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05-10-12, 01:38 PM
I've never purchased a limited edition item but this time I just couldn't pass it up, I also purchased the boardwalk looking coffee sign by mistake but I'm under loopiness inducing medication so I give myself a pass ;p lol My bakery is more on the realistic side and I wish I could show you guys but I'm Android so no dice! Is it just me or does it seem like these were two separate theme updates meshed together for the sake of Mama's Day? The coffee sign is just so...out of place? I'm not complaining, just saying.... Anyway as I said I'm in looove with the coffee bean display since it's so realistic and was wondering if anyone else out there has a more realistic looking bakery too? Maybe we can use this thread to showcase those bakeries and suggest potential items for people who want more bakery oriented decorations. I'll start:

Industrial Refrigerator(like the one from RS Mystery Mail Box)
Large Stand Mixer(maybe a custard yellow color for a touch of whimsy)
Another Display Counter for small desserts like cupcakes, macarons and fun shaped cookies
Pots and Pans Metal Shelf(Floor Decoration)
Sprinkle Shelf (Wall Decoration)- my personal wish!

I'm sure there are other realistic bakery items others would like to see, I thought I'd start a fun thread on what people wish for and if anyone has a realistic looking bakery please post it :D

05-10-12, 02:35 PM
i started out trying to be realistic but you can't do that AND make coin quickly at the same time.
(as well as other issues)

Now some bakeries are 100% nonsense. like having 200 tables and no chairs for tips.
Meh to that. Mine is sorta in the middle and i have a chair for every table lol

I even have Irish waitresses to give it a more realistic feel. I.e. SOMEONE actually working there :P

05-10-12, 03:10 PM
I started playing back in December and I'm on level 63, I have 20 tables and I know that's very little for most players but for me it gives it a realistic charm and I really like it that way. I've played almost everyday since then, I see a lot of posts on how to achieve maximum profits but I just play for fun and whenever I get to that certain amount to upgrade is when I do, I don't want it to work lol. I think one thing that would solve the excessive table issue is a Tip Jar on a counter, like the Cash Register. I'd looooove a tip jar. I have the Irish Waitress too but she's standing behind the register, she's way cuter than the girl avatar and I wish, Wish, WISH we could have customizable avatars! lol I'd love to have different "employees" standing around my bakery in aprons or cute old fashioned uniforms. :)

05-10-12, 06:43 PM
The look that I prefer is... SIMPLE, ELEGANT, FEMININE and REALISTIC. I was encourged after seeing this weeks table and chairs and the diamond sign. I would be happy to see more items to go with them.

Here are some more ideas... I really want a COFFEE POT or tea pot (in blue and white china or silver). I would also like some tasteful signs, in a gold and tan with pretty scrolls or chalkboard finish would be appropriate. They could say simple things like "Open", "Closed", "Bakery". I would love a vertical chalk board sign that listed words like "coffee, mocha, latte, cappuccino, etc.". And coin flooring that WASN'T tiles... maybe carpet (NOT pastel) or marble. I would like more lamps/lighting options. A pendant light would be great.

The coffee sign that we got today is too red and obnoxious. Modern doesn't mean "Las Vegas". It's TOO bold. We asked for "modern", but i dont want it to be harsh and cold. Modern can be elegant and feminine. When i say modern ... I mean NOT grandma or little girl. Example... last week's bird feeder etc. it looked like something for an old grandma's house (well not MY grandma, she had better taste than that). And we had way too many updates with fairy tale/little girl items. It's time for some elegant/adult stuff.

Here is my realistic looking bakery.

05-10-12, 06:56 PM
Oh, I forgot something. I'm not sure if I can explain it... I want to put walls inside my bakery. Not just dividers but full height walls. And then be able to put wallpaper and pictures on them too. If you look at the picture of my bakery above; I would put the walls where the bookcases and wood pillars are now.

This would probably be a programming nightmare, so it's just an idea that i know will likely never happen.

05-10-12, 07:16 PM
I love your bakery, it is in fact very simple and elegant and your use of color and pattern gives it a very regal look :) My real style is a lil bit of a shabby chic and a lot of kitsch and my bakery reflects that(how I wish I could show you guys! darn! lol) I know what you mean about wanting walls, I just "pretend" my dividers are walls and the top half is invisible for ease of view. You did an excellent job of creating your own walls with the shelves and I second the Menu Board! I really want one! lol

Just had a thought, we should be able to have different doors, I find my door to be really unattractive and I'd love a creamy white door with the "open/closed" sign already on it since doors can't be decorated......wishin' and hopin' and prayin'....lol

05-10-12, 10:10 PM
Anna, I love it! You did a great job making it look chic which is really hard to do since the elements we have to choose from are so cutesy.

My bakery is TOTALLY cutesy, haha. But in a realistic way, I think. I don't have any really outlandish items. I would really love some more contemporary, sophisticated choices, though. I've been begging for non-pastel walls and dark wood floors for more than a year now. I know we have the hardwood floor (which I used to make a bridge over my totally realistic stream, haha) but I want wood floors like the ones in fashion.

05-11-12, 05:13 AM
I love your bakery AnnasCoffee! It looks very elegant and realistic. I'm sure it took lots of effort and work to get it that way!

I can't post a picture of mine as I have an Android phone but I try to make mine realistic. There are some great items such as the brown cafe tables and chairs, but decorations are limited because most of them follow the very 'girly' sort of theme or fantasy theme. (I have seen some beautiful pink, girly bakeries with balloons and teddy bears but it's not to my taste).

I like my bakery to be a bit like Waterstone's book-shop cafe in Belfast (I live in Northern Ireland).

More realistic and 'grown up' (!) items I'd like to see include

Dividers in other colours e.g. brown or wooden look
A realistic sofa/couch (you get these in ALL real cafes now, why can't we have one?)
A pretty chalkboard as suggested by AnnasCoffee
Pots and pans as suggested by pinkcherryb

Can't think of any better ideas at the moment..
I'm so glad to see this thread as I thought it was just me! ^_^

05-11-12, 05:26 AM
AnnasCoffee, I love your bakery, you did a great job into making it pretty and elegant! :)

05-11-12, 09:27 AM
Aww... Thanks everyone:) I'm glad other people want a realistic look too. I wish Android users could post pictures. I would love to see more bakeries with a realistic look. I hope some more people post pics in here.

Ive been thinking about pinkcherryb's idea about the tip jar. Tipping in this game is a JOKE. If you had 100 tables and 70 neighbors tip you. You would have to log in 4 times to clear the tips. And you would only make 8,400 coins. It's not worth it to ruin the look of your bakery and you would have to spend an hour tipping your neighbors to earn so little. A tip jar could be made to hold 20 or 50 tips. That way we would still have to log in, to clear it. "They" want us to log in because it makes their game look good.

Back to decorating... I love the idea of realistic couches, not everyone wants a "sundae or doughnut" sofa. more pots and pans, I love my copper pots, a whole counter with copper pots would be pretty. Wood floors would be really pretty and maybe brick walls. I would like some curtains. If we can't have walls for in the middle of our bakeries maybe some full height patterened fabric walls for dividers. And I want a WHOLE collection of tea and coffee pots... In all shapes and sizes and colors.

Oh, I'm dreaming... I'm sure we will get more cartoon characters and kittens and pink flowers and everything ugly pastel... Meh... Same old, same old...So BORING!

One more thing... Some people asked for "modern" decorations (I was one of them). But pinkcherryb's word "realistic" is really what I meant to say. I DON'T want cold, hard, "futuristic" decorations.

05-11-12, 12:09 PM
My bakery is also cutesy/kitschy realistic too and if I purchase a box, even if I get one of the more sought after prizes I still don't use them because I don't want giant lollipops and gummie bears in my bakery lol. It's fun seeing the fantasy bakeries because they're really Willy Wonka-like which I find adorable but I want something FOR ME which is non-fantasy. We should be able to have the option and in my opinion would be better because there would be variety in each individual bakery and shows the player's personality. One person's Willy Wonka bakery is another person's Brooklyn coffee shop.

05-11-12, 12:14 PM
That was in reply to driftboutique....whew too much coffee lol

@ AnnasCoffee The next thing you know we're going to get a baby nursery theme complete with diaper changing table and giant stork cradling a baby from its beak! No offense to anyone who might like that though lol The puppies in a basket(health code violation!) wouldn't be so bad if they switched it up and gave some variety and kept it relevant to BAKING lol

05-11-12, 12:37 PM
Here is pinkcherryb's bakery (posted with her permission). I love it! I see what you mean by "kitschy" it's warm and inviting. Its very realistic, everything is about baking! A mixer would be perfect in here:)

Storks!?! ... Don't give them any ideas! Everytime I see animals in bakery that is what I think... "Health Code Violation" (no offense to anyone, it's just not my thing).


05-11-12, 01:33 PM
Oh YAY! It's finally on here! Thanks a bunch! And thank you! I'd just burst into a million pieces of rainbow butterfly glitter confetti for a stand mixer lol

05-13-12, 02:36 PM
I love your bakery anna. I have a very simple bakery and I don't like it when people but so much color in their bakeries they look gaudy. My bakery only has green, purple, and white.

05-13-12, 02:54 PM
I guess my bakery is gaudy lol

05-13-12, 05:19 PM
I guess my bakery is gaudy lol

I'm sure it's not! I think the colors in bakery all go really well together. It's hard to make anything clash. Besides, I agree with pinkcherryb, everybody wants something different out of their design. As long as you like it, who cares? :)

Here's mine, BTW... I have cats (shh, don't tell the health inspector):


05-13-12, 05:31 PM
I like mine too, realistic with some whimsy. I like the pastels, i Find them soothing. I'm finally happy with mine and don't do a lot to change it up, I may switch out a decoration here or there but that's it.

I have violated the health code but I love my poodles. I promise they are well behaved and have never left their mats. They are good at keeping the riff raff out too.

I don't like all the unrealistic stuff and I hated the fairy tale theme. Except a couple of the wall hangings. I like it to look real and uncluttered.

05-13-12, 09:40 PM
The look that I prefer is... SIMPLE, ELEGANT, FEMININE and REALISTIC. I was encourged after seeing this weeks table and chairs and the diamond sign. I would be happy to see more items to go with them.

Here are some more ideas... I really want a COFFEE POT or tea pot (in blue and white china or silver). I would also like some tasteful signs, in a gold and tan with pretty scrolls or chalkboard finish would be appropriate. They could say simple things like "Open", "Closed", "Bakery". I would love a vertical chalk board sign that listed words like "coffee, mocha, latte, cappuccino, etc.". And coin flooring that WASN'T tiles... maybe carpet (NOT pastel) or marble. I would like more lamps/lighting options. A pendant light would be great.

The coffee sign that we got today is too red and obnoxious. Modern doesn't mean "Las Vegas". It's TOO bold. We asked for "modern", but i dont want it to be harsh and cold. Modern can be elegant and feminine. When i say modern ... I mean NOT grandma or little girl. Example... last week's bird feeder etc. it looked like something for an old grandma's house (well not MY grandma, she had better taste than that). And we had way too many updates with fairy tale/little girl items. It's time for some elegant/adult stuff.

Here is my realistic looking bakery.

i love it!!

i totally agree about the coffee pot or tea kettle idea too!

05-13-12, 11:14 PM
I remodel my bakery about twice a week, so some times it's realistic and sometimes its not, but I'll post a pic next time it is

05-14-12, 07:19 PM
I like your ideas, pinkcherryb. I like to keep my bakery realistic too, and I would love to have things like an industrial mixer and fridge. I like the baking counter and icing counter from the Madeline tin and cake & tea box but I don't want to gamble when there's only one thing in each box I want. :(

05-14-12, 10:50 PM
I like your ideas, pinkcherryb. I like to keep my bakery realistic too, and I would love to have things like an industrial mixer and fridge. I like the baking counter and icing counter from the Madeline tin and cake & tea box but I don't want to gamble when there's only one thing in each box I want. :(

Thank you! I know what you mean, I was pretty lucky with the cake and tea box and the Madeleine tin was a bit harder but I had the money and it was worth it to me because they're so darling. I wish they had a trading/auction type feature where players can trade or bid on items that others already have but may not want or have too many of. I have like three Giant Gummi Bears that I'd love to trade for a SnoCone or Cotton Candy Machine but that's not where the money is, is it? Lol Let's keep this thread going, maybe someone "high up" will take our suggestions into consideration. :)

05-15-12, 05:11 AM
I like your ideas, pinkcherryb. I like to keep my bakery realistic too, and I would love to have things like an industrial mixer and fridge. I like the baking counter and icing counter from the Madeline tin and cake & tea box but I don't want to gamble when there's only one thing in each box I want. :(

There are some lovely realistic, proper bakery items in the boxes. I have the baking counter which looks great once I found a way of fitting it into my bakery. You're right about it being quite a gamble though. I got a Parisian fountain the other day, yikes. I've been wanting to add a 'patio' to my bakery but it isn't big enough yet, and I hate to think of a fountain being stuck in the middle of my bakery ... so, into storage for now!

(Saying that, one of my favourite real life cafes actually has two fountains/water features inside it).

05-16-12, 04:52 PM
Here is a picture of lola1190's bakery (posted with her permission). I love the colors you choose, the purple with the brown tables is beautiful. I see where you are planning for the outdoor area... It's going to be great, the entry is so pretty. I can't wait to see it!

Does anyone else want their bakery picture posted in this thread? If your Android or if you don't know how to post a picture just let me know (either send me a message or just post in this thread). I'd be happy to post a picture of your realistic bakery for you. I just love seeing beautiful, realistic bakeries :)


05-16-12, 07:07 PM
I love your realistic bakeries! I started out with that in mind, but you are right! With all the cartoony stuff in design tab it is really tricky! I have kept a realistic counter/kitchen but the rest has kinda gotten away on me lol!

