View Full Version : 141.000 coin lost. Fix this bug!

05-21-12, 07:21 AM
So over night i sell 99% ( i have 1 counter jasmine tea) red velvet cake.
I have 3,283,000 coin so i do messages quit out come back 20 minutes later
and now 3,142,000 coin.

the red velvet cake I spent a day baking and a day selling ALL GONE
from my counters. I say this because it is PROOF that the coin was made
via serving to customers. No red velvet cake re appeared on the counters.

I am going to do it again and take screen shots and post them here to show
that massive coin bug that I get at least once a week.

kooky panda
05-21-12, 10:27 AM
On you other thread you said you have gone back to the valentine version. http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?28852-wow-version-1.5.1-is-total-lol&p=311249&viewfull=1#post311249

Make sure you are playing version 1.5.1 when you take your screenshots. this is the most current version of the game.