View Full Version : (null) gift?

04-05-12, 12:52 AM
just checked my gift messages & one of the gifts i received was something that said 'so & so sent you (null)!' & the picture was of nothing! i checked the gifts i could send to my neighbors & couldnt find that...was it just a bug or a new, secret gift of some sort? anyone else gotten this?

04-05-12, 12:56 AM
Its a painted egg. My game was force closing when it got to the painted egg. I reinstalled and now I can see a painted egg in my pending gift list. But it may just be a slow server update.

04-05-12, 12:56 AM
awesome! thanks!!

04-05-12, 02:41 AM
I had the same problem. I still play with the Valentines edition. However when I started the game with the basic edition I suddenly was able to send and recieve the easter gifts.

04-05-12, 02:50 AM
I have the opposite problem. In the basic edition there is nothing, in the Valentine I can give a painted egg and Bunny Ears.
Does anybody know what we will need it for?
Anybody knows what parts will be needed for the Egg stove?

04-05-12, 04:28 AM
Anyone one know if the bugs were fixed in the regular version? I don't want to go back to it to see the "null" gift if I'm going to continue losing 80000- 100000 coins every day .....

04-05-12, 07:02 AM
I was prompted to delete valentine version yesterday, so I did. But I have a null gift also. Should I go back to the valentine version to see the Easter stuff?

04-05-12, 07:12 AM
It's really pretty. I got a bunch of (null)s for gift. Should I accept them?I was never prompted to update. Is there an update to be installed?

kooky panda
04-05-12, 07:56 AM
GG has reported this issue.

04-05-12, 08:36 AM
Thanks Kooky....I reinstalled the regular version to accept the new gifts and lost coins....so I went back yo valentines version. New gifts do not sow up in valentines version......:(

04-05-12, 08:42 AM
Personally, I wouldn't accept any of the new gifts until the update rolls out and you know what they're for. Then you can make an informed decision about what to accept and how many (remember the dragon parts!). I'm glad my neighbors gift them on the first day they're available so I have the choice but I'm keeping them in my gift queue until I know what they're for.

04-05-12, 09:40 AM
Ugh. I hate the dragon parts. Good point!

04-05-12, 12:02 PM
the new stove need 4 fuses 4 bunny ears and 4 painted eggs......