View Full Version : Is this bad?

03-27-12, 06:25 PM

Do you guys think it is bad to build a bunch of appliances at once?

03-27-12, 06:27 PM
Not really...I like to gather all the parts and then make everything instead of having the boxes taking up oven space

03-27-12, 07:04 PM
Not really...I like to gather all the parts and then make everything instead of having the boxes taking up oven space

I do the same - save up parts first then build so the boxes don't take up appliance slots. But now that I've mastered all the recipes and aren't baking much, I guess it wouldn't matter. Now I'm saving all my parts for the new appliance coming out.

03-27-12, 07:12 PM
I can go for weeks, probably months, really (:( ) without cooking anything. So I have done this in the past allowing me to sell off some food.

03-27-12, 07:15 PM
I usually only build one or two items at a time. Since it limits how much I can cook. But I have so much excess food in Bakery that it probably wouldn't matter.

But I've seen others do the same thing. I've not figured out why you would do it that way since you'll only get enough parts to complete one or two at a time and the rest just sit there unusable while you wait on parts. But whatever floats your boat.

03-27-12, 09:16 PM
and if i am not wrong, you can only get 20 parts/food a day!

03-27-12, 09:16 PM
I don't think it is. Especially if you have extra food. And I usually have so many materials (like 40 of each) that I can build them instantly.

03-27-12, 09:39 PM
First time posting and I'm a rookie....where does it list my part inventory that I have collected? Is that not available on android? The only way I can tell how much I need to complete is by just having them out like this?:-) thnx

03-27-12, 09:48 PM
First time posting and I'm a rookie....where does it list my part inventory that I have collected? Is that not available on android? The only way I can tell how much I need to complete is by just having them out like this?:-) thnx

I'm on iPod but I assume it's in the same place. Go into "main" in the lower left corner of your screen. then tap "My gifts". should show you everything you have so far.

There is no other way to see what's needed other than this thread. http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?17858-Bakery-Story-Recipe-Inventory-and-Chart!!

03-27-12, 09:51 PM
First time posting and I'm a rookie....where does it list my part inventory that I have collected? Is that not available on android? The only way I can tell how much I need to complete is by just having them out like this?:-) thnx

No, you cannot see this if you're Android, I'm pretty sure. Or you didn't used to be able to. Where's nmishii? She knows for sure.

03-27-12, 10:03 PM
Is android really that different from idevices? I thought it was just goals and decorations or something like that

03-27-12, 10:09 PM
Is android really that different from idevices? I thought it was just goals and decorations or something like that

No, its more then just goals or decorations.

03-27-12, 10:09 PM
That is the best and most awesome chart ever!,! Than sooooooo much for posting it! Awesome treasure box of info!

03-27-12, 10:13 PM
I personally build one at a time, cuz then u can use the othe slots for cooking stuff, but I dont think it really matters, just do it how u want to

03-27-12, 10:17 PM
I read that Android users would not be able to see it that is why I always have to just buy a random appliance and some parts just fill in automatically. Only gifts that show on my game is food. But I figured out they store still in my imaginary bank somewhere for when I decide to cash them in on a new posh oven! So I keep accepting gifts....no matter what just in case. Thank u! Maybe someday they will update for us droids so we can see what we have in stock!

03-27-12, 10:19 PM
Not sure..stated on driod so don't know..game is so addictive don't think it matters I can't see what the heck I've collected for part inventory..eventually I'll need it or use it!

03-27-12, 10:22 PM
Not sure..stated on driod so don't know..game is so addictive don't think it matters I can't see what the heck I've collected for part inventory..eventually I'll need it or use it!

You can email teamlava support and they will look into your game and tell you what parts you have.

03-27-12, 10:28 PM
Thank u for humoring a rookie Droid question, sweetnight from sweeteats! Thnx for helpful posts!::cool:

03-27-12, 10:33 PM
You can email teamlava support and they will look into your game and tell you what parts you have.

WOW! That seems to me like such a basic feature it never dawned on me droid users couldn't see what they have. Why would TL omit something like that? My brain is boggled.

03-27-12, 10:42 PM
WOW! That seems to me like such a basic feature it never dawned on me droid users couldn't see what they have. Why would TL omit something like that? My brain is boggled.

That was a rhetorical question right? :p

03-27-12, 10:44 PM
I was actually hoping they would just even come up with a way to post your stats on your stormID account online. With all of the games that combine the ID that would be fantastic and much easier to even access it on their site rather than having to bother support asking how many screws I have :-) heh

03-27-12, 11:05 PM
Having so many unbuilt appliances is only bad if you need need the appliance slots to cook food. Otherwise I've have a bunch out like that too because I have enough food out and I get tired of appliance swapping.

03-28-12, 01:44 AM
Correct, Androids cannot see how many parts we have in RS and BS. It has been available to iOS since Sept 2011. It wasn't bad at first not knowing, but now that there are a lot of constructables being released it would really be nice if we could see how many parts we have.

As far as putting out a lot of boxes, if you have a lot of food and not being able to cook isn't a problem, it can be convenient when you are building a lot of appliances. Because in order to buy another constructable you have to put all built appliances on the floor before you can buy more.

03-28-12, 12:12 PM
when i make a new oven wich gets me frustrated all those new ovens i can prolly make alot of them.. since i didnt make alot of ovens yet and it all stacked up