like they forget about us. New dragons are great but new prices of things & the crop yield reduction is a real pain in the behind -.-!

Yes new dragon is a bunch of recolor dragon with better income. Didnt bother rush for them except Charm.

06-03-12, 08:13 AM
Yes new dragon is a bunch of recolor dragon with better income. Didnt bother rush for them except Charm.

While I don't like them, I'm getting slightly used to them. I hate the Seabreeze the most; they barely tried with that one. At least they added some fins to the Atlantis...

06-03-12, 08:58 AM
Yes the new dragons bother me the most... I mean come on,, the same dragon with a different color? What the hell.. That's really bad, just ruins the game for me. They make all this money with the game and they are to lazy to design new dragons?..

06-03-12, 09:52 AM
I actually LOVE the Atlantis Epic! Have a second one in my egg hatcher now and cant wait to epic him out.

06-05-12, 11:57 AM
It wouldn't be so bad if we actually received the gold we were gifted , I have alot of friends I think about 80 well that small compared to rs bs . Anyway always says 76 or 74 did not receive , I see long list of people who sent hum no gold..really.. Come on team lava enough give us a break.. Not enough food to grow,gold gold gold .

Hi Katsevek,

You can only send and receive 3 gold bars a day.

Are you not receiving any gold?

Feel free to PM me :)


06-05-12, 02:53 PM
Hi Katsevek,

You can only send and receive 3 gold bars a day.

Are you not receiving any gold?

Feel free to PM me :)


Please tell me you meant send 3bars a day and not receive only 3?? If TL start reducing the gold we can receive it will surely be the nail in the coffin! :rolleyes:

06-05-12, 03:16 PM
Please tell me you meant send 3bars a day and not receive only 3?? If TL start reducing the gold we can receive it will surely be the nail in the coffin! :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that was an error lol. You can accept 20 a day (though I don't think anyone would decline them) ;)

06-05-12, 05:52 PM
I'm pretty sure that was an error lol. You can accept 20 a day (though I don't think anyone would decline them) ;)

20 a day!! How unfair is that! No wonder my gold list is growing! I'll never get through it!! I feel bad for those who have sent me gold recently, please can you pass on my suggestion that if we can't gift more than 3 a day can we at least be able to send out a message to the rest saying something like "I have received your gift, thank you, I am unable to gift you back today but will send you gold back soon!!" ?? :)

06-17-12, 06:42 AM
I am not happy at all with the pricing and such on Dragon Story, and I am more unhappy with how we can only send 3 gold gifts to neighbors each day, we should be able to send gold gifts to all our neighbors every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-17-12, 11:20 AM
While you're entitled to post positive comments and have your own opinions about the games others are also entitled to post complaints about the games and have different opinions than you. You don't have the right to say to others with different opinions from you that they should not post here.

While you're entitled to post positive comments and have your own opinion ? why would you go on a complant thread and post a complant about a complant ????????

06-17-12, 11:27 AM
Uh I gave this thread a 1 star rating! There's a rate this thread button at the top and This thread :mad: I love TL games and NOTHING is wrong with em! If u have a complaint say it in the app store!

i apologize to sourlicorice2
i replied to the wrong thread above the post was for this comment.

06-17-12, 02:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that was an error lol. You can accept 20 a day (though I don't think anyone would decline them) ;)

Yes we all love golf

06-17-12, 02:39 PM
Yes we all love golf

I hate golf, ever since someone seriously injured my sister by letting go of the club:p.

Oh wait;)

06-17-12, 02:39 PM
I hate golf, ever since someone seriously injured my sister by letting go of the club:p.

Oh wait;)

My bad! I meant to say gold

06-17-12, 02:40 PM
Yes we all love golf

No I don't really like golf. In fact I hate it. I like mini golf! :D and gold too :p

06-17-12, 02:41 PM
Yes we all love golf

I mean gold

06-17-12, 02:43 PM
Golf is so boring.

