View Full Version : Havn't got the update yet but want to buy the fairy kitchen but its limited time only

04-01-12, 03:02 AM
Does this mean it will be available on Tuesday for me or will i miss out? It already says since Thursday to buy it now as its limited time only but i haven't got any item available yet from the new update.

Saving my gems for the fairy kitchen so fingers cross i can buy it on Tuesday :)

kooky panda
04-01-12, 07:53 AM
The limited items are sent out randomly on Thursday. If you did not get the offer on Thursday, you will not be getting the offer.

04-01-12, 08:20 AM
I wish i could give you my limited time offer because I am not buying it and i feel sad :(

04-02-12, 03:37 AM
I have exactly 58 gems and im scared of a gem trap stealing them :( its Tuesday for me in New Zealand and i didn't get the update :( its almost Wednesday :(

04-02-12, 05:51 AM

this is my bakery btw level 54

04-02-12, 06:19 AM
If you did t get the limited offer of the kitchen on thursday you won't get it sorry....the r
Update like the. Ear oven you will get in Tuesday placificc time

04-02-12, 06:32 AM
It says buy the limited fairy kitchen offer in a pop up when I load it but theres no item there to buy it :(

04-02-12, 09:49 AM
It says buy the limited fairy kitchen offer in a pop up when I load it but theres no item there to buy it :(

The limited offer if the kitchen already expired ,....no one can get it now unless they have already

04-02-12, 10:39 AM
In case it isn't clear, if you got the pop up offer, you can buy it as soon as you get the offer. You don't have to wait for the update as that's separate from the offer. If you no longer see the offer, unfortunately you can no longer buy it.

04-02-12, 02:19 PM
The pop up said to buy it but there is no option to buy lol!! and its not in my items for sale either... its the least of my worrys now :(

04-02-12, 02:20 PM
cute kitty

04-02-12, 02:28 PM
The limited items are sent out randomly on Thursday. If you did not get the offer on Thursday, you will not be getting the offer.

This is really unfair to players! What in the world is the purpose of this? And why Thursday and Tuesday? Why not Thursday and Friday? It really is just plain dumb TL!!!

We need to back the the old way....getting updates on Thursday!

04-03-12, 01:06 AM
it is drawing closer now... update will be here soon for those who did not get theirs on thursday!! me included... can't wait to see my kitchen!!