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View Full Version : "Playing" system is flawed

05-19-12, 12:29 PM
I love the new Dragon Story! Animations are great, there is a lot of complexity to the game, the speed is great.

The social interaction was not well thought through. With a level limit on the number of habitats, there are not enough places for visitors to play. At best, I have to visit 3 islands to be able to play once --and there may be only one habitat available to play. I visited 130 islands today and only raised my egg rating from 3.4 to 3.6. That is mostly because there are so few habitats to play. I have to keep returning to my island to clear the habitats. This works on a Saturday, but won't on Monday when I go back to work.

I suggest not having the dragon's be "tired" until the cash limit of the habitat is full.

05-19-12, 12:44 PM
You are so right. Unless you are on game 24-7 it's like you say. Hard to play. I visited a lot of neighbors only to find they were almost all full. The community was the same. Please change the way it is now. Thank you

05-19-12, 02:18 PM
The game is still relatively new once people start to get more habitats and lvl up it will be easier add me I have some habitats you can play at. My I'd is apec714

05-22-12, 02:08 AM
It is still a new game, as you say. Right now, it takes a very different strategy to be successful - lots of neighbors that you cycle through quickly to find the few with available habitats. Btw, I have been visiting your island, Apex, 3-4 times a day, and I find 1 or 2 habitats free a day. Most of the time, you are full.

It is a problem having tipping associated with limited numbers of habitats. I doubt that I will want to make the time imvestment to stay 4-star in the long run, unless something changes.

05-22-12, 06:05 AM
Agreed. They should adjust.

05-23-12, 01:39 AM
Stop moaning and play intelligently.

As people tend to return favours by playing with other peoples dragons after they have had theirs played with, and the fact that everyone tends to leave a message regarding this: check peoples message boards, and keep clicking on the latest commenter. Each comment you click on is invariably increasingly recent. Once you find comments that are only a few minutes old, 9 times out of 10 you'll find they have also cleared their dragons recently too. Keep clicking on recent comments and you will quickly increase your egg rating. An added advantage is that as the people's whose dragons you are playing with are generally still online, they will check who played with their dragons (in NEWS), and instantly return the favour!

The playing system is fine.

05-23-12, 02:12 AM
Stop moaning and play intelligently.

As people tend to return favours by playing with other peoples dragons after they have had theirs played with, and the fact that everyone tends to leave a message regarding this: check peoples message boards, and keep clicking on the latest commenter. Each comment you click on is invariably increasingly recent. Once you find comments that are only a few minutes old, 9 times out of 10 you'll find they have also cleared their dragons recently too. Keep clicking on recent comments and you will quickly increase your egg rating. An added advantage is that as the people's whose dragons you are playing with are generally still online, they will check who played with their dragons (in NEWS), and instantly return the favour!

The playing system is fine.
Well apparently the playing system still isn't fine for everyone.

05-23-12, 06:01 AM
Stop moaning and play intelligently.

As people tend to return favours by playing with other peoples dragons after they have had theirs played with, and the fact that everyone tends to leave a message regarding this: check peoples message boards, and keep clicking on the latest commenter. Each comment you click on is invariably increasingly recent. Once you find comments that are only a few minutes old, 9 times out of 10 you'll find they have also cleared their dragons recently too. Keep clicking on recent comments and you will quickly increase your egg rating. An added advantage is that as the people's whose dragons you are playing with are generally still online, they will check who played with their dragons (in NEWS), and instantly return the favour!

The playing system is fine.

I LOVE YOU!! Hahahaha!
You have to forgive people for not figuring out the "most recent tipped" system. Many people can't always think outside the box. It either needs to be in the FAQ or someone needs to "share" on the forum. I don't mind that people don't always figure it out, we all need help sometimes. It only annoys me when you help them solve their problems but they still are stubborn about it when there's a solution.

05-23-12, 10:32 AM
three times after playing i post on that persons wall after i exit the wall it shows their site but i am on my site in the background i have to go to news and select a site to get out of the glich can we look into fixing this?

kooky panda
05-23-12, 10:44 AM
three times after playing i post on that persons wall after i exit the wall it shows their site but i am on my site in the background i have to go to news and select a site to get out of the glich can we look into fixing this?

This can happen when you go offline. Are you playing on wifi? If so check your connections to make sure you have a strong signal.

05-23-12, 12:41 PM
Stop moaning and play intelligently.

As people tend to return favours by playing with other peoples dragons after they have had theirs played with, and the fact that everyone tends to leave a message regarding this: check peoples message boards, and keep clicking on the latest commenter. Each comment you click on is invariably increasingly recent. Once you find comments that are only a few minutes old, 9 times out of 10 you'll find they have also cleared their dragons recently too. Keep clicking on recent comments and you will quickly increase your egg rating. An added advantage is that as the people's whose dragons you are playing with are generally still online, they will check who played with their dragons (in NEWS), and instantly return the favour!

The playing system is fine.

Honestly this isn't my experience at all. Yes, you often get someone who is still online, but that person is making the rounds and may not have cleared their habitats recently -- especially since there is such a lag between the time a habitat is played with and the time it shows up.

I find it really off putting when people say things about the intelligence or creativity of people who feel differently about something. Seriously, can't you share your opinion without insulting other people? This goes for pinkstarbelly as well.