05-16-12, 07:10 PM
Also I have always wanted a comfy sofa and coffee table to have a cozy coffee in front of the fire place.

05-17-12, 03:16 AM
Oh yay, thanks AnnasCoffee ^_^

Looks even smaller on my computer screen right now but I've almost got to ?1m for my next expansion!

05-17-12, 03:18 AM
Also I have always wanted a comfy sofa and coffee table to have a cozy coffee in front of the fire place.

I'd love to see a realistic sofa!
Like a nice brown leather one. And one of those pouffe (sp?) things.

05-17-12, 05:04 AM
Anna you have a perfect realistic bakery excellent
I'm so in favour I keep mine real too!
I would post a picture but I don't know how :(

05-18-12, 09:48 AM
Anna you have a perfect realistic bakery excellent
I'm so in favour I keep mine real too!
I would post a picture but I don't know how :(

Thanks :)

Let me know if you want me to post a picture of your bakery for you. I am happy to do it :) If anyone has a realistic bakery and wants me to post a picture for you, just let me know.

(Note: I have to send you a neighbor request in the game to be able to visit you and take the picture. Then you can delete me if you want).

05-18-12, 04:02 PM
Thank you your welcome to send a nbr request and take a picture for me let me know what you think too
I too wish they would bring out more realist stuff
Oh I do have a little bear sitting on my steps hes there because I collect artist bears in real life sad yes I know lol

05-18-12, 04:33 PM
Here is hentie2's bakery (posted with her permission).

May I be the first to say "Wow". Love the colors. Love the wall patternS. Love the table arrangements. Love how it all works together.

May i let you in on a secret... I have always liked that little bear :) (but his red bow would clash in my blue/green bakery. He looks great in your place:)).

05-18-12, 04:44 PM
Aww thank you :)
He's cute but I know what you mean about the red bow lol

05-18-12, 05:39 PM
I collected some pictures of what I would like too see in a REALISTIC BAKERY.

Some people have said (in the weekly update thread) that they want to go back to the "cutesy" stuff. I would like to know what the "cutesy people" think about these ideas. Is this something the cutesty people would be interested in?

This weeks update was NOT what i wanted either. Its not realistic, its just ugly. I hope "they" give our realistic idea a shot. They missed the mark... BIG TIME. These pictures will show what true bakeries/coffee shops look like. Please comment if you like them or not. Please add pictures that you like to the thread.

There are 11 pictures total.... (I'll have to make multiple posts.)

05-18-12, 05:40 PM
This first one is a coffee shop. I choose this picture because it shows the following items...
1. Realistic chairs (these could be elongated into sofas).
2. Chalk-board coffee menus on the wall. I love that there are 3 hung in a group.
3. Patterned carpet.
4. Dark wood furniture
5. Pendant lighting. That blue is beautiful.

05-18-12, 05:47 PM
These next two are cake displays. I don't like the HUGE, gaudy, over-the-top cakes that we have gotten as limited time items lately. I would prefer something simple and elegant. Something that I would actually see and buy from a real bakery. Here are some beautiful displays. I would love to know what the "cutesy people" think... I think you guys might like these !!! :) ... at least I hope you do:)

This one is cakes

This one is petit fours and macaroons and such

05-18-12, 05:51 PM
These next three are signs. They are in different styles, something for everyone! One is French. One is shabby chic. One is chalkboard. But they are ALL about baking/coffee.




05-18-12, 05:56 PM
These next two are for pinkcherryb :). It's your sprinkle shelf and yellow stand mixer. Hope you like them:). Oh and I must point out that this is another REAL bakery with chalk board menus on the wall... I can't imagine a bakery/coffee place without one!

Sprinkle shelf

Yellow stand mixer

05-18-12, 06:01 PM
Oh, I forgot something... Those shelves would be great for a collection of coffee cups and coffee/tea pots too.

Speaking of coffee pots... PLEASE, I NEED I coffee/tea pot. Here's some inspiration...

This first one could be colored porcelain or silver

Here is a traditional blue or it could be pink... (but please make it blue :)). Or give us a whole collection!

05-18-12, 06:06 PM
Okay... Last one! These are bakery windows. I like the words written on the windows. They could be simple words like "cookies", "coffee", "open" etc. but please... Classic Colors... NO neon.

This isn't the best picture. I had a hard time trying to find a picture of what I wanted to describe.

05-18-12, 08:50 PM
Yum! Who wouldn't like the look of those cakes! I really like the chalkboard too! Great photos, I hope TL like them too!

05-18-12, 09:31 PM
Heeeey! I got a shout out! lol OMG that stand mixer, that sprinkle shelf......*melts* Anna(I presume that is your name?) you've taken my original post and taken it to new heights! Thank you! You've created what I was really trying to explain and I sincerely hope TeamLava considers these ideas. All of these pictures can be translated into wonderful decorations that are still charming and whimsical enough for people to find cute and realistic enough for people like us to love. As a lover of both cute & pink AND realistic, what I envision in my mind for my bakery is a happy medium between both styles. It's totally doable and I'm hoping it opens the door for others who have been craving "darker themes", I'm tired of seeing the same style of bakery over and over when I know for a fact that so many people want something personable. I'd love to see a coffee shop/poetry slam bakery, how awesome would that be? If anyone else really wants their voice heard please don't be shy, add your ideas as I'm sure lots of people have great ideas for this game. Let's ask for customizable avatars, floor decoration toons in different ethnicities, themes for all types of people, a way to store food or the option to throw away the amount of food we want instead of an entire counter's worth, can we PLEASE just be able to move the ding dang door?! Things like that!

05-18-12, 09:33 PM
Oh and Hentie2, your bakery is gorgeous. :)

05-18-12, 10:53 PM
Here is my bakery!


05-19-12, 07:49 AM
All of these pictures can be translated into wonderful decorations that are still charming and whimsical enough for people to find cute and realistic enough for people like us to love. As a lover of both cute & pink AND realistic, what I envision in my mind for my bakery is a happy medium between both styles.

This is exactly what I hope for too... a combination of realistic and charming (or cute) with a touch of elegance. I don't hate cute... "they" just took cute TOO FAR!!! Let's get back to baking!

Oh, and yes... My first name is Anna:) But, sadly, my last name is not Coffee :(.

05-19-12, 09:16 AM
I also try to keep my bakery as realistic as possible. I love all of your ideas, a sprinkle shelf, EEK! Love it. I'm just sick of cutesy stuff. I would love for some elegant black and white stuff. I thought that's where this weeks update was going after the b&w wall hanging and b&w cookies but then we get taxi stuff. TL please get back to the baking stuff.

P.S. All of your bakeries are absolutely lovely. Keep up the good work

05-19-12, 10:52 AM
I know my "mermaid grotto" is not realistic at all, but I love mermaids and had to have it!

05-19-12, 01:24 PM
Anna pictures are exactly what we want
add a welsh dresser with a tea set on
Shelves with jars of home made jam and or a variety of teas and coffee
A glass fronted fridge with milk cream butter etc displayed
And bay windows criss crossed glass and curtains with tie backs
Oh dear I'm getting carried away lol
And thank you pinkcherryb
Keep it real TL

05-19-12, 01:57 PM
Anna pictures are exactly what we want
add a welsh dresser with a tea set on
Shelves with jars of home made jam and or a variety of teas and coffee
A glass fronted fridge with milk cream butter etc displayed
And bay windows criss crossed glass and curtains with tie backs
Oh dear I'm getting carried away lol
And thank you pinkcherryb
Keep it real TL

Love these ideas :-) i also love your bakery hentie2, you have a great eye for coordinating the colours and layout. i think its cool that you collect bears!
Annascoffee what a great idea to post those photos :-D would love to see one of those chalk boards as a wall decoration.
how would you have the teapot in design tab?? A floor decoration? Id love to seeone of those silver ones :-D

05-19-12, 03:35 PM
Our next theme is supposted to be "Victorian/English Tearoom". Here are some display ideas for tea/coffee pots. I think they should be displayed three ways...

1. A collection of teapots in a hutch (or a welsh dresser as hentie2 said)

2. a single teapot on a counter. Nothing else but the teapot on the counter.... so it stands out and can be seen. The counter can go by your tables so it looks like people are using it. Or it can go where your food is displayed.

3. a waitress holding a tray of tea cups. So it looks like tea is being served to the customers.

They would all be floor decorations. here are some pictures....

This is a hutch. Just imagine teapots in the squares, instead of the chickens.


This is a collection of teapots for in the hutch


Here is a "teapot" to stand alone on a counter. (Note: Yes, it's made of cake, NO I don't want a cake teapot. I just like these colors. I think the combination of the pink and blue would make everyone happy. It should be porcelain.)


05-19-12, 05:50 PM
Anna, I think one way to make the game better decorating wise is if the counters could be used for non food items as well. For instance, I like the Bread Bag but if I were to purchase it with gems that means my real life currency purchased virtual item would be located on the FLOOR of my bakery. It has one random bagel resting on the side of the bag held up by...the FLOOR lol I get it, it's not real life it's a game with food we didn't really bake that imaginary people "consume" but it's still unappealing. And why can't we rotate darn gumball machine! It shall forever face west lol I wrote super duper long ideas list in New Themes for Bakery Story but I'm going to add them there and condense it down so people will actually read it.

Hentie2 The Glass Door Refrigerator idea is out of this world, I want one now! and Anna, the Tea Waitress! I still want me a hot stud holding a coffee pot and his lovely co-worker holding a sample tray of tiny cupcakes and macarons *swoon*

05-19-12, 10:21 PM
Old Fashion Ice Cream Parlor
Here are some images from old fashioned ice cream parlors and soda fountains, they're not bakeries but hey....neither are fairytale forests :) Recipes could include ice cream cake, ice cream cupcakes, ice cream sandwiches and a new soda fountain drink machine with soda floats, vanilla and strawberry shakes. The sprinkle shelf would work well with this theme and how about an ice cream freezer display and a toppings station display with different sprinkles like cookie crums, m&ms and gummi bears.




I'm going to continue posting more pictures and theme ideas soon! If anyone has more suggestions for an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor please add them :)

05-20-12, 06:32 AM
Once I showed my bakery to my mom, and she said : Why are all your tables so close together?!?! Do you honk those strangers like sitting right next to each other?!?!

05-20-12, 06:34 AM
Once I showed my bakery to my mom, and she said : Why are all your tables so close together?!?! Do you honk those strangers like sitting right next to each other?!?!

Oops....not honk, think...:p

05-20-12, 09:07 AM
Once I showed my bakery to my mom, and she said : Why are all your tables so close together?!?! Do you honk those strangers like sitting right next to each other?!?!

Lol! When I see bakeries with tables in long lines or to make one big table, I always think, I'd hate to eat somewhere like that in real life! I went to the noodle place Wagamama one time and felt all freaked out at having to sit on a long bench in between strangers.

05-20-12, 09:09 AM
I've seen places almost filled with tables

05-20-12, 11:43 AM
Old Fashion Ice Cream Parlor. If anyone has more suggestions for an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor please add them :)

Of course I LOVE this idea!!! How perfect for summer. All the pictures I found are PASTEL PINK and BABY BLUE ... But I LOVE them.

List of more Items for ice cream soda theme
1. Scrolled metal cafe style chair in BABY BLUE. My favorite is the one that scrolls into a heart shape.
2. Ice cream soda display in pastel pink with baby blue accents
3. Old fashion white glass pendant light (these are classic)
4. Windows or sings saying "Ice Cream Soda". Love the scrolls in the corners.
5. Fancy glasses


05-20-12, 03:27 PM
Here is mickamoo's bakery (posted with her permission)


You did such a great job of creating separate rooms. Each room has has it's own color scheme, I love how you combined the brown, orange and gray. And you carried the brown flooring over into the pink room so the two rooms mesh well together. Its really beautiful :)

Oh... And... Umm... THAT'S A LOT OF FOOD!! I think you have a "food room". :) it looks yummy

05-21-12, 12:29 PM
Thank you so much (for posting the pic which I couldn't do, and for the compliments).
I guess I've got way too much food - 126 counters, over 45,000 of each! But that's for another thread :)

I wholeheartedly agree with all the suggestions for realistic items - enough with the dragons and rainbows TL.

05-21-12, 12:51 PM
The look that I prefer is... SIMPLE, ELEGANT, FEMININE and REALISTIC. I was encourged after seeing this weeks table and chairs and the diamond sign. I would be happy to see more items to go with them.

Here are some more ideas... I really want a COFFEE POT or tea pot (in blue and white china or silver). I would also like some tasteful signs, in a gold and tan with pretty scrolls or chalkboard finish would be appropriate. They could say simple things like "Open", "Closed", "Bakery". I would love a vertical chalk board sign that listed words like "coffee, mocha, latte, cappuccino, etc.". And coin flooring that WASN'T tiles... maybe carpet (NOT pastel) or marble. I would like more lamps/lighting options. A pendant light would be great.

The coffee sign that we got today is too red and obnoxious. Modern doesn't mean "Las Vegas". It's TOO bold. We asked for "modern", but i dont want it to be harsh and cold. Modern can be elegant and feminine. When i say modern ... I mean NOT grandma or little girl. Example... last week's bird feeder etc. it looked like something for an old grandma's house (well not MY grandma, she had better taste than that). And we had way too many updates with fairy tale/little girl items. It's time for some elegant/adult stuff.

Here is my realistic looking bakery.

