View Full Version : Sync message and no Internet connection messages

11-07-10, 02:49 AM
It started last night before I went bed and I got the out of sync with server message twice.
This morning I have had the out of sync with server message every other minute. In one case I lost 5000coins and another time my dish had just finished cooking and I was clicking on prepare when the message came up and the dish went automatically to trash or save with gems.

I keep finding that my tips are out of sync with the messages. The last sync with sever message also deleted all wall comments, I had 2 friends who had sent me their storm id's and they went before I could act on them.

I came out of the game to see if that would help and now cannot even get back into the game since it is saying I have no Internet connection when I have and are typing on your forum using that internet connection. I cannot get back in and I know I have food that will have finished which will properly go off before I get back in again

My restaurant name is Stevie and my storm ID is tigera74
Hope this helps you

11-07-10, 03:01 AM
Same here since several hours and with all story games...
:( and not a word from team lava!!!

The Doctor
11-08-10, 05:30 PM
Same here. When i post on my wall i can see my old wall comments but then it disappears again.

11-09-10, 02:55 PM
I am having similar problems, but worse. For the last day everytime I try to cook something new or gift someone my game crashes. Does this game not support iPhone 3G with all current updates? I like the fast pace of this game, and deleted farm story because it was so slow and started crashing, but will have to get rid of them all if I can't even cook. I currently still have City, Restaurant, and Empire.
Thanks for any input!