06-17-12, 03:10 PM
Fr crying out loud people I meant to post gold!! This is the 3rd time I've said it

06-17-12, 03:11 PM
Fr crying out loud people I meant to post gold!! This is the 3rd time I've said it

Well, we don't get so much fun round here anymore, we capitalise on it where we can:p

06-17-12, 09:49 PM
The whole golf bit was rather funny :D

06-18-12, 06:42 AM
I'm pretty sure that was an error lol. You can accept 20 a day (though I don't think anyone would decline them) ;)

Until I read this I was "Merrily" receiving my 3 gifts per day & returning them to whomever sent them. I've NEVER received more than 3 Gold per day on either my IPad game or my IPhone game!??

06-19-12, 08:55 AM
I went through a period of receiving as many as 10 a day but seems no one wants to gift anymore :( I always gift back (eventually) :P

06-19-12, 09:15 AM
So, I can see why everyone is upset with the chages in prices, etc. However, both my daughter and I play and we love it. Is it frustrating to have to wait a long time to breed, hatch, feed, harvest, expand, level up, etc? Yes. But if it was easy, you'd be done in a few days and be bored with it.

06-19-12, 10:12 AM
So, I can see why everyone is upset with the chages in prices, etc. However, both my daughter and I play and we love it. Is it frustrating to have to wait a long time to breed, hatch, feed, harvest, expand, level up, etc? Yes. But if it was easy, you'd be done in a few days and be bored with it.
The main reason why everyone is upset is because the developers are changing things without telling us when they are changing or why they are changing things. The only feedback that we get is along the lines of 'it's a new game and we want to fix our problems while you test it for us'. Nothing is set in stone. Players set themselves goals and then TL move the goalposts.

06-19-12, 10:46 PM
The 2nd nest price should really be adjusted. TL just switch it to 100, you see more people buying gold.

06-19-12, 11:38 PM
The main reason why everyone is upset is because the developers are changing things without telling us when they are changing or why they are changing things. The only feedback that we get is along the lines of 'it's a new game and we want to fix our problems while you test it for us'. Nothing is set in stone. Players set themselves goals and then TL move the goalposts.

if we are testing the game for TL, they should pay us back instead as we are carrying out UAT for them at no cost. If it's still under development, why are they making money for selling us gold but I got no gold in return ?? This may not happen to everyone but it did happen on me ...... Poor ��

06-20-12, 09:49 AM
So, I can see why everyone is upset with the chages in prices, etc. However, both my daughter and I play and we love it. Is it frustrating to have to wait a long time to breed, hatch, feed, harvest, expand, level up, etc? Yes. But if it was easy, you'd be done in a few days and be bored with it.

Actually I was far less bored when it was easier. But now that everything takes so long there's no incentive to log in and play very often.

06-20-12, 12:34 PM
Yes, Dragon Story is a mess. Unlike Bakery, Restaurant,... this game is sooo based on luck it's not normal anymore. I've been breeding from the beginning now, so 4 weeks, and only got 1 rare dragon, all the rest are islands, life or coral. It drove me crazy, so yesterday I deleted Dragon Story, it just wasn't fun anymore. Also the ridiculous price increases ruined it for me, expanding is now 4x as much as in the beginning, and then the increases of food price, nest price. The whole Dragon Story game is a mess.

06-20-12, 01:14 PM
Actually I was far less bored when it was easier. But now that everything takes so long there's no incentive to log in and play very often.

I agree. I find myself only checking in once or twice a day now when before I was there non stop. It just isnt as fun as it was and the atmosphere in the forums has gotten really sour too. I understand making tweaks etc but they pulled the rug out from under everyone and that is very defeating.

06-20-12, 04:44 PM
I'm pretty sure that was an error lol. You can accept 20 a day (though I don't think anyone would decline them) ;)

If that's what they changed the gifting to here recently, then they need to give us more options in what we gift to our neighbors. They want us to gift our friends, but how can we if we have to pick and choose which 3 it is?!?

06-20-12, 06:56 PM
If that's what they changed the gifting to here recently, then they need to give us more options in what we gift to our neighbors. They want us to gift our friends, but how can we if we have to pick and choose which 3 it is?!?

The suggestions of more gift options have been passed along. I'm hoping they come soon ;)

06-20-12, 07:41 PM
I have already quit bakery mobsters and will quit farm today.

