View Full Version : Suggestions for Farm Story

05-11-12, 12:35 PM
Give android users all of the same tress, crops, animals, decorations that iPhone users have. I would love to have the caramel apple trees as well as other stuff that iPhone users now have.

Ideas for new crops, items, decorations, etc.......
Crops: tobacco, barley, oats, Milo, honey dew melons, Collards, green & red peppers, regular cucumbers, hops, white corn, white pumpkins.

Items: tractors, seeder, harvester, make barns and silos available in same colors as fence and hay, bring back saloon and sheriffs office

Animals: buffalo......make all animals available to buy with coins not gems.

Trees: maple, dogwood, redbud.

* on crops that cost gems to plant.....we should get gems back when harvested.

*make the field change color on places that have been watered so that its easier to see.

* make all crops and trees so that u can keep getting leaves after u have ranked out just like the collectibles.

* make more items available to buy with coins instead of gems. I can't afford to use real money to buy gems just to be able to purchase an item that cost more than 10 gems.

* be able to buy gems with the farm coins.

* make it so that ALL animals make a sound....not just certain ones.

* be able to sell items we don't need or want from our inventory instead of having to place on the farm first.

05-11-12, 12:39 PM
Also make it where we can send items in our inventory as gifts to a neighbor. For example......if I buy a barn and then decide I do not want it any longer, I would like the option of being able to send it to a neighbor.

05-19-12, 06:49 PM
Great ideas! Love to be able to sell unneeded items to other farmers. Btw any idea on how to earn the garage? I've tried all sorts of suggestions to no avail.

05-21-12, 09:24 AM
I totally agree with these suggestions:)