View Full Version : Keeping track of my awesome neighbors! Need help!

03-25-12, 08:21 AM
:confused::DOk...so I have close to 200 neighbors and I try to visit them at least 2-3 times per week, but think I am going to scale down...

I am at level 96 and a 4 star player...so here is my question...does anyone have a chart that they use to track of your neighbors? I try to be the best neighbor I can...Please let me know what you think! Thanks

03-25-12, 08:32 AM
I have a chart. I started when I had close to 200 nbrs and it became too much. I work long hours and it was literally taking 3+ hours everyday to tip and post. I started tracking cause I wanted a clear conscious when I deleted. If ur a 2 star player but visit me regularly then I didn't want to delete them. also in Fashion I place more value on tipping than gifting so I didn't want to rely on just name recognition cause it could be from grifters only.

The chart works. I had one neighbor who dropped to 1 star and wasn't visiting and send send a message saying they couldn't play for awhile. I deselected the almost 2 weeks ago and they just noticed.

With so many players and people looking for neighbors I'm a big believer that everyone can play the way they prefer. I don't think rules are harsh or take someone's method personally. It's a game and I'm all for what works for you ... Even when it's contrary to how I play. It just means we're not a good nbr match ��.

03-25-12, 08:33 AM
That should be "didn't send a message saying they couldn't play ..."

03-25-12, 08:34 AM
Auto correct is ****ing me .... "I deleted them almost 2 weeks ago ..."

03-25-12, 09:18 AM
I keep around 110 neighbours, takes me an hour a day or so to tip, but unless they're quite new and dont have many neighbours, I dont tend to keep anyone below 3 stars. I also have a note on my wall saying i'm not accepting new neighbours at the minute (even though people still add me :/), but I can happily decline knowing ive got myself covered. the way i see it - I don't wanna spend forever tipping people that will never tip back - I know many people only add you to get their goals done quicker :/ I track my wall and news feed if i can, if i go through my nbrs and see a name i dont recall having tipped for a while, ill delete em. I dont wanna be mean but i dont have all day to tip everyone lol