View Full Version : How does your food sell

05-17-12, 08:15 PM
How does your food sell

05-17-12, 08:33 PM
Too fast

05-17-12, 11:36 PM
Too too fast

05-17-12, 11:49 PM
Great poll.

I have over 2,200,000 plates of food. I only keep plates worth 4coin or more. I wish I could block the door and all my food would be sold when i return as it used to do long time ago. I throw away food 5,000 plates at a time. Just no space for it.

Maybe its because I have 27 appliance slots (18+9).
Maybe its because my restaurant is too large. Maxed 26x23.
Maybe its because my restaurant is too hard to navigate.

05-17-12, 11:50 PM

Level 97
27 appliance slots (18+9)

05-18-12, 12:58 AM
Just right with 20 appliances.

05-18-12, 04:04 AM
Too Slow. and all my seats are closest to exit as possible to ensure those Ewoks eat and go in the shortest time possbile. Yet I still have a lot of unsold food.

05-18-12, 05:42 AM
At lower levels and with some of the very low quantity foods, it can be hard to keep food on your counters. But as you progress, you really wish food would sell faster overall.

05-18-12, 05:54 AM
just right

05-18-12, 05:56 AM
I have alot of food so it sells very slow.

05-18-12, 10:26 AM
Actually, I'm maxed at 18 appliances, Level 96, and I can barely keep my buffet stocked with food!

Food sells too fast and yields for new recipes are too low!

05-18-12, 12:36 PM
Too fast! Please stop making the newer recipes sell.out so {} quick! I have to close down st might just to keep.the newer foods around...

05-18-12, 01:24 PM
Just Right! :-)

05-21-12, 04:10 PM
Very quick in RS in BS slow but I have many options & many quantity could be part of the prob

05-21-12, 05:22 PM
Level 97, 18 appliances.

Because I am currently cooking the new foods, I am continually running out of food. The new dishes often have half the amount of servings as the old dishes. To those who have too much food, I would recommend cooking the new recipes (if only for the gems).

05-21-12, 07:44 PM
I'm level 86 with 18 appliances and my food sells just right. If I find myself having too much food, I'll simply stop cooking that particular recipe and cook others to master them. (I do this mostly on BS because I have a few recipes that are over 50,000). Why continue cooking the same recipe over and over and have them build up to where they sell too slow?

05-21-12, 07:55 PM
My restaurant food sells way too fast and my bakery food sells way too slow lol
I wish there was a balance :(

05-21-12, 08:12 PM
I have 18 appliances and food sells about right. It used to sell too slow and I wouldn't cook for a while. Since the newer recipes have less plates, food empties faster. I cook most of the time now. Recently when TL released a lot of new recipes, I put out my stock of stew gifts because food was getting kind of low. I used to decline stew gifts but don't anymore because food doesn't pile up as fast, and because I am overstocked on parts.

05-21-12, 09:42 PM
Way too fast. Something changed a few months back. Had food piled up thinking it would last forever, next day it was all gone. Didn't notice if I received the coins or not. Since then I can't keep food. I have the maximum appliances and cook continually. Still not complaining, I love the game.

05-26-12, 04:54 AM
Usually too fast, but in the rare case that I couldn't sell fast enough I just cook chicken on most of my appliances. 1,500 dishes in 2 days, 8 coins/serving. Works very well for emptying counters ;)

05-26-12, 07:58 AM
My food is still too slow