I love your bakery

05-21-12, 01:27 PM
Thank you so much (for posting the pic which I couldn't do, and for the compliments).
I guess I've got way too much food - 126 counters, over 45,000 of each! But that's for another thread :)

I wholeheartedly agree with all the suggestions for realistic items - enough with the dragons and rainbows TL.

I like your bakery! The seating area by the fire looks lovely.
and thats a lot of food! If i went somewhere that had that much food i would just drool! yum :-D

05-21-12, 09:50 PM
I try to make my bakery as realistic as I can too!
I'm in the middle of remodeling but here's what I've done.


05-21-12, 11:25 PM
Just thought to share my bakery. 😊. I too prefer the realistic approach.


05-22-12, 07:08 AM
I was thinking it would be nice to have one of those outdoor parasol umbrellas on a stand because a lot of us like to have the look of a 'patio' on our bakeries.

Maybe in cream or dark blue or something.

05-22-12, 07:09 AM
Just thought to share my bakery. 😊. I too prefer the realistic approach.


I love your bakery! What a great job.
What's the gold glass fronted item to the left of your Treat Dispensers?

05-22-12, 08:18 AM
Thanks so much! �� I believe you're referring to the hot apple cider?

05-22-12, 08:20 AM
Thanks so much! �� I believe you're referring to the hot apple cider?

Oh - oops, no, to the left of the cider and latte. Next to the hat stand ^_^

05-22-12, 10:35 AM
Of, gotcha! That's my donut vending machine. : )

05-22-12, 02:57 PM
KateAteCake, are you taking anymore nbrs? I'd love to add you as a nbr, I'm green with envy for your bakers and coffee stand. Your bakery is just lovely. :)

05-22-12, 04:51 PM
This was my first post in New Themes in Bakery Story, just thought I'd share this for anyone who doesn't mind reading long posts, I condensed it down and revised my ideas. :)

I too, would love to see customizable avatars that can be named, with different skin tones and maybe even hair textures(I have a cute curly afro! lol). Also, I think it would be cool if behind a second register you were allowed another customizable avatar. I think it would be great if TeamLava added darker colors and wall patterns for players with different tastes to reflect their personalities and add more variety to each individual bakery. I personally love muted colors such as dusty rose pink, carolina sky blue, mauve(purple), taupe(brownish gray), sage or seafoam green, creamy beige and the like. I think muted colors could bridge the gap between pastels to darker colors and work well for older players that want a less child-like feel.

Baker's Kitchen Theme: Floor decoration counters with a Stand Mixer and or Hand Mixer, Scale, Kitchen Timer, Rolling Pin, Muffin/Cupcake Pans, Rolled-out Dough with Cookie Cutters and Flour, Meausuring Cups and Spoons, Wooden Spoons and Whisks etc. The tables could be stainless steel or marble and any of each of the aforementioned items can look like pastry works in progress. A wall decoration spice rack or sprinkle shelf, a floor decoration metal or wood shelf with baking ingredients in canisters and jars such as sugar, salt, flavorings, vanilla extract or vanilla bean pods and baking books. Wall pictures of Sugar Cane, a Vanilla Orchid, Blades of Wheat, a Cute Cow, Basket of Eggs and Butter. New food items would include Strawberry Cream Cake, Chocolate Cream Pie, Vanilla Bean Cheesecake, Banana Pudding, Flan.

French Patisserie/Victorian Garden- Shabby Chic bistro/garden tables and chairs(chipped, faded white or cream), potted french tulips, pink rose basket, peony bouquet, light blue paper ball lantern hanging garland, sweet treat/tea cake buffet table, whitewashed brick wallpaper, old wood birch floor tiles, copper watering can, a white wire flower wagon. New food items would include stacked Macarons on a pedestal like the Jam Cookies(Rose-pale pink, Orange Blossom-pale orange, Mint-pale kelly green, Violet-pale purple), Vanilla Chiffon Cake, Creme Anglaise, Meringue Cookies, Wedding Cake.

Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor- A table display with cakes, cookies and pie under cake pedestal domes, gumballs and marshmallows in apothecary jars, a cookie and donut display, a large wall decoration chalkboard menu sign, an old fashioned antique brass cash register, a Soda Jerk, newspaper rack, a Soda Float maker and an Ice Cream Freezer Display(like the Cake Display) with new food items that include a Cherry Vanilla Soda Float, Chocolate Cola Soda Float, Vanilla and Strawberry Milkshakes and Hot Fudge S'mores Sundae. *ideas condensed down from original*

Summer Carnival/Boardwalk Treat Shop- Carnival Barker Cashier, Red/White ****** Wallpaper with Edison Light Boarder, Boardwalk Wood Tile, Lighted Popcorn and Pretzel Machine Floor Decoration, Open Ordering/Service Window Counter with Patrons Wall Decoration. New food items include Funnel Cake, Caramel Apple Donut, Deep Fried Candy Bar, Cotton Candy Cupcake, Candy Nachos(they exist, I promise!). -this theme is still childlike but at least boys/men can use this theme without it looking girly.

Poetry-Book Reading Lounge/Jazz Cafe- For the players who wanted darker colors and a "darker" theme I think a smooth layed back cafe with a Jazz Band(sax player, bongo player, bass player), a Poetry or Book Reader, on a small stage with spotlight, Coffee Waiter/Waitress. Ash black bistro scroll chairs with midnight blue leather cushioned seats. Ash Black bistro tables with royal blue mosaic tile tabletop with mosaic coffee cup and steam. How about some nighttime windows with dark wood frames, tan wallpaper, bread art wall decorations, mahogany wood floor tiles. New food items would include Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Muffins, Whole Wheat Baguettes, Blackout Cake, Black Coffee, Iced Coffee.

05-22-12, 05:24 PM
Thank you!! : ) Always happy to add good neighbors! Feel free to add me. My ID: KateAteCake

05-22-12, 05:46 PM

05-22-12, 05:48 PM
This is my bakery. My count area is quite realistic and I'm working on the rest. Hope to enlarge fireplace area and create an outdoor area too

05-22-12, 11:33 PM
Your fireplace area is cozy! I thought about making a "lovers lounge" area one time but I didn't have the space. I'd like to make an outdoor area as well but I'm worried it would take away from the realism. I wish they would update the background so you could choose the layout. Like for winter there's snow on the ground instead of bright leafy green trees. What's the point of a Snowy Window when there's no snow on the ground around the bakery?(forgive me if there's such a thing, I'm Android, I don't get the good stuff) I'm a Fall Baby so I'd ADORE orangy brown leaves with pumpkins and acorns. *wishes for pumpkin hot chocolate in Autumn*

Anyway, I just need to say this......BRING BACK THE COFFEE PODS! Por favor! My sanity depends on it. I must have it! lol

05-23-12, 03:36 AM
Well at least your not in autumn now that all the spring decor is out lol! We r used to it down here:-)

05-23-12, 09:55 PM
I didn't think of that, see this is why need options! Lol

05-23-12, 11:28 PM
Lol yes! I have nearly finished ny renovations.

05-24-12, 06:03 AM
Lol yes! I have nearly finished ny renovations.

I love it! Especially the area with the lemon trees. Very cute :)

05-24-12, 06:40 AM
Beautiful B, where did you get the cristal panel behind the candy display?

05-24-12, 02:56 PM
Beautiful B, where did you get the cristal panel behind the candy display?

Are u talking about mine? If so Im not sure what u mean?

05-24-12, 10:42 PM
Are u talking about mine? If so Im not sure what u mean?

Trace35, I think goleon2 is speaking of the window(am I correct?) next to your candy display, it does look more like a crystal panel than a window.

05-25-12, 03:33 AM
I prefer the realistic bakery style too. Thought I would share mine.


05-25-12, 03:37 AM
QUESTION!! So do you guys love the subtle look the new breads on the counters are giving the bakeries? Or do you guys stay more focused on the furniture and bakery design itself?

05-25-12, 04:36 AM
QUESTION!! So do you guys love the subtle look the new breads on the counters are giving the bakeries? Or do you guys stay more focused on the furniture and bakery design itself?

I just commented on your poll thread lol ... I'd love to see the bread recipes because real bakeries sell bread as well as BRIGHT PINK (!!) cakes etc ... it would be great to have some on the regular oven as I play on Android ^_^ It would have that nice French sort of theme.

05-25-12, 04:38 AM
I prefer the realistic bakery style too. Thought I would share mine.


It's fab! I'm particularly in love with your counter area --- simple and elegant :-) You seem to have had better luck with the boxes than me, I see some pretty Cake & Tea items in there!

05-25-12, 04:42 AM
I think of they layout more than the food itself . BUT in saying that, in nz we have neat purse more than sweet pies! I know that must sound disgusting to u Americans! My favorite is a steak pie or a steak and cheese pie. Other yummy flavors are mince, chicken, or venison!

05-25-12, 04:43 AM
Edit: meat pies not neat purse lol!

05-25-12, 04:51 AM
I think of they layout more than the food itself . BUT in saying that, in nz we have neat purse more than sweet pies! I know that must sound disgusting to u Americans! My favorite is a steak pie or a steak and cheese pie. Other yummy flavors are mince, chicken, or venison!

That made me so hungry reading that. In Ireland we have steak and Guinness pie :-)

05-25-12, 03:35 PM
That made me so hungry reading that. In Ireland we have steak and Guinness pie :-)

Yum! Off to the bakery now to get one of those!

05-25-12, 08:59 PM
Just added a reading room. I really liked the Executive Chairs in this week's update!


05-26-12, 05:57 AM
[QUOTE=KateAteCake;316628]Just added a reading room. I really liked the Executive Chairs in this week's update!

I really like it! It's like a library with a bakery. Or like Barnes & Noble with a cafe (I love that store!) :)

05-26-12, 06:10 AM
Just added a reading room. I really liked the Executive Chairs in this week's update!


Oh my gosh!! I love ur cozy book club cafe!

05-26-12, 09:52 AM
Thank you! : )

05-26-12, 10:16 PM
Thank you! : )

What's the "display shelf" you have next to the flower box next to your door??

05-27-12, 12:49 AM
Oh, that's my Coffee Pods display. : )

05-28-12, 03:50 PM
Here is 8summer8's bakery (posted with her permission).


I love the elegant feminine look. I love the colors, they work so well together. Even your food matches! The way you placed the waitress makes it look like they are actually working. And you have a chalkboard wall menu... I didnt know there was one... Love it.

05-28-12, 11:06 PM
Some bakeries are mostly unrealistic and have , like, 100 tables for tips even though they barely tip THEIR friends. One time I wrote on somebody's wall saying that I do not care about the fact that the design of the bakery is great beacause his customers barely have any sitting room at ALL. I'm currently in level 24 or something and I try to keep an authentic bakery style, but with the price of the expansion, all of my chairs and tables are crammed into one side of my bakery.

I never buy Gems or any decor that costs Gems. I'm saving for an expansion, but it currently costs 500,000 coins and I have 300,000+ coins.

I barely had space for my customers to sit, but I try to devise ways to fit all those chairs and tables. But most people who are pretty lucky and buy Gems and coins blow ALL that money on tables that serve as mere places for tips. And seriously, who places counters between tables? In real bakeries, this technique would have gotten you bankrupt.

05-28-12, 11:08 PM
That would have cost me a fortune. It could still be said to be realistic, because reading in bakeries can be a bit practical for us. But I guess it now looks more like a cafe.

05-29-12, 01:27 AM
Some bakeries are mostly unrealistic and have , like, 100 tables for tips even though they barely tip THEIR friends. One time I wrote on somebody's wall saying that I do not care about the fact that the design of the bakery is great beacause his customers barely have any sitting room at ALL. I'm currently in level 24 or something and I try to keep an authentic bakery style, but with the price of the expansion, all of my chairs and tables are crammed into one side of my bakery.

I never buy Gems or any decor that costs Gems. I'm saving for an expansion, but it currently costs 500,000 coins and I have 300,000+ coins.

I barely had space for my customers to sit, but I try to devise ways to fit all those chairs and tables. But most people who are pretty lucky and buy Gems and coins blow ALL that money on tables that serve as mere places for tips. And seriously, who places counters between tables? In real bakeries, this technique would have gotten you bankrupt.

My bakery is a bit cramped at the moment too. I have a chair for each table -- I'm SO bored of seeing dozens of cheap white tables crammed together for extra tips (why bother? it's only 20 coins a table).

Saving for expansions is a loooong process and I'm only on the 2 million one now.

05-29-12, 02:17 AM
I'd love to be able to put two chairs to a table like in real life but the food is huge, the black forest cake while very pretty is the size of the patron's head :/ We would have much more room if we were allowed two to a table. Another thing....I know it's a game but in real life you can take the food out/with you. I'd love a "takeout line" register so no broken blue hearts. I think that would be a better way to keep your star rating up than tipping.

05-29-12, 05:07 AM
I'd love to be able to put two chairs to a table like in real life but the food is huge, the black forest cake while very pretty is the size of the patron's head :/ We would have much more room if we were allowed two to a table. Another thing....I know it's a game but in real life you can take the food out/with you. I'd love a "takeout line" register so no broken blue hearts. I think that would be a better way to keep your star rating up than tipping.

The proportions are insane! That bread basket on a table that you win for completing the Yummy Ingredients collectibles (I think) is pretty and realistic but it's the size of one piece of cake in the bakery!

05-29-12, 08:10 AM
Here is jumphigh128's bakery (posted with her permission).


Your walls are great!... They make me HAPPY. The colors are fun and they go well with the Bake Sale sign and Candy Display. I love how you put the utensils above the baking area and counter seating in front of the baking area ... very realistic :).

05-29-12, 01:43 PM
Here is jumphigh128's bakery (posted with her permission).


