View Full Version : Red Stars When Tipping?

04-11-12, 08:36 PM
I noticed something new tonight. while tipping on tables, one red star showed up along side of each tipped table. I hit them and they floated up. What do they mean? Am I getting something extra here? Or is it just a new display?


kooky panda
04-11-12, 08:39 PM

the bouncy stars have been pushed into more games.

04-11-12, 08:40 PM
Waaaah is all I have to say about that :p

04-11-12, 08:45 PM
I just noticed the bouncy stars when collecting tips, too. Do I HAVE to click on them to collect them? Or will the stars be automatically counted? Thanks.

04-11-12, 08:50 PM
I just noticed the bouncy stars when collecting tips, too. Do I HAVE to click on them to collect them? Or will the stars be automatically counted? Thanks.

Never mind, i just read the thread u linked, Kooky. According to that link, the stars will count, even if you don't click on them to collect.

04-11-12, 09:28 PM
May I just add that I DO NOT like this new feature! Unnecessary cluttering up of your screen. What are these programmers thinking? Do they even play these games to get a player's perspective?

04-11-12, 11:51 PM
I think its a new effect.

04-12-12, 01:47 AM
This effect was adopted in other games like Tap zoo and quickly ABANDONED.

04-12-12, 02:19 AM
Hate it! Hate it! Hate it!

04-12-12, 02:30 AM
Teamlava get rid of the bouncing stars and coins


04-12-12, 05:36 AM
Add me to the "HATE IT" list!!!

04-12-12, 05:40 AM
I have always had the bouncy starts in RS and now I have them in BS too! Another one for the "HATE IT" list! They drive me nuts as I have cleared a couple of counters in my rush to get the darn things out of the way :(

04-12-12, 05:42 AM
Oops...That comment goes for the stars when picking up tips from MY tables. Still "HATE IT" no matter where they have them :P

04-12-12, 06:00 AM
bouncing stars, coins, etc..... ridiculous
they just block the view, and even they disappear some times you have to kick them to clear what you are doing.
Extra tap.... not necessary.


instead, program the PART INVENTORY for Androids.

04-12-12, 06:02 AM
Well, I have ALWAYS had the Red Stars on RS since I got it on my Kindle. It does seem superfluous.

What's worse is now they added the same feature to City Story!

04-12-12, 07:04 AM
Well, I have ALWAYS had the Red Stars on RS since I got it on my Kindle. It does seem superfluous.

What's worse is now they added the same feature to City Story!

Not just City Story, it's in ALL the games. City Story is really annoying because you can't collect them in one big chunk like you can in some of the other games, they have to be tapped individually or wait for the game to collect them. Annoying as heck!

04-12-12, 07:41 AM
I agree with the haters. The coins, stars and paws just block your view. Many, many times I have missed tapping on something, because I couldn't see it. Most annoying when I miss carding for an animal, since then it doesn't restart the clock, so I miss out on collecting the next time I open the game.

I think it is save to say that some of us that play, have to sneak in quick checks of the games when we are supposed to be doing other things, and this feature slows down a quick check on the games.

I feel this way and I have the benefit of the larger iPad screen, I can't imagine how much more it blocks on a small smart phone or iTouch screen.

TL- we do not need the confirmation or XP and coins received. Please do away with this feature.