View Full Version : Best Design for a two door setup ?

04-19-12, 08:27 AM
Hello to all !

This game is amazing , I am working on how to create the best 2 door set up , I figure I have two doors and I should try to use them both !

Feel free to suggest anything , from what I have seen I have never had stability issues and seem to move more plates with this configuration. But I understand there are some how have reverse engineered the entire game and its points systems !

Also I would like some neighbors so feel free to add me !

My ID is - gallegosusa

I am amazed on day 3 I am at level 20 , but I am sure that isnt as good as it gets .

Here is my current set up !

http://t.imgbox.com/aauVhB6K.jpg (http://imgbox.com/aauVhB6K)

04-20-12, 01:33 PM
What's the benefit of having 2 doors? I believe the rate of customer coming in is the same as 1 door.

04-20-12, 02:21 PM
What's the benefit of having 2 doors? I believe the rate of customer coming in is the same as 1 door.

It is. Having two doors is purely decorative.

04-20-12, 02:33 PM
I have two doors like you!

04-23-12, 01:44 PM
Well I think having 2 doors set up like this can equal faster rate of selling because there will be less steps to tables over a 1 door set up http://t.imgbox.com/aaoYL9Vr.jpg (http://imgbox.com/aaoYL9Vr)

04-23-12, 02:49 PM
For a great design that reduces steps and therefore speeds up customer throughput see fecsuper's thread on efficient design (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?23320-most-Efficient-RS-design-(without-maths)&highlight=efficient+designhttp://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?23320-most-Efficient-RS-design-(without-maths)). :)

04-23-12, 05:07 PM
Fecsuper thread about gems is gone

04-23-12, 05:10 PM
Surprisingly. But i suspect it's because a link to another forum was posted. That's against forum rules for some reason. And if you try to discuss forum rules here this thread may get locked too.

04-23-12, 07:11 PM
I didn't link to his thread about gems, I linked to the thread about design which is still there and is relevant to this thread.

04-25-12, 09:26 AM
This layout gets my customers in and out quick and also allows lots of tips (stars & coins). IT's what I'm temporarily using to get some levels and coinage.

04-25-12, 09:37 AM
Sorry, here is a bigger picture of the layout...


04-25-12, 11:16 AM
Just FYI...I had two door for a while. I watched the people coming in and most of them would come in one door and go out the other without sitting down. I kept a watch on my shop and ny sales were dropping off, so I went back to only having one door. Just thought you might like to know. 

04-25-12, 01:13 PM
Very true. I noticed that as well. Which is why I have no path between the doors.

04-25-12, 01:55 PM
Very slick..I didn't think of that. I can be a real dumb-dumb sometimes. (dang..I hate getting old! ������). ������