View Full Version : I'm done with buying boxes

04-17-12, 01:15 AM
I always end up getting what I least want and then regret it afterwards and tell myself that I should have known better.

Why can't TL just post up the items so we can buy them individually?

04-17-12, 04:17 AM
I do the same thing. I wish too that they were available for gems for each item instead of the box, but that's why boxes are addictive. I have so many duplicates...

04-17-12, 05:56 AM
Lol that's the System of the boxes :D

04-17-12, 07:12 AM
after buying the tea box several times, and getting duplicates, I got the terrible Miss Confectionary - the item I wanted least.

But, I have not bought a box since - TL check my account you can verify this. I'd rather save my gems to buy tables and small items rather than getting items I hate. I have so many box items stored...all those gems gone, but no more. First, I stopped buying gems and only earn them. Second, I stopped buying boxes. It's great!

04-17-12, 11:02 AM
I stopped buying them because to get a special fish in Pet story which I forgot the name of the fish I bought like 11 valentine boxes and got 4 mini pigs. ok fine but got 3 love fountains and other stuff repeatedly but not what I wanted. I think that when you get boxes that the stuff should not repeat it's not fare and very pricey.

04-17-12, 12:28 PM
I desperately wanted the jam cart. I ended up buying 4 boxes that I didn't want. I think I might have even bought a fairy box on accident. Prizes just kept popping up and before I knew it I was out of gems and still had no jam cart!

04-17-12, 12:46 PM
Yea me too, stopped buying boxes even though I want to try, but really get disappointed for wasting gems, so I just used them to buy extra appliance slots :)

04-17-12, 12:51 PM
I have never and would NEVER pay $5 to open a box. That is such a waste of money. (I did use earned gems once because I didn't know what else to spend them on).

Besides.... Most of the prizes are UGLY. None of them are worth $5. I have such a had time understanding why people spend any money on this game... Some spend hundreds of dollars... I just can't wrap my head around that. For what some people spend on this game you could buy a REAL item. It's just a PICTURE !!!

04-17-12, 12:55 PM
LOL! That's the point of boxes! You buy them and don't get what you want and the same again, etc. This is how TeamLava make their money!

04-17-12, 01:22 PM
I have never and would NEVER pay $5 to open a box. That is such a waste of money. (I did use earned gems once because I didn't know what else to spend them on).

Besides.... Most of the prizes are UGLY. None of them are worth $5. I have such a had time understanding why people spend any money on this game... Some spend hundreds of dollars... I just can't wrap my head around that. For what some people spend on this game you could buy a REAL item. It's just a PICTURE !!!

Lol...hundreds of dollars, try thousands of dollars for some people! I say to each their own, if you get enjoyment out of this game then why not spend some dollars on it. It is a form of entertainment and for the most part people pay for entertainment. I don't find it hard to believe that people spend so much at all, people like what they like. $5 will get you a Starbucks coffee, personally I get more enjoyment out of my buffalo or ranch house than I do out of any Starbucks coffee (just an example) Spend as much or as little as you like as long as your having fun doing it! :)

04-18-12, 11:56 AM
yea but I randomly got the cherry counter and was so excited about it. idk. This game is so very addicting!

04-18-12, 04:23 PM
So, I'm a little unclear about how boxes work, and don't want to buy one until I know.... When you buy a box, are you buying a single random item? Or are you unlocking a random item, that you can now buy as many as you want of with coins?

kooky panda
04-18-12, 04:27 PM
So, I'm a little unclear about how boxes work, and don't want to buy one until I know.... When you buy a box, are you buying a single random item? Or are you unlocking a random item, that you can now buy as many as you want of with coins?
24 gems buys you one random item. No you cannot buy extra ones with coins.
some items are harder to get than others. You also can get dulicates items if you buy the box more than once.

here is a list of items from the boxes .


04-20-12, 01:13 PM
Thanks, Kooky, but I don't think I'll ever spend gems on that... I'll just buy a real lottery ticket. :-(

04-26-12, 10:38 PM
my problem is that I always get the 4th prize.... 24 gems for something i don't like... it's be good if TL at least give me a first prize (or even a second prize) once in a blue moon, but no, 4th prize every single time...

04-27-12, 08:21 AM
That's why my favorite is the Madeline tin, because I really like the forth prizes (most common). I totally want a Lilly lamp for my bedroom!

04-29-12, 10:34 AM
I totally agree with litfight it is not fair. Who wants to spend money on boxes when u get items u hate!!!

04-29-12, 10:54 AM
Okay, on one hand I was lucky with the only box I ever bought because I got the Miss Confectionary lady that I wanted.... On the other hand, I was disappointed because at first I read the post with a list of items, so I thought that by paying 24gems to buy a box (being called a BOX) would mean I get ALL the items in it! But I only got one which made me a bit sad.

So what I'm saying is I was lucky to get the item I really wanted, but I'm not buying a box again if it only contains one item 'cause it's not worth it! Lesson learnt LOL

04-29-12, 05:54 PM
I've been saving my gems to buy a box, but I was disappointed with the box I got in fashion story, I don't want to waste them. I made an error a month ago, exploring and accidently cashed 10 in on $10,000 in coins. Not a good thing IMO.

04-30-12, 02:46 AM
Happens. I have gems and thanks to the fabulous lists on the forum, I can see what items are in each box and determine if I want to chance it. Though I want to try, like you I'd hate to feel regret for taking the gamble. It's always a toss up of something awesome, or something..not.

04-30-12, 03:02 AM
I stopped buying boxes a while back too. Like everyone else I regretted it after I got stuff I didn't want. I wish we could trade with others. I had nbrs who wanted what I got and I wanted what they had (and didn't want). Everyone wants something different. I think if there was some way to actually get what we want I'd be willing to buy them again.

I've never even dreamed of getting a rare item. But there have been some 3rd and 4th place items I'd wanted but still couldn't get them. So no more.

04-30-12, 07:58 AM
I do the same thing. I wish too that they were available for gems for each item instead of the box, but that's why boxes are addictive. I have so many duplicates...

I just did this today. I bought 24 gems and was either going to buy a box or a decoration. I bought the Madeleine tin and got this baking counter thing and I can find anywhere to put it where it looks nice. Argh!

04-30-12, 09:17 AM
If people keep buying gems to open boxes, the boxes will stay. The only way to get "fancy" decorations will be to gamble $5 to have a 10% chance (or less) of getting what you wanted.

Is this how you guys want the game to work? Every time you buy gems and open boxes your telling them... I like to give you my money, it doesn't matter if you give me what I want or not.

04-30-12, 10:09 AM
I wouldn't have such a problem buying boxes if you got all of the 4th place prizes, instead of just one....the same would go for 3rd and 2nd. It seems so unfair to pay the same amount of gems for a big ticket item vs a flower pot (just an example)