Your walls are great!... They make me HAPPY. The colors are fun and they go well with the Bake Sale sign and Candy Display. I love how you put the utensils above the baking area and counter seating in front of the baking area ... very realistic :).

Thank you! :):):):)

06-01-12, 05:38 PM
Anna your new bakery is beautiful . Could you please post a picture here so everyone can see it and also keep this thread alive?

06-01-12, 08:01 PM
Anna your new bakery is beautiful . Could you please post a picture here so everyone can see it and also keep this thread alive?

Thank-you. BUT ... Omg... I HATE my new bakery! Ive already torn the whole thing down 2 or 3 times. I wonder which one you saw. I guess I'm just not used to it. I'll post it. If anyone has opinions Id love to hear them... Something just doesn't look right to me.

I might just put it back the way it was.

Oh, and by the way... The meat pies DON'T sound disgusting. I wonder if they taste like a Philli Cheese Steak. The only other thing we have that's similar are called "Hot Pockets". They are low grade, microwaveable meat in a pastry "thing" (nothing to brag about, but they're edible if your hungry). I bet your meat purse pie is way better.


06-01-12, 09:11 PM
I'm working on a new design inspired by this thread and the darker items from the last few weeks :) I only wish I had jumped on the coffee bean display when I had the chance. Oh well.

I will probably spend a few more days fiddling with it, but when it's ready I will share it!

Anna, I did like your previous design posted here but this is nice too! I can see two things that you could address to refine the design. One is that I think there is one color too many -- the blue seems like the odd man out. Replacing the blue tables, wallpaper and wall decor with neutral toned items would really bring harmony to the color scheme. The other is that the rug-style floor sections, as much as I like them, are making things very boxy. Balancing those with some more organic spaces could really improve the flow. Maybe taking out the one in front of the waitress station? You would probably need another element in there to break up the open space but even some flower groupings could accomplish that.

Of course, feel free to ignore me :) I generally wouldn't post a critique like this but based in your past posts I thought you might be interested.

06-02-12, 12:21 AM
Realistic Bakery thread LIVES! lol

Anna, I've been thinking about the Poll Thread suggestion and I'm brainstorming ideas, I'm thinking of a Soda Fountain machine, decor and recipes to add to the poll but I want them to be really good choices. As for your bakery, I think the red tiles are throwing everything off, maybe 86 the tiles and replace them with the matching painted wood tiles, I think that's what they're called. Maybe more symetric consistency with the bordering tiles. Open spaces can tend to be very cold and sterile but I also know your style seems to be clean lines, maybe more flowers and trees, like the lemon trees to add a fresh component. The organic shapes and pops of color could lend to breaking up straight lines(your windows are a great choice as well). Or maybe you need more food on the counters, that could be it too. I had to play around with mine until it "spoke" to me lol I'm a perfectionist that knows I'll never be perfect but I'm so bad with it I coordinate my food by size, shape and color(ex. green with pink, strawberry desserts next to chocolate desserts). I even purposely put my shamrock cookies next to my icing counter because the piping bag with the green icing is "in use". I have entirely too much time on my hands lol

driftboutique, I can't help but feel a little warm and fuzzy that you're inspired now....*koolaid smile*

Can someone post a picture of my new design? I soooo wish I could do it on my own. Does anyone know if there's a way to print screen?

06-02-12, 01:51 AM
Anna is a realistic bakery genious!! I got inspired by this thread to ditch my tripple heart table design that contained 200+ tables. But it was so difficult and I got so frustrated I left it half done for like a week. I wrapped it up with simple tables and called it a day .. Maybe someday I'll pick it up hehe

06-02-12, 04:08 AM

06-02-12, 04:11 AM
The above is pinkcherrys bakery. Very nice!
Anna I love the 'boxy ' lines in your new bakery! It isnt the same as the one I saw lol! I like the blue tables with the neutral co ours but I think everyone is right, mabe a bit of subtle greenery would compliment the look?

06-02-12, 04:13 AM
Btw, cheese steak sounds delicious! And NEVER put a meat pie in the microwave!!!! The astray goes all soggy when it should be savory crispy and flaky, yum!

06-02-12, 04:14 AM
Edit pastry not astray

06-02-12, 04:21 AM
500 x 328
Similar imagesImages may be subject to copyright.
Len's Pies & Hot Bread Shop
Mince steak and cheese pie

06-02-12, 04:23 AM
Sorry. Image didn't paste.

06-02-12, 07:30 AM
Trace35 thank much! My mother is Puerto Rican and for Christmas we make pastelitos and empanadas. They're both a half moon shaped pastry, filled with seasoned shredded chicken, ground beef or pernil(roast pork pronounced peh-Rrr-neel, roll your tongue on the R lol) You can google them if you want a better image. Also I loooove Jamaican beef patties. Here in Brooklyn, in the more umm "urban" rougher neighborhoods we have a staple junk food. It's a beef patty, baked and carefully slit open to insert mozzarella cheese, some people also like to add pepperoni. Then it's put back into the oven to melt the cheese and served between bread. Divine! I'm salivating....*tummy grumbles*

06-02-12, 07:31 AM
Thank you much* typing with my phone is a chore lol

06-02-12, 12:25 PM
Thank you for your honest opinions everyone. You were defiantly right... The red and blue were fighting each other. One of them had to go. And just think of all the red and blue we will be getting in July... I think I'm scared!

I really wanted to keep those red floor tiles, I tried adding green to the red. It looked like Christmas :(. So i took pinkcherryb's advise and 86'd the red. There just arent enough other decorations to pull off the red tiles... Although, I have a neighbor who did it beautifully using the new brick wall paper.

I went back to my old blue/green. Green is my favorite color and I would never be happy without it. I don't really like this either... It's too complicated and the colors are too intense for me. I really miss my old bakery. I will probably leave this for a week and then go back to my old design.


I giggled a little when everyone mentioned "straight lines" and "boxyness"... You guys forgot "over use of symmetry". Ahh... This is just me! There is no escaping it. I know this makes for a more boring design. I really admire people who's designs are more free flowing, organic and natural. That's why I like seeing other peoples bakeries. Because I know I'm not capable of this style of design. I am way too much of an OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) /control freak. For me to be able to give up the straight lines would give me a feeling of "lose of control". It would involve the need of high doses of psychiatric medication.... hehehe. Actually... Maybe the meds aren't a bad idea! (prescription only kids!)

Trace, i think this the floor plan that I had yesterday (when you saw it, before I changed it). But yesterday it was red/blue. Now it's blue/green.

Oh well I quit for now. Like Pinkstarbelly said, you gotta take a break sometime. And I've spent 2.5 million coins!... Ouch!

Driftboutique, I can't wait to see your new design, I love your bakery and your sense of style. I don't mind critique at all... I think it helps us to grow :). I enjoy it! And I wish I had gotten to coffee beans too :(

Pinkcherryb, I think a poll would be great. So many people view this thread, but not many people post. I would love to know what the people who are just viewing think of a realistic bakery "theme". A poll would be a quick, easy way for others to share their opinions. Not everyone wants to post pictures or type huge posts. Who knows, maybe TL will give us a baking theme someday, if others vote "yes".

06-02-12, 01:52 PM
You are to hard on yourself Anna! We all love your bakeries!

06-02-12, 02:40 PM
Anna, I've been thinking about the Poll Thread suggestion

pinkcherryb, I think a poll would be great.

Umm... We might not be able to do a poll after all. We might have to check with a mod. I think I just saw something that said we are only allowed to make suggestions in the official mod "suggest items/themes" thread. And only the mods can create polls for new item/theme suggestions.

Oh well... So much for creativity and valuing your players opinions and ideas.

06-02-12, 03:02 PM
Here's the link to the new poll.... http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?29555-Bakery-Poll-5-31

I voted for the silver/copper kitchen decor, I think its the most realistic option on the poll.

06-02-12, 03:11 PM
Ooh, Anna, I love this one! It's symmetrical and organized but just the right amount, I think :)

06-02-12, 08:05 PM
I hope I did this right. Hopefully you will see a picture of my bakery, I like it nice and clean cut, I dont like the busy looking bakery's.

06-06-12, 07:38 PM
Here's the link to the new poll.... http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?29555-Bakery-Poll-5-31

I voted for the silver/copper kitchen decor, I think its the most realistic option on the poll.

That's what I voted for too. Not great options though!

06-07-12, 01:05 AM
That's what I voted for too. Not great options though!

Not very good options at all!

Better than the turtle we've got this update though :-\

06-07-12, 08:36 PM
I know, a fricken turtle going on a tiki tour?

06-07-12, 10:20 PM
Has anyone ever played Animal Crossing? The turtle reminds me of Mayor Tortimer. And btw, is it just me or does it look like he's hitchhiking? Yes, I know he has no thumbs. Where is his luggage? Why no Mrs. Hawaiian Vacationing Turtle? No "Squirts"(Finding Nemo reference)? I'm having too much fun with these questions. He should've had a "sunrise drink". I expect a sunrise drink next thursday lol

06-08-12, 04:39 AM
I need some help from the pros in the realistic department!! Been trying to make a realistic bakery and although I'm happy with the baking corners, I had a hard time figuring out how to make a "warm" and inviting eating space. At the moment I just put out some tables and chairs but it feels very "cold" and empty, dining hall vibe. I don't know how to incorperate decorations without it looking tacky (that's why it got so empty in the first place). I like simple/minimalistic, not too crazy or over furnished. Any advice on what I can do? At the moment my bakery looks like this:


06-08-12, 06:44 AM
Hi PinkStarbelly,

I love your bakery:). I think your doing a good job making it warm and inviting. I love the pink, brown, blue colors. And the brown floor tiles are great, they help to give a warm feeling to our bakeries.

I see what your saying with the dining area being a little empty feeling. To create more interst...I like to make "rugs" by using different colored floor tiles under the tables. You might want to try yellow to coordinate with the yellow in your kitchen. Pale yellow is a neutral color and its almost the same tone as the white chairs.... so you don't have to worry about having too many colors. you could also try blue floor tiles... It would bring the wall color into your dining area. It's a lot of trial and error to redo the floor... I don't want to tell you how many coins (and how much time) I have spent making "rugs".

The other thing I notice is all 6 of your table groups have the exact same set-up. It might add an area of interest if one or two of the tables had a different arrangement. Like a table for 2 or a table for 4.

The last thing is minor, you probably don't need to make any changes but I'll just mention it.... Your kitchen areas have a lot of food/ovens/decorations. So by compairision your dining area looks empty. I have this issue too.... I think everyone does, we have to have ovens and counters of food, there really isn't anything that can be done, but it's contributes to all of us having that "empty dining room feel". You might try to store one of the candy displays or a few wall decorations.

Hope that helps, feel free to take or leave any advise:)

06-08-12, 06:49 AM
I know, a fricken turtle going on a tiki tour?

I don't know if I'm going to make it through 3 or 4 weeks of "tiki". I mean... This is too much. Who did they hire as designers this week... The local frat boy house? I'm so disappointed. If this is the direction the game is going, I might seriously quit.

06-08-12, 08:18 AM
Hi PinkStarbelly,

I love your bakery:). I think your doing a good job making it warm and inviting. I love the pink, brown, blue colors. And the brown floor tiles are great, they help to give a warm feeling to our bakeries.

I see what your saying with the dining area being a little empty feeling. To create more interst...I like to make "rugs" by using different colored floor tiles under the tables. You might want to try yellow to coordinate with the yellow in your kitchen. Pale yellow is a neutral color and its almost the same tone as the white chairs.... so you don't have to worry about having too many colors. you could also try blue floor tiles... It would bring the wall color into your dining area. It's a lot of trial and error to redo the floor... I don't want to tell you how many coins (and how much time) I have spent making "rugs".

The other thing I notice is all 6 of your table groups have the exact same set-up. It might add an area of interest if one or two of the tables had a different arrangement. Like a table for 2 or a table for 4.

The last thing is minor, you probably don't need to make any changes but I'll just mention it.... Your kitchen areas have a lot of food/ovens/decorations. So by compairision your dining area looks empty. I have this issue too.... I think everyone does, we have to have ovens and counters of food, there really isn't anything that can be done, but it's contributes to all of us having that "empty dining room feel". You might try to store one of the candy displays or a few wall decorations.

Hope that helps, feel free to take or leave any advise:)

Thanks a lot! Really appreciate it. Gonna look through ur advice and pointers and see what I can adjust :D

I don't know if I'm going to make it through 3 or 4 weeks of "tiki". I mean... This is too much. Who did they hire as designers this week... The local frat boy house? I'm so disappointed. If this is the direction the game is going, I might seriously quit.

I think it's too much too! I have to admit that I did like the colorful cookies on the big apple oven at first but when my counters started fill up with them, they just look tacky next to the "earthy" brown breads that I'm so in love with :D On this new theme I think the blue cupcakes gives the whole game a colorful splash when they start popping up in all the bakeries but aside from that, the theme is way too tacky for my taste. This is the very reason I never really fell in like with RS, the style was either too cold or too crazy. I definitely feel the 2 latest themes should have gone to RS instead. And just like you, I'm forever waiting for the Victorian theme.. Oh well, maybe one day ..

06-09-12, 05:25 PM
I hope I did this right. Hopefully you will see a picture of my bakery, I like it nice and clean cut, I dont like the busy looking bakery's.

I love your bakery, especially you put the counters whole together. Its really nice. Actually i want to make mine like that too but im trying to maintain only 10-12 counters out, so no food will stay forever. I try to make my bakery realistic too, but because im saving money for next expansion, i have only one area for customers 

06-09-12, 09:49 PM
Here is LynnStorm8's bakery (posted with her permission)


I love the entry way. I want to go shopping for jams and candy and bread there. I love how you used floor tiles to create separate rooms. And you got the elegant tables that you wanted... They look great... I love those tables. Your table layouts are just right... Not messy, but not overly symmetrical (like mine:) ).

