View Full Version : word abbreviations?? text lingo

04-30-12, 03:56 PM
Alright call me old... well I'm turning 28 this August.. but I'm not up to date with all this internet slang. When my baby cousin wrote SMH on her Facebook one day I was going nuts trying to figure it out. Then of course I searched online and found it...

I finally googled lmkwc yesterday and have been using it ever since but I can't find/figure out what "tub" stands for?? Will some cool kid please clue me in what "tub" means? Thanks in advance. :)

04-30-12, 04:04 PM
Tipped you back

04-30-12, 04:08 PM
Yay!! I should of figured that out. Hah! Well thank you very much.

04-30-12, 05:38 PM
There's also a thread in the Off Topic section on General Forum Abbreviations (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?17714-General-Forum-Abbreviations). :)

05-01-12, 07:23 AM
Alright call me old... well I'm turning 28 this August.. but I'm not up to date with all this internet slang. When my baby cousin wrote SMH on her Facebook one day I was going nuts trying to figure it out. Then of course I searched online and found it...

I finally googled lmkwc yesterday and have been using it ever since but I can't find/figure out what "tub" stands for?? Will some cool kid please clue me in what "tub" means? Thanks in advance. :)

I too couldn't figure out SMH on my daughters wall! Thought it was hidden MOM code! She laughed hysterically when I asked her! But it was fun for my "older" friends and I came up with some very funny ideas!

05-01-12, 07:35 AM
I only learned what smh meant about a week ago, while being laughed at by my daughter.

05-01-12, 07:44 AM
I only learned what smh meant about a week ago, while being laughed at by my daughter.

I just learned it the other day after reading it on this forum. :o

05-01-12, 08:38 AM
I just learned it the other day after reading it on this forum. :o

well... I just learned it now lol
oh dear... :D

05-01-12, 08:41 AM
I just learned it the other day after reading it on this forum. :o

Same here. Smh. ;-)

05-01-12, 08:55 AM
I guess we're all old.

05-01-12, 08:57 AM
I still have no idea what SMH means. LMAO

05-01-12, 09:00 AM
I still have no idea what SMH means. LMAO

Shake my head

05-01-12, 09:19 AM
I still have no idea what SMH means. LMAO

Lol I was just about to post asking when I saw pinksters reply.

05-01-12, 09:22 AM
Shake my head

I won't even tell you some of the things I was coming up with. :p

Lol I was just about to post asking when I saw pinksters reply.

At least I'm not alone in my ignorance. hehehe

I wonder which of us could come up with the most outrageous sayings for SMH? :p

05-01-12, 09:48 AM
Silly mushy heads

kooky panda
05-01-12, 10:27 AM
I still have no idea what SMH means. LMAO

I had to use google.:o

05-01-12, 02:25 PM
Same here. Smh. ;-)

Lol! This made me laugh

05-01-12, 02:30 PM
Everything posted here was too funny. Thank goodness I'm not alone. I Google everything before I finally ask because I cannot find what I'm looking for. With each year that passes there are more abbreviations Im clueless about. ;)

05-01-12, 02:39 PM
I have a 14 year old son and boy he drives me krazy with d text messages. I try to stay up to date because I need to know so he doesnt pull one over on me. For instance what is arrd? I found out it means alright..... Wow..... Really.... Smh

05-01-12, 05:42 PM
OK, I googled ARD and I'm smh...but ARRD? I can't seem to find that one.

05-01-12, 06:02 PM
Kids these days... I dont know but when I read what they try to write it gives me a head ach. Not with just abbreviations but the way they place words or say sentences. It makes no sense to me at all. I don't know if they mean to write like that or if they really dont know how to write a correct sentences. I'm talking about 13 years and up. No I'm not some creepy woman with 13 year olds on my Facebook. Lol they are all my family or my husbands family members :)

05-01-12, 06:05 PM
My daughter writes all annoying like that when texting. My son writes in full like I do.

05-02-12, 03:15 AM
Can I just say as a teenager myself, that I also find the way people text/type/write annoying? It hurts my head! My friend and I are always making fun of it and we'll use it when we're joking around (however, we do use "bc" (because), "obvs" (obviously), etc. when we're lazy), but for the most part we like to communicate like normal people. Capital letters and all!
I can only hope that one day these people either grow out of it or learn English. Think of future news articles or books omg. (Okay, I use that one too.)

