View Full Version : Apple oven

05-25-12, 05:08 PM
I sent a request to all my friend for parts but not getting any parts I have over 500 nbrs anyone get this?

05-25-12, 09:42 PM
Doesn't sound right. I am able to send the parts and also receive them if I request. Maybe you should write to team lava in case you have a particular problem

05-26-12, 09:43 AM
If you sent your request to all of them you've clogged up your request system and none of your neighbors are getting those requests. You can only receive twenty parts a day, so sending a lot more than twenty requests will just mess things up. If you send only a few extra the extras will go out the second day. If you send tons of extras none of them go out. You'll have to wait until after the next daily reset and then they will gradually start trickling out to your neighbors twenty requests a day at a time. I had a neighbor who did this several times and when she stopped sending requests to all 200+ neighbors, after the next daily reset some of her neighbors started seeing them. By the time my request arrived from her it was 3 or 4 days old.