06-09-12, 10:15 PM
I always try to make my place look realistic and unique, but honestly TL needs to add stairs and walls into their games ;) I've somewhat achieved the realistic look on Restaurant story and will post my Bakery when it looks a bit more decent.

06-11-12, 08:26 PM
I always try to make my place look realistic and unique, but honestly TL needs to add stairs and walls into their games ;) I've somewhat achieved the realistic look on Restaurant story and will post my Bakery when it looks a bit more decent.

I once had a strange dream that Bakery Story had two levels with stairs and walls, I'm pretty sure that would be very hard to implement though. I just hope they give us even distributions of realistic and fantasy like content for each type of player, I'm not sure that's going to happen either but I still have hope lol

06-12-12, 01:32 AM
I once had a strange dream that Bakery Story had two levels with stairs and walls, I'm pretty sure that would be very hard to implement though. I just hope they give us even distributions of realistic and fantasy like content for each type of player, I'm not sure that's going to happen either but I still have hope lol

I'm relieved that I'm not the only person who has had dreams about Bakery Story!

06-12-12, 11:04 PM
I'm relieved that I'm not the only person who has had dreams about Bakery Story!

Yeah, I've had lots of dreams about BS. I tend to dream about my favorite games, I think I've dreamt the most about Harvest Moon. :)

06-14-12, 11:53 AM
Anna, I am really impressed by your Bakery. I am new to the Forum and I just opened my Bakery the end of May 2012. I prefer the authentic look and wish I had known about the game sooner it seems I have missed out on some very nice items.

it is great to see how others share their pictures and give constructed critisim to those that ask.

06-14-12, 12:03 PM
I know I am late but I an new and reading all of the fun stuff I missed. I love the signs they are a great idea.

06-14-12, 12:09 PM
Sorry...told you I was new at this....I know you are saying what signs???

the signs posted by AnnasCoffee dtd: 5-19-2012 12:15AM #37....

I especially like the chalkboard sign .... that would look great in the Bakery

06-14-12, 07:08 PM

First of all, thanks to pinkcherryb for starting this thread!
This thread is God-sent for I've found kindred spirits :cool: *hugs*
Kudos, dear <3

I was at loss at how to decorate my bakery because I didn't like most of the cutesy deco items,
and the ones that I do like...cost Gems... (only Level 30 atm - pffttt - I'm a Gem miser!) :o

When I go on my Tipping rounds, well, let's just say I'm ... always ...
overwhelmed by the immense number of colours and elements and themes ...
leaping out of my screen ...
from SINGLE bakeries :eek:
Until I bumped into AnnasCoffee, pinkcherryb and the others here :D

I do think there is this misconception that REALISTIC=BORING!??!?! :rolleyes:
I say give us the Victorian theme and let's blow their minds :D

Was also thinking of A cozy Bed/Breakfast theme <3 <3
or a 19th century Charles Duckensian theme? <3 <3 <3
Too much to ask for,TeamLava? :rolleyes:

BTW, I'm actually REALLY happy so many Tiki items were rolled out this week!!! :p
The more they roll out, the quicker they run out of ideas,
and voila!
New theme! *prays* ^_^ :cool:

Here is LynnStorm8's bakery (posted with her permission)

I love the entry way. I want to go shopping for jams and candy and bread there. I love how you used floor tiles to create separate rooms. And you got the elegant tables that you wanted... They look great... I love those tables. Your table layouts are just right... Not messy, but not overly symmetrical (like mine:) ).

Thanks, Anna! ^_^

Tried my best with what little funds and space I have at the moment.
*stored the glass tables until I'm large enough for a "greenhouse" area*

I did remodel the oven area a little!
I'm constantly trying to find a way to hide the appliances :(
If only more ovens would more homey look like the Fireplace Oven or Classic Bread Oven!!! =_=

You know, IF they ever roll out the Victorian theme or the themes I mentioned above,
most of the appliances would look sssoooo out of place :confused:

06-14-12, 07:22 PM
Welcome to the forum. I'm glad we have another realistic fan. I love this thread. I missed the coffee bean display too. Hopefully there will be more nice decorations on the way... I am forever waiting for a coffee/tea pot. Thanks for the nice comment:)

06-14-12, 07:41 PM
I'm so grateful to pinkcherryb for starting this thread too! Even if TL never gives us realistic decorations... Its so fun to discuss them with all of you and share our ideas. I agree with you on the gems... I never buy gems.

Some people might think realistic is boring. I think realistic is elegant and timeless and beautiful. The opposite is true too... Some people think fantasy is tacky and gaudy. But some people think fantasy is fun... (I guess, I don't like it. I think those bakeries are messy looking). It would be nice if TL gave us some of each... We haven't gotten an update that is any where near what we want.

I love your bakery. It will be up fun to see what you do in the next few months:)

I really hope we get the Victorian theme in the next 2 months... in the last contest the winner was told there item would be in the game but it would take 3 to 6 months... So its just a really slow process. That's why you'd think they would come up with better themes... Under the Sea... LAME. All that time and money they spent and we get a cake for 8 year old's. So disappointing.

06-14-12, 07:48 PM
Here is Godlovesyou12's bakery (posted with her permission)


My favorite part is your FLOOR! It's complex and interesting, but you used neutral colors so its elegant. I love the baking area, how unique and cool looking. The gray counters in the diamond shape look great. Your place is very original. Are you a designer?

06-15-12, 12:11 AM
Awwww, I'm overcome with warm fuzzies. Thanks gals. Hugs <3

I haven't even finished mastering the recipes from the Treat Dispenser and now we have a Frozen Drink Machine!(I actually like it though) I probably won't pull the Treat Dispenser out until next spring. My goal is to master recipes to have at least one of each appliance out but they just keep coming lol. I just wish they would "give and take" with new appliances. Maybe allow us to send and receive parts before the update rolls out? Or skip the special parts completely, a knob is a knob and coil is a coil! And if they MUST have new parts can they at least not make the new appliance cost so much? There are new players everyday you know....maybe they're just trying to space out the play time? Who knows. I know one thing, I'd pay mucho dinero for an industrial oven or drink machine that allows you to cook more than one recipe at time! Now THOSE are appliances worth spending time collecting parts and lots of coins on.

I get a fair amount of compliments on my bakery so I know realisitic is far from boring. The Condiment Counter from the Donut Box, while not "cute" is charming! We're not asking for it look REAL but realistic and charming at the same time. Also, the Sampler Cart from the Cake and Tea Box is DARLING but it is also realisitc! Realisitic and Whimsical are not mutually exclusive, if done correctly and creatively the two ideas can marry and become one. It should be said that there is nothing wrong with having a fantasy themed bakery, that's what gives spice to variety but clearly there are lots of players who do want realism and we're just as dedicated as anyone else. Anna is level 97, all she wants is elegant decor, I don't think that's asking too much. Hopefully the English Tea Room theme is coming. It seems that there has become a little bit of a rift between each type of player and I'd ask that the other side to this debate shouldn't feel insulted by our requests. We know that we're not going to get every last thing that we want but at the same time, there have been countless themes that are completely whimsical. My style is kitschy/eclectic but I'd LOVE to see someone with a goth/emo bakery or country chic. Yes, we have to be patient because the production takes a while but at some point I'd really like to see some diversity in all aspects of this game. We love it just like everyone else, we wouldn't gripe or bother voicing our opinions if we didn't.

06-15-12, 02:07 AM
Awwww, I'm overcome with warm fuzzies. Thanks gals. Hugs <3


I get a fair amount of compliments on my bakery so I know realisitic is far from boring. The Condiment Counter from the Donut Box, while not "cute" is charming! We're not asking for it look REAL but realistic and charming at the same time. Also, the Sampler Cart from the Cake and Tea Box is DARLING but it is also realisitc! Realisitic and Whimsical are not mutually exclusive, if done correctly and creatively the two ideas can marry and become one. It should be said that there is nothing wrong with having a fantasy themed bakery, that's what gives spice to variety but clearly there are lots of players who do want realism and we're just as dedicated as anyone else. Anna is level 97, all she wants is elegant decor, I don't think that's asking too much. Hopefully the English Tea Room theme is coming. It seems that there has become a little bit of a rift between each type of player and I'd ask that the other side to this debate shouldn't feel insulted by our requests. We know that we're not going to get every last thing that we want but at the same time, there have been countless themes that are completely whimsical. My style is kitschy/eclectic but I'd LOVE to see someone with a goth/emo bakery or country chic. Yes, we have to be patient because the production takes a while but at some point I'd really like to see some diversity in all aspects of this game. We love it just like everyone else, we wouldn't gripe or bother voicing our opinions if we didn't.

Ditto, sista :D
One man's meat is another's poison, etc.
All we ask for is a little balance ^_^

And Tamara, you must have seen my comments on your Wall
about the Donut and Cake & Tea boxes' items :p
LOL I actually drop by your Bakery just to swoon over them >.<

I would definitely spend my hard-earned Gems on those
because they're ((MY)) fantasy items.

Unfortunately they're rather risky at the moment
(with my lowly Gem count) in Master Boxes T_T

Why can't they be listed as individual deco items anyway?
24 Gems is a lot to gamble with,
especially when the Donut box has only ONE item I want............

06-15-12, 02:19 AM
I meant *TWO* Donut Box items.

06-15-12, 06:07 AM
Anyone on this thread buying ANYTHING from the weekly update, decor-wise?

It's been a few weeks in a row now since I saw something I liked for my bakery. I do buy gems, not many -- ?5 or ?10 worth a month, not sure what that is in dollars -- but don't want to bother if I'll end up with the same 'old' stuff. Even my Madeleine tin/Cake & Tea items are starting to bring me down a little because I see them in the same design every day!

There was the caf? couch a few weeks back-- I've wanted a sofa since I started playing -- but it was in a surprise box, the other items of which were big and gaudy. If the couch had been for gems I still would have bought it but I won't chance the box, so TL are losing money from me. It's the same with many of the boxes -- I love the condiments counter from the donut box but won't buy it for fear of getting that big brown donut that takes up half the bakery ...

A lot of the realistic items also seem to have been on limited time offers ... like the Coffee Bean Display and the worn coffee table most recently. I would see those more as classic or timeless items which belong permanently in the design tab, as opposed to the novelty stuff that also appears as limited time (like this week's sandcastle cake thing.)

Wow ... that was quite a whine from me there. Hope I don't depress anyone with that :-P I still always anticipate the weekly updates anyway. It gives me something to look forward to during the working week.

06-15-12, 06:24 AM

I think most of us area"whining" here :D

06-15-12, 08:27 AM
I completely agree with your post! I don't like the boxes. I like SOME of the stuff in the boxes (Tea and Cake box, Madiline and doughnut). But I'm not going to risk opening them anymore... That giant doughnut scares me! I would rather pay 50 gems for an item that I like than 24 to open a box. They are losing money on me too because of the boxes. Maybe "realists" and gambling don't mix.

It's not you that is depressing us... It's the way TL manages this aspect of the game.

06-15-12, 08:43 AM
Here is Godlovesyou12's bakery (posted with her permission)


My favorite part is your FLOOR! It's complex and interesting, but you used neutral colors so its elegant. I love the baking area, how unique and cool looking. The gray counters in the diamond shape look great. Your place is very original. Are you a designer?

Yes, I am a graphic designer I have taken 2 college courses in computer design and Art design. I also a
professional degree in computer art graphics. I am professionally a graphic designer but I don't work as
a graphic designer. I spend my time at the hospital at the NICU ward taking care of premature babys...
Thanks so much for the kind compliments!! I hope to get it bigger and better! Anyone: Add Godlovesyou12!

06-15-12, 04:35 PM
Hi Anna & Lola,

Isn't it ironic that we're so deathly afraid of the monstrous donut
Also, *cue omnimous music* it's possible to "win" duplicate items...

Much as I love the Donut Samples and Condiment Counter,
I'd rather risk it (if I absolutely must) with the Tea & Cake box.

TeamLava, even if you don't give us the our themes in 3-6 months' time (Anna's post #142)
I'd appreciate the Box items separated as individuals.

Or make it a darn goal!
Quit it with those games :(

Slots and Mobsters...Sigh..
Or choose "healthier" games!!!

06-15-12, 04:43 PM
Oh I need to mention that a week or two back,
somebody left a negative comment on my Wall
saying my Bakery is "ugly, boring and go buy more stuff!!!" :O

It kinda hurt since I'd never do that with fantasy bakeries I visit
much as I dislike the concept because it's a free country. :(
Power to you if you love fantasy themes!

Just venting T_T

No need to be mean, you know...
It's a game.
Chill out already, whomever you are...
For the record, I'm not crazy about your Bakery too :P

06-15-12, 06:13 PM
No, I haven't been buying any decorations because they're a little too....I don't know how to describe them lol. I kind of wanted the coffee grinder from the Big Apple Box I think it's called but it's a touch large and there's nothing really charming about it imo. Maybe if it was on a table with a coffee bean scoop, a bag or can of coffee beans and Anna's Coffee Pot(whenever TL releases a coffee pot I say it should be called Anna's Coffee Pot lol). I just can't chance getting anything else from it. I have the coffee bean display, as soon as I saw it I scooped it(no pun intended) right up! I'll just be super duper patient and hope TL makes a "Baker's Kitchen" theme. I really want an avatar that I can make look somewhat like me too. I'm disabled so can't stand for long periods of time and I become ill a lot, playing this game allows me to vicariously live out my dream of owning my own bakery, until I can reach that dream one day. For others it's just a game and I get that, I really do but for me it's what keeps me hopeful.

