View Full Version : Argh!

04-19-12, 08:59 AM
I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but I had a girl who always copied my layouts and she even told me she took screen shots of my older layouts and I told her that it bothered me, so she stopped. Then she started copying my tipping messages and I always hold my tongue because in the past when I confront her, she gets upset and really dramatic so I try to not have any confrontation with her. Now I have another girl copying my messages using every little letter that I use and I go out of my way to make mine different from anyone else's and now it's at the point where I can't do anything because I get copied and all the time I spend on putting my originality into these things are a waste it seems like :/ I'm sorry for the rant! I was just curious if anyone else has had this issue?

04-19-12, 09:09 AM
Lol, sorry for laughing... well, not really, but my name (Serendipity) came up a few times and as I'm level 97 and the others are "younger", it kind of bothered me at first too.

But now one of the other Serendipitys is a very beloved neighbor of mine and I sometimes chuckle because of the confusion that may cause.

But, perhaps you should be proud that people marvel at you so much that they copy your design or messages. I'm sure your friends like you even if you're not that single-special. All the best for you and don't worry, the game shiuld be fun!

04-19-12, 09:20 AM
You should copyright your messages and then sue for infringement. But seriously, that would kinda annoy me too, especially if any of their neighbors copy them

04-19-12, 09:21 AM
I really do not understand Why people try to post sooo huge text messages.. Some of my nbrs do it.. And it's just annoying to See thousands of symbols and smileys.. You could just Write :"tipped" and add one(!) smiley.. Then it's also okay. If someone would copy my Name.. Then i would be very angry, because for me it's privat

04-19-12, 09:31 AM
Lol, sorry for laughing... well, not really, but my name (Serendipity) came up a few times and as I'm level 97 and the others are "younger", it kind of bothered me at first too.

But now one of the other Serendipitys is a very beloved neighbor of mine and I sometimes chuckle because of the confusion that may cause.

But, perhaps you should be proud that people marvel at you so much that they copy your design or messages. I'm sure your friends like you even if you're not that single-special. All the best for you and don't worry, the game shiuld be fun!

At first, yeah it's a little flattering, but to constantly be copied by the same people is no longer flattering, it's just annoying. I enjoy putting together my tipping messages, but knowing once I post it that someone will take that message, rearrange it a little bit then call it their own.. It takes away the fun for me.

04-19-12, 09:32 AM
I really do not understand Why people try to post sooo huge text messages.. Some of my nbrs do it.. And it's just annoying to See thousands of symbols and smileys.. You could just Write :"tipped" and add one(!) smiley.. Then it's also okay. If someone would copy my Name.. Then i would be very angry, because for me it's privat

Some of us just like putting more effort in to our messages, I guess.

04-19-12, 10:19 AM



04-19-12, 10:51 AM




04-19-12, 11:07 AM

Somebody's always sending me to urban dictionary to learn something or other......


04-19-12, 11:32 AM

Somebody's always sending me to urban dictionary to learn something or other......


Lol I knew what smh is, I just didn't know why they were saying it :p

04-19-12, 12:22 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but I had a girl who always copied my layouts and she even told me she took screen shots of my older layouts and I told her that it bothered me, so she stopped. Then she started copying my tipping messages and I always hold my tongue because in the past when I confront her, she gets upset and really dramatic so I try to not have any confrontation with her. Now I have another girl copying my messages using every little letter that I use and I go out of my way to make mine different from anyone else's and now it's at the point where I can't do anything because I get copied and all the time I spend on putting my originality into these things are a waste it seems like :/ I'm sorry for the rant! I was just curious if anyone else has had this issue?


This happened to me too (not in bakery, but in Fashion). I felt the same as you, at first I was flattered that someone noticed a unique design that I created. She obviously liked it because she copied my layout. But then it started to bother me.

Here's what I did, I don't know if it was mean or not, but it's what I did anyway... First I stopped tipping her and stopped writing on her wall. Then (when all my old messages where off her wall),I deleted her as a neighbor... She now can't get back to see my store. I still have messages from her on my wall. I go back and see if she changed what she copied from me... She hasn't.

At least she won't be able to copy my next design.

04-19-12, 12:31 PM
All are welcome to copy me:-DYou just need to arrange your appliances in the format of the word PiG.

04-19-12, 01:16 PM

This happened to me too (not in bakery, but in Fashion). I felt the same as you, at first I was flattered that someone noticed a unique design that I created. She obviously liked it because she copied my layout. But then it started to bother me.

Here's what I did, I don't know if it was mean or not, but it's what I did anyway... First I stopped tipping her and stopped writing on her wall. Then (when all my old messages where off her wall),I deleted her as a neighbor... She now can't get back to see my store. I still have messages from her on my wall. I go back and see if she changed what she copied from me... She hasn't.

At least she won't be able to copy my next design.

I'm so glad someone understands how annoying it is! I wish I could use your idea, but both people are neighbors with a lot of my neighbors, so it would be easy to find me :/ I'm sorry this happened to you as well! Others reading this might think this is silly, but it's actually really frustrating when it continuously happens to you & those people put no effort in to creating their own designs/layouts and just take your ideas.

04-19-12, 01:17 PM
All are welcome to copy me:-DYou just need to arrange your appliances in the format of the word PiG.