05-02-12, 08:48 AM
You spend so much time figuring out what it says you forget to be insulted.

My daughter left me a voice mail the other day and I didn't understand it at all. "Can you fshizzle my nizzle in your ride" or something. So I ignored it. Then she texts asking when I'm picking her up. I told her I would do it when she asks me too. :p

05-02-12, 12:02 PM
Guess my last post got deleted. Sorry for posting... I blocked the bad stuff out but I completely understand. :)

05-02-12, 12:41 PM
I won't even tell you some of the things I was coming up with. :p

At least I'm not alone in my ignorance. hehehe

I wonder which of us could come up with the most outrageous sayings for SMH? :p

Shoot My Horse
Selling My House

05-02-12, 12:44 PM
Shizzle my hizzle

05-02-12, 12:44 PM
What's really sad is its also adults and they can't seem to understand there is a time for text slang and a time to show you have some intelligence. For example when you are filling out an application for a job or records for a doctor's office. I've come to the conclusion that some people are just goofy. lol

05-02-12, 12:45 PM
You spend so much time figuring out what it says you forget to be insulted.

My daughter left me a voice mail the other day and I didn't understand it at all. "Can you fshizzle my nizzle in your ride" or something. So I ignored it. Then she texts asking when I'm picking her up. I told her I would do it when she asks me too. :p

That would bug me :p

05-03-12, 09:06 AM
Shizzle my hizzle

OMG! I almost choked on my coffee laughing so hard!!

05-03-12, 09:20 AM
In my normal writing I don't use abbreviations but on the games I do. Especially if I have a fairly long message that I want to fit in one post. It's quicker and less time consuming if I can fit it into one post. I also use abbreviations in short messages on the games only.

05-03-12, 09:24 AM
What's really sad is its also adults and they can't seem to understand there is a time for text slang and a time to show you have some intelligence. For example when you are filling out an application for a job or records for a doctor's office. I've come to the conclusion that some people are just goofy. lol

People would actually use abbreviations/slang on an application? That's pretty bad. It's one thing to use abbreviations when posting on people's walls in the story games but outside of that it's crazy. Even when I text on my phone I use full sentences.

05-03-12, 01:41 PM
Left this " x3 " on someone's wall on Fashion Story. Got a message on my wall asking why I was leaving a mean face, then she to call me a few choice names. Talk about not understanding!

05-03-12, 01:54 PM
Left this " x3 " on someone's wall on Fashion Story. Got a message on my wall asking why I was leaving a mean face, then she to call me a few choice names. Talk about not understanding!

You really made me lol with this one :D :D :D

kooky panda
05-03-12, 04:15 PM
Shizzle my hizzle

OMG! I almost choked on my coffee laughing so hard!!

Warning: Do not hold or drink any beverages, when you are reading the threads that Pinkster has posted in!!!

05-03-12, 06:14 PM
Warning: Do not hold or drink any beverages, when you are reading the threads that Pinkster has posted in!!!

Or Kooky for that matter................watch for her pictures!

05-03-12, 06:17 PM
Left this " x3 " on someone's wall on Fashion Story. Got a message on my wall asking why I was leaving a mean face, then she to call me a few choice names. Talk about not understanding!

You really made me lol with this one :D :D :D

Me too, lol.

07-25-13, 06:00 PM
I'm new at Dragon Story, what does it mean when someone writes on someone's Wall - full?

kooky panda
07-25-13, 07:17 PM
I'm new at Dragon Story, what does it mean when someone writes on someone's Wall - full?
They are letting you know that they came to visit, but there were no clear habitant , so they could not play with any of your dragons.

07-27-13, 10:19 AM
ARRD means 'alright' or 'affirmative' - it's Philadelphia slang. Why not just use 'ok'?????!?! Oi vey.

07-27-13, 10:20 AM
Left this " x3 " on someone's wall on Fashion Story. Got a message on my wall asking why I was leaving a mean face, then she to call me a few choice names. Talk about not understanding!

I always felt like x3 looked more like a constipated face rather than a mean one :( A bit overreacting to that though! Yeesh!

07-28-13, 11:53 PM
What is Lto??

07-29-13, 12:01 PM
LTO = Limited Time Offer

An item, typically a display for gems, that is offered with an update but is removed for purchase a few days after it's released.

07-29-13, 03:24 PM
Thank you! I knew that 'limited' had to be part of it from context but I couldn't work out the rest.