View Full Version : Too Slow On Leveling Up?

04-01-12, 06:09 AM
well i just wanted to know if i am a bit slow on leveling up, i have been playing for about 3 months and a half now and i am currently level 33 i just want to know am i slow on leveling up?

04-01-12, 06:42 AM
Yes. Tat is slow. Did u cook with maximum appliances that u can have?
Aim for higher xp food that cook fast.
If u earn gems, use it for extra appliance.
Try at least to up 1 level a day, see how much xp u need to up 1 level;
and thus plan out which type of food to cook to able to let u up 1 level in 24 hrs.

04-01-12, 08:40 AM
That seems a bit slow - are you cooking all the time? I got to level 96 in about 6 1/2 months but that was with always cooking something; my appliances were never not in use until I had mastered everything then I stopped cooking all the time. I also used gems to buy a few more appliance slots but that was more because I wanted to rather than trying to level up faster. Once you unlock the last recipe based on level, there's not much incentive (to me) to level up. I just did because it was inevitable with the game play.

04-01-12, 08:42 AM
:eek: Im only level 28 and I've been playing for 4 months!
This thread gave me a serious wakeup call :eek::eek::eek:

04-01-12, 09:34 AM
I have been playing since november and currently in level 74 on bakery fashion and restaurant t

04-01-12, 09:43 AM
Cooking quicker dishes to mastery levels you up fast. About a level per day. But then what? I wonder if we will lose interest in this game after we master all the levels and level to the max. Playing since November level 66.

04-01-12, 11:11 AM
oh thanks guys

04-01-12, 02:25 PM
I'm at level 41. I started around the end of Feb., but have not done anything special to level up. I do try to keep all my appliances busy, and I clear my tips several times a day so that my tables won't be full. I does seem that leveling up gets slower as you increase your level. Think it takes more ex with each level, yes?

04-01-12, 07:39 PM
I'm level 37 after just a few weeks on Restaurant Story. Level 96 in probably 7 months maybe on Bakery Story. Keep your appliances going 24/7. Select foods to bake while you're at work or asleep that will cover that time away.