06-27-12, 10:00 PM
Actually it kinda hard for me to accept the changes that TL made. But for now, i dont really mind it, because it's just a game, if you can't enjoy the game then that's no meaning for you to playing it. But, i do kinda have a hard feelings about the expansion. It's not about the amount of coins, but the mystic map is really annoying, we can only get 20 mystic maps a day and i need to wait for another 2 or 3 days to expand one little space. But still, i will enjoy the game because i believe playing game is for fun and releasing stress.

06-27-12, 10:55 PM
TL to behonest.. THUMBS DOWN!! Accidentally purchase coin using gold wat they get back to ur reponds is cannot be help!!

06-28-12, 12:52 PM
I feel like this thread should be constantly bumped until TL decides to make prices reasonable again.

I agree with the majority of people and feel that the ridiculous prices makes the game unplayable. I hope you guys realize that by raising the prices, you are only hurting yourself. We don't have to play your game. By inflating the prices, you lose more and more of your players. Are you making more money? Doubt it. I would spent money to buy gold for a second nest if it costed 50-100 gold. Not 250.

06-28-12, 01:19 PM
Well Ive all but given up on Dragon Story, its just not fun to spend days collecting (maps and coins) and breeding the same common dragons to sell for a pitance. I have been playing a similar game with 'small' monsters for the last week and 80% of breedings have resulted in different eggs and no breeding times over about 14h, not needed to spend a gem speeding up only a few to by another nest which I earn through goals:)

09-13-12, 01:33 PM
Doubling appliance prices, expansion prices, recipes, etc.. Is just not right.. I haven't made any money in the game since TL did this. I refuse to ever buy gems again & may stop playing. :-(

09-13-12, 01:37 PM
Another gripe: $5800000 for just one baby in pet hotel?? Seriously!! Then to wait days for it to be complete??
Dragon story: after combining the same dragons for over a month (apparently the right combo for getting rare diamond) and still not getting one... Game is totally rigged so that people spend gold to get a diamond or other rare breeds. Enough with the firestorms! I'm about to quit these games as well. Just not any fun, no rewards. :-(

09-13-12, 03:07 PM
Example from Fashion Story - You can put a shelf or rack into storage with one button push if you are remodeling. Sounds nice except there is no warning or prevention of you putting it into storage if it happens to have a stack of 1,000 items on it. If you do this then all of said items vanish gone bye bye. I was remodeling my shop and put half of my shelves and racks into storage temporarily without thinking and so boom half my inventory gone.

09-13-12, 04:28 PM

I have quit all the other TL games except monster Story, which I am also quitting soon because there is a better monster game out there.

09-13-12, 06:57 PM

I have quit all the other TL games except monster Story, which I am also quitting soon because there is a better monster game out there.

I wish someone would come out with similar games as this and monster story that didn't become so GREEDY! They just keep raising priced to line their pockets making the game completely unenjoyable. I used to enjoy it and now wish I had a good replacement that was more rewarding and fun .... Sooooo tired of the same common dragons over and over and over!

09-14-12, 06:05 AM
Are TL bringing out a golf game then

09-14-12, 08:17 AM
I dont agree with the prices but I also am choosing to still play the game. I think if I am going to keep playing then there is no reason for complaint. If you dont like TL that much then just dont play.

09-14-12, 11:08 AM
Should we not give companies feedback on the products they want us to use and purchase? Games in particular have a goal: I give you money in exchange for entertainment. If the entertainment sucks, they still have our money, but we didn't receive what we wanted. Do consumers not have the right then to tell others their experiences, to give feedback and suggestions?

I dont like their games and have quit playing almost all of them. However, I do happen to think Dragon Story has potential to be a good game, so I am waiting to see if they make it so. I do not have much hope, however.

05-31-13, 07:50 PM
Recently the icons in dragon story have been rearranged and I have mistakenly click on finish. Dragon story needs some sort of confirmation anytime we have to pay gold bars

kooky panda
05-31-13, 07:55 PM
Recently the icons in dragon story have been rearranged and I have mistakenly click on finish. Dragon story needs some sort of confirmation anytime we have to pay gold bars
See current thread on this new feature here.

Dragon Stopwatch Timer Clock (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?50431-Dragon-Stopwatch-Timer-Clock&highlight=stopwatch)
This is an older thread- Closing.