06-15-12, 06:30 PM
Oh I need to mention that a week or two back,
somebody left a negative comment on my Wall
saying my Bakery is "ugly, boring and go buy more stuff!!!" :O

It kinda hurt since I'd never do that with fantasy bakeries I visit
much as I dislike the concept because it's a free country. :(
Power to you if you love fantasy themes!

Just venting T_T

No need to be mean, you know...
It's a game.
Chill out already, whomever you are...
For the record, I'm not crazy about your Bakery too :P

Awww, I'm sorry that happened but you have to remember that crazy people are allowed to buy smart phones too. At first I didn't buy many decorations because I thought it best to save for expansions and decorate little by little. I'd much rather see a "plain" bakery with lots of yummy foods than a cluttered mess of a place with mismatched items. I tend to decorate with my food, I place all of the cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, donuts etc together, grouping them like how you would see them in real life. What colors look best together, patterns, shaped sizes, can I see the pretty pattern in this dessert(the flowers on the red velvet cake or the heart in the latte) if it's being blocked by another taller dessert? Are the garnishes visible? It's kind of like food staging so it becomes "eye candy" or a "feast for the eyes" lol. I'm always told I have a nice spread. Overall, don't worry about impressing people, do what is pleasing to you. Sometimes for no other reason at all, I open up Bakery Story and just watch the people eat and pretend I'm there too. :)

06-15-12, 06:51 PM
Awww, I'm sorry that happened but you have to remember that crazy people are allowed to buy smart phones too. At first I didn't buy many decorations because I thought it best to save for expansions and decorate little by little. I'd much rather see a "plain" bakery with lots of yummy foods than a cluttered mess of a place with mismatched items. I tend to decorate with my food, I place all of the cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, donuts etc together, grouping them like how you would see them in real life. What colors look best together, patterns, shaped sizes, can I see the pretty pattern in this dessert(the flowers on the red velvet cake or the heart in the latte) if it's being blocked by another taller dessert? Are the garnishes visible? It's kind of like food staging so it becomes "eye candy" or a "feast for the eyes" lol. I'm always told I have a nice spread. Overall, don't worry about impressing people, do what is pleasing to you. Sometimes for no other reason at all, I open up Bakery Story and just watch the people eat and pretend I'm there too. :)

Yup yup. I know...
Wasn't exactly torn up over it, Tamara.

I was just venting that a "Hate" comment is totally uncalled for.
It's MY Bakery and I do as I please.
And nope - I didn't retaliate with a Hate comment on HIS/HER wall.

Hey! I decorate with my food too *hi-5*
(food photographer wannabe, I am :D)
Like you, I try to get the best aesthetic value out of my food's prettiness ;)
And thought some food may not gain me much $$$,
I still bake a token quantity just for "decoration" :D

My husband is baffled why I constantly move my full counters around ^_^
Me: "It's cuter like this!" (LOL)

06-16-12, 08:45 AM
Did any of you get the Android app promotion? Im almost afraid to post about it.

Was just wondering if anyone managed to use them while keeping a realistic theme.

I dont know where to put mine and I definetely don't want a carousel in my bakery, as grateful as I am to TL and Google Play, maybe I could find a home for smaller items?

Oh and btw. To Lynn..im not half as afraid of the giant donut as I am of Miss Confectionary from the Tea and Cake box :-P

06-16-12, 09:41 AM
I did! Don't be afraid to talk about it dear. I've always wanted that cotton candy machine so I'm very grateful for it. Now all I need is that snow cone thingamajig and my life will be complete! Jk. I plan on making an "outside area" so maybe I will break my realistic rule and have the candy carousel in my "sweet garden". It's kind of kitschy, which is my style. Who knows..... I have the donut couch, is that what you guys are afraid of? Lol As for Miss Confectionery, she needs to hop of that box and put on an apron! I think I have 2 or 3 of her.

06-17-12, 08:05 PM
I finally read all of this thread! I, too, am a realistic bakery owner. I can't post my bakery on here, so I'll have to ask AnnasCoffee to do it for me.
It would be a good idea if everyone posted their IDs, so we can all be neighbors. (I don't want to just assume that the name on the post is your ID)
If you want to see my bakery and/or be neighbors, my ID is...Sweettreats7777

06-17-12, 09:01 PM
I finally read all of this thread! I, too, am a realistic bakery owner. I can't post my bakery on here, so I'll have to ask AnnasCoffee to do it for me.
It would be a good idea if everyone posted their IDs, so we can all be neighbors. (I don't want to just assume that the name on the post is your ID)
If you want to see my bakery and/or be neighbors, my ID is...Sweettreats7777

Welcome! The screennames are in fact Storm8 IDs so you're not assuming. We haven't discussed what we'd like to see in a while so feel free to add to this discussion. We know that all of our ideas can't be implemented into Bakery Story but we still like to come up them anyway because we find them fun! We do frequently go off topic so it's not strictly about the game so don't be afraid to bring up other topics but we like to keep it positive and you seem very positive to me :). It's great knowing there are others who want more realistic themes like we do, once again welcome to the thread and have fun brainstorming! :)

06-17-12, 09:48 PM
I would totally love that!!!!! Fab idea!

06-17-12, 10:02 PM
I would totally love that!!!!! Fab idea!

Which idea? lol

06-18-12, 04:35 PM
Here is SweetTreats7777's bakery (posted with her permission)


I love how you used the solid and ******d walls together to create interest. The pink and brown look great and then the RED makes it just stunning :). I really like your avatar area with the two display cases... So classic and pretty and realistic. I'm so jealous of your tea pot pictures:)

06-18-12, 09:38 PM
Anna, I agree. This color scheme is quite charming. The walls and floor are reminiscent of neapolitan ice cream and the chairs remind me of chocolate and cherries. The tables give a little splash of soothing light cream. The subtle touches of gold makes everything warm and cozy. Great Job SweetTreats!

06-19-12, 02:02 PM
I agree, SweetTreats' bakery is quite charming! I actually went with a similar color palette in my most recent design :) I think this still needs some refining but I've been working on it for weeks now and I need a break :D

Here's its current incarnation:


06-19-12, 03:51 PM
I agree, SweetTreats' bakery is quite charming! I actually went with a similar color palette in my most recent design :) I think this still needs some refining but I've been working on it for weeks now and I need a break :D

Here's its current incarnation:

http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff447/Driftboutique/ccee6402.jpgI love it!

06-19-12, 11:27 PM
Omg, i like your bakery!! especially the floors and combination between tables, chairs and flowers, really charming. Btw, where did you got the sunflower?

06-20-12, 01:39 AM
Hi driftboutique, I really love how you used the red brick wall as part of your design. Yours table layouts are also very nice and creative! Your whole bakery is lovely and I am jealous.

06-20-12, 08:54 AM
Here's my realistic looking bakery...well...with a beach and pier section :)


06-20-12, 07:38 PM
Hi, I am new to BS and to this forum, but I just want to say this thread is GREAT!!! I do a lot of visiting, to leave tips, get neighbours etc and most of the bakeries are awful. Way, way too busy for my taste! At the moment, I have extra tables out because I am trying to get up to 500,000 coins so I can expand again - then start spending on nice tables, dividing walls etc. I'm now on L26 and can't wait to get to L28 so I can get another appliance as well. It's been about 2 weeks and I am totally addicted.

My StormID is melby29, happy to get more neighbours and I'm a diligent tipper and gifter :)

06-20-12, 08:46 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone! :)

Here's my realistic looking bakery...well...with a beach and pier section :)


I think the pier idea is really neat! I haven't seen anything quite like that in my travels. I would love to see a version of that which expands on the concept :)

06-20-12, 09:58 PM
I've always wanted to create an outdoor area for my bakery but I have to expand a lot more before I can truly have the look that I want. Yraunaj's pier is really neat! I was saying before that there should be a "Summer Boardwalk" theme to aid in creating outdoor areas. I personally want to make an outdoor garden area and may use some of the candy jar items that I have to make a cute "mini carnival". This way I can have a realistic bakery while having a whimsical element there as well. I've always wanted the Candy Carousel and now that I have it I'm inspired to make a candy garden/play ground section. :)

06-20-12, 10:03 PM
:) Hmmmm... As for me, I'd like a gardenhouse-like garden when I can take in the beautiful floral scents as I sip my tea...

Work in progress! : D

06-20-12, 10:04 PM
I mean *greenhouse-like

06-21-12, 05:47 AM
I'm also adding an outdoor area to my bakery -- it's small at the moment. I would *love* to have an outdoor umbrella on a stand to put between tables :-D

06-21-12, 05:55 AM
Oooh I see a very pretty realistic item in this week's update. Anyone else seen the refreshments table yet?

06-21-12, 08:19 AM
I definitely going to buy the refreshment table. And the idea to have an outdoor umbrella is great. Hopefully TL will listen 

06-21-12, 01:43 PM
I definitely going to buy the refreshment table. And the idea to have an outdoor umbrella is great. Hopefully TL will listen 

It is in the box 

06-21-12, 02:32 PM
It is in the box 

I know. Bitterly disappointed! The same thing happened to me with the Cafe Couch a few weeks back.

06-21-12, 04:11 PM
Thank you.

I love going to my neighbors and the community seeing how others decorate their bakery. there are some very talented people in the Bakery Story world. I especially like the realistic bakeries. I would love to have a French Pastry theme or French Quarters in New Orleans theme. I love elegant beautiful items, china cups, tea pots, dainty cake plates and servers, wrought iron tables and chairs. Classic scrolled black wrought iron dividers would be nice.

Got to go for now.....shhhhh I am at work..... Happy Baking.

06-21-12, 04:15 PM
I love that idea.... greenhouse or an outdoor garden area with realistic planters with a variety of flowers, trellises, exquisite patio furniture!

06-21-12, 04:29 PM
:) Hmmmm... As for me, I'd like a gardenhouse-like garden when I can take in the beautiful floral scents as I sip my tea...

Work in progress! : D

I love that idea.... greenhouse or an outdoor garden area with realistic planters with a variety of flowers, trellises, exquisite patio furniture!

EXACTLY what I'm going for in my outdoor area! Couldn't have put it better myself :p

Well, another update bites the dust,
though I have to admit looking at the 3-bunny thing,
especially the one chilling in shades with a purple floatie :D ,
is pretty cute!

BUT oh-so-outta-place in my domain...

06-21-12, 07:24 PM
I got my extension last night, so I have been working on setting out my restaurant a bit better. I've finished the kids area, and now I have started a little "outdoor" area that I will probably border off properly with some pillars, and get some cafe tables and chairs for when I save up some more money :-) I also want to reduce the amount of tables that I have, I have 29 and it feels a bit crowded. I like the idea of tables with 2 chairs, even though only one person can sit there at a time.

Come and check it out - melby29. I'd love to get some feedback.

06-21-12, 07:39 PM
Thank you.

I love going to my neighbors and the community seeing how others decorate their bakery. there are some very talented people in the Bakery Story world. I especially like the realistic bakeries. I would love to have a French Pastry theme or French Quarters in New Orleans theme. I love elegant beautiful items, china cups, tea pots, dainty cake plates and servers, wrought iron tables and chairs. Classic scrolled black wrought iron dividers would be nice.

Got to go for now.....shhhhh I am at work..... Happy Baking.

A French Quarter theme would be to die for!

06-21-12, 11:11 PM
Hello! I really enjoy this thread and commend whoever started it. :D I would like to share my bakery with everyone as well, pardon me as the picture's very small since I play on an iTouch but nonetheless tasteful. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Also if you gift daily please feel free to add me.

ID: meluffcooookie
Bakery: PowerPuff Pastry


06-22-12, 01:46 AM
Hello, I'm in love with the coffee bean display. Where can I get it? :-) It's not under decorations.

06-22-12, 01:47 AM
Hi Lynn! I hope that "hmmm" wasn't for my non realistic outdoor area lol I just meant that I wanted an outdoor area to "sell" cotton candy and hopefully snow cones *crosses fingers* I actually don't look at the candy carousel in the literal sense. I thought it was supposed to be a carousel that only looks like it's made from sweets and not actually "edible". What I would like to create is an area seperate from the bakery that is for show, like for Halloween which is my favorite holiday I'd have spooky cute decorations and pumpkins. I hope that TL makes a nice fall theme as I was born in fall and it's my favorite season. Also, I'd like to be able to swap holiday and seasonal items to be festive. Wouldn't it be cool to have white picket fence dividers? Eek! lol OH! and I like "garden house" better than green house, it sounds fancy! It would be so cute to have a little shabby chic patio table with a tea set on it!

06-22-12, 01:50 AM
oh, and My bakery is still under construction, but it looks something like this:

:-) Happy about Helpful Loretta...

06-22-12, 02:03 AM
Hello Ms Boutique! This might sound a little too "bougie"?(yes I know I spelled that all wrong but that's how they spell it in slang lol) for TL but if they did a French Quarter theme (and since we're all on the topic of outdoor sections) what about a weeping willow tree with tea light lit mason jars, cutlery and tea cups hanging from it? Has anyone ever seen those? In New Orleans they tie glass bottles and such to the vines of weeping willows and when it's windy they blow and kind of make tinkling noises like a giant wind chime. I think those are so romantic and beautiful, combined with weather worn shutter windows, a hutch china cabinet with dainty tea cups and plates and maybe an elegant knickknack or two....okay so I'm letting my wild imagination go a little too far lol But I'd love to see a new recipe for a plate of stacked macarons in all different muted pastel colors like pink, blue, lilac and mint green garnished with a jasmine blossom or a martini glass filled with chocolate mousse topped with a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Wha'cha think?

