View Full Version : Bouncing stars in BS

04-13-12, 08:54 AM
Am i the only one who happens to have this one?

I dont have it before, but after i received the updates yesterday, stars and coins starts showing when tipping... And now i have to pick up coins from table tips.... I know it will be gone in seconds, but this coins and stars were long been requested to be removed from other stories since it is really annoying... I was happy that BS was not affected...But now! They added on it too! I am happy with updates that are really needed in the game... But this bouncing stars and coins are unnecessary..... Why do TL have to spoil the fun,messing with what is working well?

What we all need is the GEM CONFIRMATION BUTTON! ..... NOT another annoying bouncing thing!

Im playing in ipad 1... Version 5.1

04-13-12, 09:07 AM
You are right. Many threads where started about this yesterday and a poll. I hope if we keep telling them how much we dislike this feature they will change it back.

04-13-12, 09:23 AM
TL Have to change it back or else.......

04-13-12, 07:32 PM
Why is this an issue? You don't have to tap extra, you still get the coins and xp, just that image of them stays on your screen for a few seconds if you don't tap, but even if you go into another bakery without tapping them, you still get them. So nothing extra is required. I don't understand the complaints!?!?!?!?! My game has been like that from the beginning, so I know for a fact you don't have to tap extra....you can but it isn't needed. If that's the biggest problem you have, your life is truly blessed.

04-14-12, 12:52 AM
The issue is that it is annoying to many people; and it's an unnecessary feature.

04-14-12, 06:02 AM
For me... it seems to cause the game to crash that bit less... Note: BIT

04-14-12, 09:00 AM
please change it back (or make it optional)!
i hate them falling on my food!!!!!!!!

04-14-12, 09:23 AM
i just dont like spending the time gathering all those stars while im trying to tip all of my nbrs. :/

04-14-12, 01:06 PM
i just dont like spending the time gathering all those stars while im trying to tip all of my nbrs. :/

On your game, does it not auto collect after a few seconds like on mine? I am just trying to find out what is going on and can only base it on my own experience. I don't have to collect the stars but it would be unfair if some people had to. It took me a few weeks before I trusted that I was getting the credit without the extra taps but it does work fine.