View Full Version : Bad taste Spring Fair outfit

04-14-12, 07:12 AM
I have to voice my objection over the inclusion of an IVORY necklace in the Spring Fair outfit. Elephants are ****ed for the ivory from their tusks. I dont think that ivory (or anything illegally taken from a ****ed animal,especially an endangered one) should be included in this game. Even in a fun game, I feel offended. Just had to voice my two cents.

04-14-12, 07:25 AM
I thought the same thing. They could have made the necklace quartz stone or mother-of-pearl or any number of other similar materials. Or they could have put the word "faux" in the name.

Can you do that TL... Can you change the name of the necklace to "faux ivory necklace" ? The elephants will thank you.

04-14-12, 07:30 AM
To me the ivory necklace looked a bit like a feather or maybe a patch of synthetic fur. But most certainly not an elephant tusk. Though I might be wrong because I'm playing on an iTouch and the screen is really small.

04-14-12, 08:07 AM
amethystgold, you make a good point. I am an anti-fur person. The game introduced the faux fur box and it made me assume the bunny slipper was made of faux fur too. It didn't setup me. But I am less sensitive to ivory. Although it doesn't look like an elephant tusk, the wording (concept) is really important and the game spread globally. Its affect is global too.

04-14-12, 07:44 PM
Since ivory is illegal in the US, perhaps it was meant to be understood that "ivory" is a term used like "tortoiseshell" or "horn" and refers to a simulated product. It doesn't bother me, but I can see how in other places it might strike someone the wrong way. Maybe you should post a poll to see if people feel this should be changed -- if many people agree, perhaps TL will edit the name.

04-15-12, 04:32 AM
I don't like the name either. There were a ton of other names they could have used.

04-15-12, 08:32 AM
I dont care WHATthey call it, as long as they give me my coins whenn it sells.

04-16-12, 04:52 PM
I dont like it either, now that you say it. I'm very against hurting animals... they are just like us.

04-17-12, 02:11 PM
I thought it was a bit contraversial too, could have been a feather or something - TL strikes again.

04-17-12, 10:24 PM
I am sure that TL did not mean anything offensive. They obviously know that using elephant tusks is not a good idea. I see how you may be offended, but honestly, it is just a game and a simple mistake.