View Full Version : Transferring twice

04-06-12, 12:12 PM
Can an account be transferred from an iPad to iPhone then back to the iPad the main reason is that I need to purchase gems on bakery story and my iPad doesn't allow purchases and i will be allowed to purchase only after a month but i want to purchase some soon so I want to transfer to iPhone purchase there then transfer back.....hope u understood what I'm asking

04-06-12, 12:14 PM
You probably can but I'm not sure.

kooky panda
04-06-12, 01:10 PM
You can transfer your games as many times as you want.

04-06-12, 02:05 PM
can i transfer my newer account to the one that had my old account on & did i lose that newer account?

kooky panda
04-06-12, 02:47 PM
can i transfer my newer account to the one that had my old account on & did i lose that newer account?

If you want to transfer you new games back to your old device,you can, but when I did this for my hubby, I got his farm game transfered from his iphone to Ipad, but the farm game
on the Ipad disappeared.
If you are trying to keep two games on two devices but switch them, you will need to contact support@teamlava.com and let them know exactly what you want to transfer and where.

04-06-12, 02:51 PM
As kooky said, contact our customer service at support@teamlava.com for help with your transfer

04-06-12, 02:57 PM
Ooh I wanted to ask the same thing!
In about 2 weeks I'll get a new phone. But I would like to have a second farm on this phone.
Good to know already! I'll mail by then. :)

04-06-12, 02:59 PM
Will it transfer both on the same time or do I have to start a new game on my old phone first again?

kooky panda
04-06-12, 03:04 PM
Will it transfer both on the same time or do I have to start a new game on my old phone first again?

In you case, when you transfer your games off your HTC??(right?) to your new device, then your HTC should then have games starting brand new and you will be able to start new games.

04-06-12, 03:18 PM
Okay. I thought that I had to start a new game on my new phone (probably galaxy note) and mail teamlava. Then my HTC farm will be transferred to the note.
And I wanted my new farm on the note back to my HTC
:confused: did I explain properly?:confused:

04-06-12, 03:22 PM
Maybe it's too complex... I'd better start a new game on the HTC.
I was thinking to use 'Patriesflowers' as storm ID and on the forum instead of swiep07.
My own name instead of my bunny's name lol! But a storm ID can only be used once..