06-22-12, 02:08 AM
Hello, I'm in love with the coffee bean display. Where can I get it? :-) It's not under decorations.

It was a limited time offer during the second week of the New York theme a couple weeks back, it's no longer available so I'm sorry about that. I wish TL would make the timeless, classic and realistic decorations permanent since there is such a strong demand for those types of items. I love the name Pepper btw :)

06-22-12, 02:13 AM

Bakery Bump

06-22-12, 02:40 AM
I wish I'd purchased the Coffee Bean Display when it came out. Every time I see a nice realistic item it's either limited time or in a box. And the new refreshments table, I'm not going to chance for fear of getting a sandcastle or whatever.

There should be a Realistic box or a Kitchen box or something. Although I'd much prefer they just released items individually.

06-22-12, 03:13 AM
Love all the bakeries in this thread :)

My redesigned bakery.


06-22-12, 05:19 AM
Aaaw... too bad I missed it. Hope TL makes lovely things like that permanent.
Thanks, @pinkcherryb :-)

06-22-12, 10:24 AM

06-22-12, 02:54 PM
I've never purchased a limited edition item but this time I just couldn't pass it up, I also purchased the boardwalk looking coffee sign by mistake but I'm under loopiness inducing medication so I give myself a pass ;p lol My bakery is more on the realistic side and I wish I could show you guys but I'm Android so no dice! Is it just me or does it seem like these were two separate theme updates meshed together for the sake of Mama's Day? The coffee sign is just so...out of place? I'm not complaining, just saying.... Anyway as I said I'm in looove with the coffee bean display since it's so realistic and was wondering if anyone else out there has a more realistic looking bakery too? Maybe we can use this thread to showcase those bakeries and suggest potential items for people who want more bakery oriented decorations. I'll start:

Industrial Refrigerator(like the one from RS Mystery Mail Box)
Large Stand Mixer(maybe a custard yellow color for a touch of whimsy)
Another Display Counter for small desserts like cupcakes, macarons and fun shaped cookies
Pots and Pans Metal Shelf(Floor Decoration)
Sprinkle Shelf (Wall Decoration)- my personal wish!

I'm sure there are other realistic bakery items others would like to see, I thought I'd start a fun thread on what people wish for and if anyone has a realistic looking bakery please post it :D

Speaking of the coffee bean display...I saw it for the first time in someones bakery and loved it. But I cant find it anywhere! Was it a limited time offer or is it from one of the mistery boxes?

06-22-12, 03:02 PM
A French Quarter theme would be to die for!

And a new recipe for beignets and cafe au laite! I think this type of theme would be appreciated internationally.

I try to go for a traditional French/Bohemian feel with the darker yellow/orange, green, dark red (where I can get it) and grey. I know, preaching to the choir...but please TL...with powdered sugar on top?

06-22-12, 03:54 PM
Speaking of the coffee bean display...I saw it for the first time in someones bakery and loved it. But I cant find it anywhere! Was it a limited time offer or is it from one of the mistery boxes?

It was a limited time offer, sorry :(

06-23-12, 03:04 PM
Too bad. I'm one of the few who prefer the realistic bakery look, so its hard to decorate my bakery when so many of the items are rediculous. I really wanted that coffee bean display.

06-23-12, 05:02 PM

Kimoora, im jealous of your refreshing table, and you have a very unique bakery, as if you have some bakeries located under one roof/building 

06-23-12, 07:15 PM
I have an Android phone, does anyone know how I can put a picture up here? I am having so much fun with my bakery! Right now, I am working on my outdoor area, but I need some gems to get some more cafe chairs...... I think I am going to bite the bullet and buy some when the next sale is on. I really want to get pillars to section it off, but I also want to expand... so I think I will expand first. Then I can make a new section for all my kitchen stuff.

I got all those gifts when the Android users got them last week, but I sold most of them off. I have a little kids area so I used some in there - but why do I need a carousel the size of a house?? and a stupid robot thing? I figured that no matter how large I expanded my bakery to, I would never have them in there. It was a good sell - I got about 50,000 coins, I think.

I really wanna get some of those nice displays for cakes and stuff when I have room for them. Oh, the wish list keeps growing. My fiance laughs at me being so addicted. Checking my bakery is the first thing I do in the morning, and I work out the best things to cook overnight, and keep hiding my phone at work and taking "toilet" breaks (I'm an ex-smoker, so I'm just swapping one time-wasting addiction for another). My girls both have bakeries, and now I have set up one for my fiance on the iPod and will make another on his iPad just so I can make sure I get the parts I need for my new cooking appliances ;-)

06-23-12, 08:54 PM
Hello Melby29, Android users currently do not have the camera feature enabled. You can ask one of the iOS users from this thread to snap a picture for you but they need to send you a neighbor request to be able to view your bakery. I'm the original poster of this thread so welcome to the discussion, feel free to add any ideas, pictures or links for realistic bakery ideas. We love feedback and discussing what we'd like to see added to Bakery Story even if our ideas are never considered, it's still so much fun talking about it. :)

06-24-12, 06:20 AM
Kimoora, im jealous of your refreshing table, and you have a very unique bakery, as if you have some bakeries located under one roof/building 

Thanks. I tried to make it look like several food courts like a mall.

06-24-12, 06:51 AM
I think a tip jar is a fabulous idea!:)
I prefer a bakery that gives off a warm and cosy feeling . So i'm thinking of having a leisure corner. And to give ppl some privacy,i am thinking of setting up a corner for couples and another corner for vip. Its quite a dumb idea,but that is what i think. :P

06-24-12, 07:23 AM
Great bakeries guys! Keep posting! :)

Hello Melby29, Android users currently do not have the camera feature enabled

I found out today that after the lastest Android update, you can take screenshots by holding down at the same time the Volume Down button and the Power button for about a second. It works with my phone. You can find the picture in your Gallery.

06-24-12, 03:39 PM
This is my bakery, I know the image is small but I just used the snapshot feature in the game, lol. I think I designed it so far to be somewhat realistic. It's still growing though, as you can see it's small right now.


06-24-12, 03:45 PM
I think a tip jar is a fabulous idea!:)
I prefer a bakery that gives off a warm and cosy feeling . So i'm thinking of having a leisure corner. And to give ppl some privacy,i am thinking of setting up a corner for couples and another corner for vip. Its quite a dumb idea,but that is what i think. :P

I think that sounds great! I think the bakeries look best when they have distinct areas instead of one big mish-mash of bright colours and tables all put together that don't even co-ordinate!

06-27-12, 09:51 PM
It looks great!
Here is a picture of my outdoor area. It's a bit small at the moment but you get the idea

06-28-12, 07:20 PM
I want to put a picture of my bakery up here, but it's asking for a URL???

06-28-12, 07:37 PM
I want to put a picture of my bakery up here, but it's asking for a URL???

Here is a thread about how to post a picture on the forum. http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?15881-How-To-A-Post-Photo-On-The-Forum

I think it's aimed at iOS users. If it doesn't work for you let me know. I can post a pic for you.

06-28-12, 08:33 PM
Here is a thread about how to post a picture on the forum. http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?15881-How-To-A-Post-Photo-On-The-Forum

I think it's aimed at iOS users. If it doesn't work for you let me know. I can post a pic for you.

Thank you! I think I have figured it out.


06-28-12, 08:57 PM
So much for that. I DON'T have it worked out. I can't get into Photobucket on my work account.

My name in BS is melby29.... would you mind adding me and posting a pic?

06-28-12, 09:10 PM
melby29, the whole picture thing is a pain in the batookie isn't it?

trace35, your outdoor area is lovely, my mother is growing a mini meyer lemon tree and your bakery brought the smell of the lemons into my mind, if that makes sense lol

06-29-12, 06:41 AM
Here's mine

It's far from complete, I'm trying to make it into a pretty indoor and outdoor bakery.
Trying to save up gems to buy the Madeline tin and cake and tea box boxes ^^;

06-29-12, 08:16 AM
i am so happy to find that j am not the only one that does not cram all the themes in to one place. What is the point of baking things if the little people can't get in to consume the food
I wish I had neighbors like that.

06-29-12, 02:49 PM
Here is melby29's bakery.


Your bakery is a great example of realistic with a touch of whimsical charm. You did a great job using the new decorations. The pink/purple room with the candy decorations is adorable. I love your outdoor area with the trees and pillars and I love you white stones:)

06-29-12, 02:52 PM
Ooppss, I meant I like oinks' white stones. I can't see the picture until I hit "post". I have to go from memory, I must have been looking at the pic above:)

Everyone's outdoor areas are great:)

06-29-12, 03:35 PM
i am so happy to find that j am not the only one that does not cram all the themes in to one place. What is the point of baking things if the little people can't get in to consume the food
I wish I had neighbors like that.

I would love to be your Nbr. Please add me if you like and anyone else with a realistic bakery. I would love to be able to visit you all and see your bakeries working!

06-29-12, 05:18 PM
Your bakery is a great example of realistic with a touch of whimsical charm. You did a great job using the new decorations. The pink/purple room with the candy decorations is adorable. I love your outdoor area with the trees and pillars and I love you white stones:)

Thank you so much for putting it up! I still feel like it is a bit squished, but if I can stop spending money on decorations, I will eventually get my next extension... next time, I want to concentrate on making the "normal" bit of the bakery larger. The kids' room is waaaaay too big proportionately with the rest of the indoor area, but I just can't bring myself to take anything out of it just yet!

Oinkss, yours looks so great too.

06-29-12, 08:52 PM
I've changed it....... Again!

06-29-12, 08:53 PM
I've changed it....... Again!

06-29-12, 08:53 PM
Sorry, posted twice by accident.

06-30-12, 01:59 AM
Everyone's bakeries are so pretty ^__^ and well thought out too!
Thanks for the compliments ://)

06-30-12, 04:59 AM
I've been asked to give some tips on how to create a realistic modern bakery/cafe while still keeping a charming whimsical atmosphere, so here are the ideas that I've used to create mine. I'm a writer so bare with me as this might be long winded, I like to give as many details as possible.

Color Scheme
When I thought about the design and layout of my bakery I first thought of what my personal style is. I picked the Yellow Wanscot wallpaper because it reminded me of an ice cream parlor and the detailing looks very realistic but adds charm with an old fashioned feel at the same time. I originally wanted the pink version but those cost gems so unfortunately I had to settle for yellow (still pretty though!). I think it's important to first think of what your personal style is, some people like ******s while others like solid colors or intricate patterns. Whatever it may be, try to create your own theme the best way that you can which also includes your color scheme. I picked yellow, cream and brown, it's kind of inspired by a honeybee. As I mentioned before pink was my ideal choice because pink, brown and cream remind me of neapolitan ice cream. These subtle details are actually important because in real life food service businesses choose colors that encourage your appetite, for example green, red and yellow are colors that make us hungry while the color blue supresses hunger (but the right shade of blue can create a fun playful atmosphere). Your colors don't have to repeat in all aspects of your bakery, mine don't and that's a good thing because it adds pops of color and creates interest, just be careful not to use too many colors in your main layout as this can distract the senses because that tends to be very busy and confuses the eye.

Think of yourself in your bakery, if you were a customer how comfortable do you think you would be with a large quantity of tables and chairs all around? Real eat in restaurants consider the spacing of the tables and chairs to create an inviting easy going atmosphere so the patrons can really enjoy their meal. Think of it as an eb and flow, room to breathe, stretch and walk. I know that many players want as many coin tips as possible but it takes away from the realism and I personally don't feel it's worth having that many unused tables on the floor (that's just me though). Another thing that I really wanted to do was set up my counters to have a really delectable looking spread. I picked what I feel are the prettiest and yummiest looking baked goods to display, I have cookies, cupcakes and donuts out for patrons to see, these are quick go to desserts for people on the go (sometimes I imagine some of the customers purchase to-go like in real life, it makes the game more enjoyable for me:)). I continue to make some of the desserts even after I've mastered them because they have the colors that I'm looking for (the sugar cookies, the vanilla cupcakes, chocolate and jelly donuts). Spacing is important too, I evenly space and coordinate wall decorations (especially windows and doors) keeping in mind colors, shapes and patterns. Also, a counter anywhere but near the register isn't very realistic, you'd have customers with sticky fingers and not just from your glazed donuts. *wink*

I created a kitchen with the white dividers, using my imagination I pretend the dividers are really walls that are cut off for viewing purposes. I've also seen pilars and bookcases used to create walls which is so creative! You can use sections to create different feels, book shelves, a coffee carousel with wooden tables and chairs creates a bookstore/coffee shop while a cookie display, beverage tower and garden patio set create a dessert boutique! Sidenote: You don't have to wait for TeamLava, create your own theme, bright colors like pink, purple and blue bring to mind a candy shop, use the candy display and gumball machine, pink trash can, balloons and *voila!* a sweet treats shop!

The really fun part! I choose a designated area for my whimsical cutesy decorations. It creates a more cohesive display area and it showcases your personality. I'm eclectic and kitschy so while I choose an elegant dainty tea cupboard and a kawaii styled donut statue, the pastels in both match my color scheme. Remember, your appliances and food are your decorations too so placing a drink machine with your register and counters next to say a platter of croissants would definitely give a realistic feel to your bakery. An ice cream machine in the front looks great too while a deep fryer looks more appropriate in a kitchen/baking area. You can even assort your food by size and color, for instance, I'll put hot chocolate next to glasses of mocha but keep lattes visible so tall beverages won't block that pretty little heart design in the center. A red velvet cake would look darling next to a chocolate cake because red and brown look devilishly tasty together while pink raspberry macarons and green key lime pie look stunning next to eachother.

