View Full Version : open existing account??

11-03-10, 02:37 PM
i had restaurant story on my ipod touch, my storm8 id was jjbradley 87. i switched to another ipod touch, and downloaded resaurant story again, but i want to use my existing account, i dont want to have to start all over again. when i go to register, and enter my storm id, it says its already taken.... do i have to create a new id and start all over???? :( :( pleaasseee help

08-14-11, 03:10 PM
I had the same problem. Mu id Washington lasoupe, and now it is kadyjane

08-14-11, 03:26 PM

Here's a link on how to transfer. You can also email support@teamlava.com

But since this thread is old, I will be locking it.