View Full Version : Forced close

04-20-12, 05:17 AM
Whats going on? All I got today was forced close messages, I can't even enter my farm. Nothing has changed on my farm nor on my Android tab.

04-20-12, 12:13 PM
Uninstall then reinstall the app. It might help.

04-21-12, 05:06 AM
And it happened again, even after I installed the client 3 times. I get at least 5 forced closed before the game finally opens.

04-21-12, 05:22 AM
It's beginning to look like your signal is a bit spikey just now. Now, members often get a bit defensive here ... "nothing wrong with my signal, pal, how dare you ?" - but it's a possible maybe even a probable given the number of times it's happening. Even the best and fastest providers have times of under performance. Can you connect to Speedtest or something like that ? They have more line tests than just speed. Or download something in Speedownload and watch the signal bar - does it spike or is it steady ?

TL's incessant bombardment of its players with popups does tend to knock the app off from time to time. Iusedto - a member here although I think visiting less recently - is convinced TL does it deliberately so as to claim better ratings of how many times players open (have to open in his argument) the game but I don't know who counts those numbers even if were true. Anyway, 5 shuts downs in addition to your earlier troubles would suggest something else.

04-21-12, 06:03 AM
I think they do it so they can tell us to uninstall/reinstall and boost their download numbers it usually only lasts a day or so for farm. Reinstalling. Has never helped me but others seem to have seen a difference

04-21-12, 06:26 AM
Mine did this all yesterday each time took it off my Kindle then put back. Now this morning once again it has happened, I jut shut it down and will try later I should not have to uninstall it each dang time this happens.

04-21-12, 06:47 AM
I agree with Hector, I'm having this problem when my wifi or 3 G connexion gets bad. Even if the 3G or wifi signal seems very good, it sometimes gets weak, and i can see it if I go to Opera, or Safari, or my mails, or whatever app that needs an internet connexion: it gets just soooooooooooo slow. And at those times, if I try to go to Farm, it will just try to open and force close.

04-21-12, 09:26 AM
Well it is still going on pops up saying "The application farm story(process.comteamlava.farmstory) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" Then all i can do is force close. When i take it off my Kindle Fire and download again I can get on maybe twice when this happens again. Maybe someone can look into this?

04-21-12, 09:40 AM
This happening in Bakery on iOS devices also. Pretty sure it is not the signal because I can go to RS and have no problem with crashing. Several of my neighbors with iPhones or iPads are having the same problem. We can blame it on signal strength or maybe it is a TL issue. Signal strength an issue in London, New England, North Carolina, and BC Canada??? All for about the same 3 weeks??

04-21-12, 09:57 AM
Well I wont blame signal strength. It is something else. I can go to RS and City NP at all it is each time I want to go to my farm.

04-21-12, 08:59 PM
I've found that if I leave it alone for a bit when I first open it (sort of let it settle in), I can often open it without problems. But If I click OK on the popups - I get a forced close.

kooky panda
04-22-12, 02:25 PM
I've found that if I leave it alone for a bit when I first open it (sort of let it settle in), I can often open it without problems. But If I click OK on the popups - I get a forced close.
when you try to click out of the pops ups before they fully load, this can cause a force close issue.
It is good to do wending has suggested.