Warm Fuzzy Part
Okay so I've said a lot and I hope it's not too involved and confusing, the most important thing to do is just play with it and take your time. My bakery didn't start off as nice as it is now and while yes the box items helped me (I'm a sucker for cutness!) you don't need them to create your bakery, there are many examples of box prizeless bakeries that are quite impressive. I wish on all of the stars in the sky that TeamLava would create more timeless and classic decorations that are NOT in a box for those of us who really want to make our bakeries realistic and beautifully designed at the same time. I have to say I'm very honored to be asked these types of questions and that this thread has survived this long so thank you to everyone who participates, adds their ideas and keeps this thread going. You guys are so great and it's so much fun sharing with you. If anyone has any questions, don't be afraid to ask I'm very nice and I don't bite! lol

06-30-12, 02:04 PM
Thanx pink, that is great advice, and yes, I can confirm you are nice!

06-30-12, 08:16 PM
Thanx pink, that is great advice, and yes, I can confirm you are nice!

You're very welcome :D

07-01-12, 08:03 PM
Here is sugar8please's bakery


I love this thread, we get to see all the best bakeries! Here is another... I love how you used the brick walls. The reddish orange brick next to the blue is perfectly complimentary. Your seating area with the couch and the red chairs and the bookcases... I am so jealous... It's gorgeous! I sat and stared at your bakery, it's so inviting:)

07-01-12, 08:08 PM
I want that couch!

07-01-12, 09:46 PM
Here is sugar8please's bakery


I love this thread, we get to see all the best bakeries! Here is another... I love how you used the brick walls. The reddish orange brick next to the blue is perfectly complimentary. Your seating area with the couch and the red chairs and the bookcases... I am so jealous... It's gorgeous! I sat and stared at your bakery, it's so inviting:)

Thank You! AnnasCoffee for posting the pic & your comments... I:o love all the bakeries from this thread... And would love to see more

07-02-12, 01:28 AM
Sugar8please, I absolutely love your bakery! Your seating area with the sofa and bookshelf in particular. I adore that sofa.

I also love your choice of tiles - shows it's worth keeping gems for something like tiles just to have your bakery looking that little bit different to everyone else's. Beautiful!

07-02-12, 09:42 PM
PinkCherryB, You have put sooo much thought into your bakery.... can't wait to show my fiance that someone obsesses about their bakery more than I do :)

07-03-12, 10:51 AM
Here is diamond cafe's bakery. (diamond cafe is the bakery name, she is not a forum member yet)


I like how the yellow/white ****** wallpaper, yellow floor tiles, white tables/chairs and yellow lemon trees work together. You did a great job choosing these for the decorations in the main area of your bakery. I like how you put the the pillars in the entry way. And the pink room is a nice compliment to the yellow in the main area :)

07-03-12, 04:38 PM
LynnStorm8 Version 2:


Hi everyone,

It's been around 20 Levels since AnnasCoffee posted my first picture here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?28459-Realistic-Bakery&p=332089&viewfull=1#post332089).
Thanks, Anna.

Since then, I've been muddling around
and I believe I'll be sticking to this layout for quite a while.

I plan to expand around this Layout i.e.
- the main Dining Area is pretty much done for the moment
- rearrange the Baking Sale section when I have more space
so it'd look less cramped
- enlarge and add more doodads to
my little Tea Room by gathering Gems *sighs-hard work*
for some Box items
- enlarge the Outdoor Area
- figure out where to place a little Reading Nook
with a lil fireplace, bookshelves, sofa, etc

I think that's it for now,
and a
for her tips :D

P.S. : Pet Peeve. I don't like most Appliances coz they look out of place in my Bakery!
Love it best when I have all ovens only :p

07-03-12, 04:48 PM
LynnStorm8 Version 2:


Hi everyone,

It's been around 20 Levels since AnnasCoffee posted my first picture here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?28459-Realistic-Bakery&p=332089&viewfull=1#post332089).
Thanks, Anna.

Since then, I've been muddling around
and I believe I'll be sticking to this layout for quite a while.

I plan to expand around this Layout i.e.
- the main Dining Area is pretty much done for the moment
- rearrange the Baking Sale section when I have more space
so it'd look less cramped
- enlarge and add more doodads to
my little Tea Room by gathering Gems *sighs-hard work*
for some Box items
- enlarge the Outdoor Area
- figure out where to place a little Reading Nook
with a lil fireplace, bookshelves, sofa, etc

I think that's it for now,
and a
for her tips :D

P.S. : Pet Peeve. I don't like most Appliances coz they look out of place in my Bakery!
Love it best when I have all ovens only :p

Help! Massive Fail! Can't get my Photo right!!

07-03-12, 06:56 PM
Lynn, I can see your bakery in the game and I think it looks great! Looking back at the previous picture, I can see how you are keeping pretty much the same layout, some things have changed but some are almost the same. I'm fairly happy with my basic layout, but I'm just dying for my next 2million coin extension, so I can go crazy with improving my baking area. It's so hard, because saving is NOT my thing. I'm up to 568,000 coins and it is ****ing me not to just buy the gems to do the extension. That is what I did with my last extension. Bad, huh.

I have 9 appliance slots, so I've been able to keep making some of the high-profit stuff but mostly the mid-range stuff. I have been buying the build-it appliances and I need to STOP because it is driving me crazy waiting for 5pm each day (I'm in Australia, so that is the "new day" time) so I can get the last couple of parts. I should be devoting that slot to churning out red velvet cake or something. But unlike Lynn, I'm not so peeved about the look of the appliances - I like some of the funky ones :)

By the way, you know when you are addicted to the game when you can't bring yourself to put on too many recipes with long cooking times, because it means you can't go back every half hour and check on things and put new stuff on......

07-03-12, 07:53 PM
My bakery Ponderosa Cakes! Finally finished all the remodeling I was doing :)

07-03-12, 08:42 PM
** Sorry for Double Posting,
but I was determined to find out WHAT went wrong!
I now know why!!! >.< **


Hi everyone,

It's been around 20 Levels since AnnasCoffee posted my first picture here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?28459-Realistic-Bakery&p=332089&viewfull=1#post332089).
Thanks, Anna.

Since then, I've been muddling around
and I believe I'll be sticking to this layout for quite a while.

I plan to expand around this Layout i.e.
- the main Dining Area is pretty much done for the moment
- rearrange the Baking Sale section when I have more space
so it'd look less cramped
- enlarge and add more doodads to
my little Tea Room by gathering Gems *sighs-hard work*
for some Box items
- enlarge the Outdoor Area
- figure out where to place a little Reading Nook
with a lil fireplace, bookshelves, sofa, etc

I think that's it for now,
and a
for her tips :D

P.S. : Pet Peeve. I don't like most Appliances coz they look out of place in my Bakery!
Love it best when I have all ovens only :p

07-03-12, 08:51 PM
Lynn, I can see your bakery in the game and I think it looks great! Looking back at the previous picture, I can see how you are keeping pretty much the same layout, some things have changed but some are almost the same. I'm fairly happy with my basic layout, but I'm just dying for my next 2million coin extension, so I can go crazy with improving my baking area. It's so hard, because saving is NOT my thing. I'm up to 568,000 coins and it is ****ing me not to just buy the gems to do the extension. That is what I did with my last extension. Bad, huh.

I have 9 appliance slots, so I've been able to keep making some of the high-profit stuff but mostly the mid-range stuff. I have been buying the build-it appliances and I need to STOP because it is driving me crazy waiting for 5pm each day (I'm in Australia, so that is the "new day" time) so I can get the last couple of parts. I should be devoting that slot to churning out red velvet cake or something. But unlike Lynn, I'm not so peeved about the look of the appliances - I like some of the funky ones :)

By the way, you know when you are addicted to the game when you can't bring yourself to put on too many recipes with long cooking times, because it means you can't go back every half hour and check on things and put new stuff on......

Hi Muchies ;)

Oh yea. I'm a creature of habit so when I find a layout I like,
I'll stick to it for some time...A loonnnng time :P

I do have to figure out an area for the Reading Nook though...

Like you, also saving up for my next $2,000,000 expansion.
I may have to stop baking for some time and sell-out coz a lot of $$$ has been capitalised IN THE FOOD :D

I appreciate both short and long recipes:
Short esp when I'm mastering, Long when I'm at work.
(I'm playing on an iPad, so I can't just whip it out to check every hour LOL)

P.S. Australia? Hello neighbour! I'm in Malaysia! Close enough, eh?
Gimme a Five! ^_^
A new day for me is 3 pm!

07-04-12, 03:51 AM
LynnStorm8 - LOL, my phone vibrates when I get a push notification. It's a nightmare when I'm at work. I'll be sitting in the middle of a meeting and thinking omg! my blue raspberry ice is ready, noooo, when am I going to get a chance to check it ...

Re expansions and mastering recipes ... I have to forget about expansions when I'm trying to earn gems! Because almost all of the recipes are only 4 coins per plate, it would take months to get to earn 4 million. So I either do that or forget about gems for a little while and just make red velvet cake over and over.

07-04-12, 04:01 AM
Agreed! It's either Coins or Gems.
I can't do both AND hope to expand.
(Well, at my level, at least).

LOL I disable Push notifications :p
coz I know I'll get antsy upon a notification
and not able to do anything due to work!

07-04-12, 07:17 AM
Oh my word, I've just looked at Updates forum and it looks like we're getting another week of the beach theme. Starfish biscuits ... argh!

Anyone else feeling a little disheartened? I look forward to the updates every week. Every time a realistic item comes along it's in a box :-( I haven't bought anything new for my bakery in weeks.

07-04-12, 01:22 PM
Oh my word, I've just looked at Updates forum and it looks like we're getting another week of the beach theme. Starfish biscuits ... argh!

Anyone else feeling a little disheartened? I look forward to the updates every week. Every time a realistic item comes along it's in a box :-( I haven't bought anything new for my bakery in weeks.
That sux. And not just because we want realistic items, it's just dragged on way too long!

07-04-12, 05:46 PM
PinkCherryB, You have put sooo much thought into your bakery.... can't wait to show my fiance that someone obsesses about their bakery more than I do :)

I laughed so hard when I read this! lol It's funny cuz it's true. :D

07-04-12, 05:55 PM
LynnStorm8 Version 2:


Hi everyone,

It's been around 20 Levels since AnnasCoffee posted my first picture here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?28459-Realistic-Bakery&p=332089&viewfull=1#post332089).
Thanks, Anna.

Since then, I've been muddling around
and I believe I'll be sticking to this layout for quite a while.

I plan to expand around this Layout i.e.
- the main Dining Area is pretty much done for the moment
- rearrange the Baking Sale section when I have more space
so it'd look less cramped
- enlarge and add more doodads to
my little Tea Room by gathering Gems *sighs-hard work*
for some Box items
- enlarge the Outdoor Area
- figure out where to place a little Reading Nook
with a lil fireplace, bookshelves, sofa, etc

I think that's it for now,
and a
for her tips :D

P.S. : Pet Peeve. I don't like most Appliances coz they look out of place in my Bakery!
Love it best when I have all ovens only :p

Thank you Lynn! <3 I feel like a little celebrity lol

Happy 4th to any Americans :)

07-04-12, 09:25 PM
Yeah Happy 4th to the Americans :)

I don't disable my notifications. In fact, it wouldn't matter if I did, because I mostly keep it open and under some papers on my desk at work. Plugged into the charger, of course. I would die if the battery went flat.

I was really peeeeesed off this morning cos I spent 3 gems accidentally on some wallpaper!!! I only had 6, now I have 3. It is so easy to accidentally spend them. I think I will almost-master a whole bunch of recipes, and not do the final couple of batches that I need to get the gems, until I have lots waiting to be finished and I know exactly what I am going to spend the new gems on. Then I can finish the mastering in a short cook-off, take all the gems and spend them on what I want to spend them on.

07-04-12, 11:35 PM
[QUOTE=melby29;345296]Yeah Happy 4th to the Americans :)

I don't disable my notifications. In fact, it wouldn't matter if I did, because I mostly keep it open and under some papers on my desk at work. Plugged into the charger, of course. I would die if the battery went flat.

Same here, lol. Always keep the screen open and hiding it with paper 

07-05-12, 12:10 AM
Yes, hope u have a wonderful holiday guys!

07-05-12, 07:24 AM
Kimoora, your bakery really rocks! I'm envious of some of the box items you have that I really wanted. I love your unique layout!!

07-05-12, 09:45 AM
This weeks update is beach themed... AgAiN! UGH! I have not bought anything since the popsicle art thingie came out...
perhaps we will have some decent things along with our seaweed biscuits! (tough luck!)

07-05-12, 09:53 AM
I would love to have a modern day Victorian theme... Have these pretty greens & blues... all elegant...
some cute blue and green tie dye tiles... ooooh: how about cream colored carpet! Totally elegant and
realistic! Oh la la! I want these items like wind chimes... for coins that are elegant and cutesy but realistic
at the same time. I would also love a huge china tea cup display for like 400,000 coins or so... I would love
more flowers too... Ahhhhhh..... realstic....

07-05-12, 11:21 AM
I would love to have a modern day Victorian theme... Have these pretty greens & blues... all elegant...
some cute blue and green tie dye tiles... ooooh: how about cream colored carpet! Totally elegant and
realistic! Oh la la! I want these items like wind chimes... for coins that are elegant and cutesy but realistic
at the same time. I would also love a huge china tea cup display for like 400,000 coins or so... I would love
more flowers too... Ahhhhhh..... realstic....

I want all this stuff! really my style.