Lol! Maybe if I did that it would stop them from copying me :3

04-19-12, 01:44 PM
They're probably very young and don't realize how tacky they're behaving. That's the unfortunate thing about the TL games, how young some of these kids are! I once had a neighbor that I found out was 11. They got bored and stopped playing. Maybe if you go ugly or silly for awhile these kids will get bored and leave you alone. I would still delete them from my neighbor list if it were me, even if they can still find you through mutual neighbors.

04-19-12, 02:00 PM
They're probably very young and don't realize how tacky they're behaving. That's the unfortunate thing about the TL games, how young some of these kids are! I once had a neighbor that I found out was 11. They got bored and stopped playing. Maybe if you go ugly or silly for awhile these kids will get bored and leave you alone. I would still delete them from my neighbor list if it were me, even if they can still find you through mutual neighbors.

Yeah I think the only thing I can really do is just delete them. I've noticed there's quite a lot of kids on this game

04-19-12, 05:05 PM
Yeah I think the only thing I can really do is just delete them. I've noticed there's quite a lot of kids on this game

It's the drama teens that really drive me nuts. You can always tell who they are since they have all their "besties" add threatening posts with all the ***, bomb, and needle emoji's to their wall about what they'll do to you if you "mess with them". I've seen them attack people like a school of piranhas numerous times. Thankfully not all teen players are like that. Even more thankfully none are my neighbors, but some of my neighbors have been hit by them.

04-19-12, 05:34 PM
It's the drama teens that really drive me nuts. You can always tell who they are since they have all their "besties" add threatening posts with all the ***, bomb, and needle emoji's to their wall about what they'll do to you if you "mess with them". I've seen them attack people like a school of piranhas numerous times. Thankfully not all teen players are like that. Even more thankfully none are my neighbors, but some of my neighbors have been hit by them.

That must be in FS though, right? Although I don't play FS, I did try it out and in soneone's wall I saw 3-4 players attacking each other which I found very confusing. But I've never seen that kind of behavior in BS.

Back to the main question, I don't write masterpieces as my tipping msg, I just write: Daily tips for my dear nbr! And sometimes I put a Strawberry in the beginning because my ID "PinkStarbelly" is supposed to be what it sounds like when a child is trying to say Pink Strawberry :) Hehe! However, I do keep a few well thought out msgs on my own wall for my visitors, nbrs or visitors that are interested in becoming nbrs. That's obviously not a unique thing that I can call "MY thing" and frankly, when I started out I found those kinds of msgs cool and inspired me to make my own. I changed them a few times for perfection which I think they are now and lately I've noticed more and more nbrs have them. Some that are almost identical to my words, others that probably just got inspired. Either way, it doesn't bother me. Maybe they just thought I expressed it well within the 2 lines each msg is allowed which can be hard, sure took me a while to make it perfect. But you know what - sharing is caring.

04-19-12, 06:01 PM
I don't get annoyed by emojis and fonts. I think that they make my wall look interesting... even though I delete my messages after I've tipped back. I myself change emoji's when I tip everyday. It's mainly because I'm basically the only person that tips some of my neighbors daily so if their wall is just one emoji all down the list, it looks boring to me. So I change :)

04-19-12, 06:22 PM
That must be in FS though, right? Although I don't play FS, I did try it out and in soneone's wall I saw 3-4 players attacking each other which I found very confusing. But I've never seen that kind of behavior in BS.

Nope. I see it in Bakery. I don't play FS.

04-19-12, 06:27 PM
I don't get annoyed by emojis and fonts. I think that they make my wall look interesting... even though I delete my messages after I've tipped back. I myself change emoji's when I tip everyday. It's mainly because I'm basically the only person that tips some of my neighbors daily so if their wall is just one emoji all down the list, it looks boring to me. So I change :)

I love the creative wall posts. A large number of my neighbors were asked to be my neighbors when I first started getting into "neighboring" and discovered the joy of emoji *because* of their wall art. I've taken neighbors without cool wall art, but I prefer the ones with it. I too change mine every day. I save all the ones I create in a note file on my phone and frequently re-use an old one for the day when I don't want to take the time to create a new one. I also have a couple of neighbors who have virtually no neighbors other than me and so mine are the majority of the posts on their wall. So I like it to at least be interesting for them and me both. :)

04-19-12, 08:05 PM
Nope. I see it in Bakery. I don't play FS.

Oh wow! Really?! What could those people possibly fight about?

04-19-12, 08:25 PM
I was thinking .. People with problems of nbrs copying their stuff. I think it's easy to solve it if you take your time and make a friendly approach. You might feel like you don't owe them to do that but the bottom line is that you want them to stop. I'm sure that person would respect your feelings a lot more if you were nice. Otherwise they might ignore you as you don't "own" that specific design or even continue and annoy you just for the sake of them not liking you. "Hey! Don't copy my design." might be a way to be straight forward but can be perceived as very hostile or aggressive for the reader.

Make conversation instead. "Hi! I like your design .. It actually looks a lot like my own". The nbr might actually admit they copied you because they liked it so much. Then you can say something like "Ooh thanks, I put a lot of time in making it unique and different from others. If you want I can help you with decorating advice in your style so we can both be unique." I think that nbr would appreciate that a lot and you'll gain a new good nbr. Let's say the nbr wasn't very nice and ignored you or acted blunt to it, you can say "I like having a unique bakery and since ours are practically identical, I'm gonna do some changes to mine. I hope we don't end up having identical design in the future. Happy Baking!"